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The TTT4WBL Project aims to improve the quality of Work-Based Learning (WBL) by providing training for VET tutors and workplace tutors. This program focuses on enhancing communication, pedagogical skills, and cooperation between VET schools and employers.
TandemTraining for WBL TutorsET2020 Working Group on VET 2016-2018 VitaŽunda Boardmember, Baltic Bright WBL tutortrainer, Latvia February 2, 2018
TTT4WBL Project TestingNewApproaches to Training VET andWorkplaceTutors for WBL in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
WhyTandemTraining Doubleresults: • Skills of tutors • Cooperationandcommunication between VET and Ent • S and C cancommunicatetheirexpectations; • Personalcontacts, continuous dialoguebetweenS&C - curriculum, requiredskills - how to supportandguide VET trainee - how to handleproblems • Becomea teamin WBL • Learnfromeachother, see good cooperation examples • Developcommunicationandpedagogicalskills • Improve schools’ methodological capacity to support workplace tutors Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
WhyTandemTraining Survey of VET schoolsandhostenterprisesin 4 countriesaboutquality of apprenticeshipsand WBL: Schoolsbelievethatthequality of WBL orapprenticeshipsdependsoncompanies. Theyexpectmoreinterestedinvolvementandmoreability to providepedagogicalsupport. Companiesbelievethatschools do notshowenoughinterestaboutwhatisgoingonduring WBL, do notprovideenoughsupport. www.qualityplacements.eu Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Cooperation, Communication in WBL • 3 stages: • Before • During • After • 3 keyactors: • VET tutor • VET trainee • Workplacetutor VET Trainee VET ENT I III II WBL Period Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
WBL Tutor Training programme Aims: • Knowledge of basic requirements, rules of WBL • Skills of planning, organizing WBL steps • Pedagogical skills • Communication and cooperation skills See Topics in printed programme (handout) Link with the “WBL Tutor Competence Profile” Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Program Structure Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Shaping a “Baltic Programme”? Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Methods and tasks: Group work and pair work, team-building elements SWOT analysis, case studies Simulations and role plays Brainstorming and discussions Peer learning (sharing experience, observations, etc.) Texts, e.g., some pieces from “Practices and policy pointers” …. EXAMPLES of TASKS Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Company’sreadiness for WBL After we have brainstormed WBL benefits and agreed on criteria for company’s suitability SWOT analysisof yourcompany’s (partnercompany’s) readiness for WBL Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Hairdresser Olga, Storyin 3 parts; Part 1 Mayhairdresseristellingme news: wehave 4 apprenticesatourshop/salon Vita: Howaretheydoing? Hairdresser: Well, quiteallright. Theyhave just arrived. Butyouknow – thereisthisonegirl…. Shecomesinthemorning, sitsdownonthe sofa, opensher i-pad, andspendsthewholeday! Vita: butwhat does hertutor say? Hairdresser: well, probablyshewillwritesomethingnastyattheend. Vita: … but it willbetoolate! Thetimeherewillbewasted! Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: Company>School Yourcompanywishes to getinvolvedin WBL. Meet VET schoolandreachagreement Company: whatyouneed to findout whatareyoursellingpoints; whatisyouroffer School: whatyouneed to findout whatcanyouoffer whatareyourinterests Preparation: 10minutes; Conversation: 6-8minutes Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: School > Company Calling a company to arrangeanWBLplace for the student. Role 1: VET representative Role 2: Companyrepresentative Role 3: Observer Preparation 10 minutes: VETthinksabout how to getcompanyinterested willcompanybegood for apprenticeship/learning Companythinksabout whycompanywants to takethe student, what it canoffer whatwillbetherequirements/demands Boththink: whattheyneed to agreeon. Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: Enterprise-VET Trainee Decide on the sector/type of enterprise VET Trainee applies for a job, 1st meeting at the enterprise What info enterprise will provide, what do they want to find out? What does Trainee wish to find out? Roles: • Enterprise representative • Potential Trainee • Observer(VET School) Preparation – 10 min Meeting – 6 min Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
