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Explore the inclusion of job vacancies in temporary agencies in EU job vacancy statistics, legal framework considerations, questionnaire results, and suggested measures to avoid double reporting.
LAMAS Working Group 10-11 October 2016 Agenda Item 4.4 JVS methodology Piotr.Ronkowski@ec.europa.eu
Overview • Background information • EU legal framework • Questionnaire on the treatment of job vacancies in temporary agencies • Conclusions
Background information • Should job vacancies in temporary agencies be recorded "at all" in job vacancy statistics? • Should they be recorded under the NACE section of the temporary agency or of the 'final employer'? • Which kind of measures should be taken to avoid a double reporting of those vacancies?
EU legal framework - JVS • Temporary agencies are not explicitly mentioned • A job vacancy is defined as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to become vacant • This is the case for vacancies in temporary agencies which should therefore be included • The vacant paid posts are not in final enterprises/employers but in temporary agencies where they should be included
EU legal framework – SES and ESA • Temporary agencies are explicitly mentioned • Persons employed by temporary agencies are to be included in the industry of the agency which employs them
EU legal framework JVS + SES, ESA • Occupied posts and job vacancies paid by temporary agencies should be recorded in job vacancy statistics • As the job vacancy rate is derived from both this implies that they should be treated the same • They should be recorded under the NACE section of the temporary agency
Questionnaire • Are Temporary work agencies covered by a survey? • Are job vacancies recorded in temporary agency (TA) or the final employer (FE)? • Are there checks to avoid double counting? • Are there guidance notes?
Questionnaire - results • All countries but Bulgaria, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK survey temporary work agencies • Italy does not record the corresponding job vacancies at all • Bulgaria, Finland, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom record them under the NACE activity of the "final" enterprises/employer.
Questionnaire - results • Only Finland, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the UK have introduced some checks to avoid the double counting of job vacancies in temporary agencies
Conclusions • Job vacancies in temporary agencies should be included in job vacancy statistics and recorded under the NACE activity of the temporary agency • Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy the Netherlands and the UK are invited to change their practices in this regard • Only few countries have implemented measures to control for the risk of double reporting of job vacancies in temporary agencies
Conclusions • The members of the LAMAS Working Group are invited to agree on: • - Including job vacancies in temporary agencies in JVS data; • - Recording those vacancies under the NACE section N, division 78; • - Considering introducing measures such a guidance notes for the interviewers / interviewee to avoid the double reporting of job vacancies in temporary agencies by both the temporary agency and the final employer.