3 stages, 3 keyactors Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Olga, Hairdresser, part 2. After 3rd week of WBL Atmynextmeetingwithmyhaidresser I enquireabout Olga. It turnsoutthatduringthe 1st week of apprenticeshipOlga’stutorwasnotatwork, whewasawayon a trip. Latereverybodylearnedthat Olga isanexcellent student atschool, hasverygoodmarks (scores) Shebelievesthatshehaspracticedenough, andpracticingmoreduringWBLisnotsoimportant. Whenshewasgiven a customer, andhad to cuthishair, otherhaidressersfelttheyshouldinterfereandhelp. Here, atthehairdresser’sshop, sheperformedwhatshewasassigned, butwithouttoomuchenthusiasm.Olgasaysthatinthefutureshewillnot serve customers. Shewants to set upherownhairdresser’sshop, andshewillbetheowner of thehaidressercompany. As a workplace tutor, how would you handle the situation? Do youseeseveraloptions/strategies? Brainstormscenarios! Howcouldschooltutorbeinvolved? Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Handlethesituationwith Olga Task: Simulation of a dialogue Role 1 Workplacetutor Role 2 School tutor (otional) Role 3 VET Trainee Olga Thereis a problem (attitude, learningproblem, performance?). Workplaceandschoolwish to help. Pleasemeetwith Olga andtry to motivateher Preparation : 10 min. Conversation: 5-8 min. Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Tryout 4-step method Steps: • Greet, preparetheTrainee: statethetask, asktrainee’sexperience; • Demonstrateandexplain (2ormoretimes); • LettheTraineetryoutseveraltimes. Guide, encouragequestions. • TheTraineeperformsthetaskindependently. Assessthe performance/ providefeedback. Task: teachyourcollegue a simpleaction In pairs oringroups of 3: • VET Trainee • Workplacetutor • Observer (helpingthroughthe process) Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Use video • To reflect, reviewyour performance • To commentandcorrectyourmistakes Or aboutmillenials(millenialjobinterview) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo0KjdDJr1c Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Hairdresser Olga, Part 3 Aftersometime I decide to visitOlga’stutorat VET schoolandfindoutaboutOlga’sbackground. Olga comesfrom a well-to-do family, owners of somesmallbusiness. Olga’sparentshavetried to persuade Olga thatsheshouldgo to haidresser’sschool, andaftershegraduatestheyplan to buy a haidressers’ shop for her. Olga wasnotveryenthusiastic, shehadthought – Ok, shewillobeyhermother, spend 1-2 yearsatthishaidresser’sschool, becauseshedoesnothaveherownplans, butthenshewill do somethingelse. Olga’s VET schooltutordidnotletherleaveafterthe 1st and 2nd year. Shekeptpersuading Olga thatsheshouldfinishhairdresser’sschool. I asked: why do youpressher? Shesaid: Attheverybeginning I noticedthat Olga isverygoodwithherhands, shecandevelopinto a verygoodhaidresser. Shewouldbetherightperson for haidresser’swork. Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Whyare WBL Tutorssoimportant? Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Some effects of Tandem approach • Establish personal contacts, arrange visits, etc. Cooperation not only at management level, but at human level, “transfer of skills” level • Change their wrongassumptions about WBL partner e.g. - schools see commitment of enterprise tutors, - enterprises learn that they can help update curricula • More discussions about VET and WBL system, and what should be improved/changed Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Demonstrate VET-Enterprise Cooperationexamples Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Competence Mapping of WBL Tutor What competences, skills, knowledge does he/she need? • Write competences on post-it slips • Paste them on board • Let us classify them We get “qualification requirements” of WBL tutor Hand out: what we do in TTT4WBL Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Towards a «Baltic WBL TutorCompetenceProfile» +Handout Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Thank you! Vita Žunda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project