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Detailed breakdown of wind plant costs including capital, construction, maintenance, and integration expenses. Analysis covers historical trends and industry comparisons.
Sixth Northwest Conservation & Electric Power PlanProposed Wind Plant Capital Cost Assumption Jeff King Northwest Power and Conservation Council Portland, OR August 21, 2008
Wind resource cost elements • Capital cost • Wind plant development and construction cost (uniform) • Transmission development and construction cost (WRA-specific) • Operating costs • Fixed wind plant operation and maintenance (uniform) • Fixed transmission operation and maintenance (WRA-specific) • Variable wind plant operation and maintenance (uniform) • Variable transmission operation and maintenance (WRA-specific) • System integration costs • Regulation & load following • Storage & shaping August 21, 2008
Windpower Cost Assumptions(2006 dollar values) August 21, 2008
Escalation continues at declining rate through 2009; levels off 2010 - 11 2015 > Resumption of historical real cost reduction Real costs decline to ~ 130% of 2004 values 2012 - 15 Recent cost escalation Preliminary thinking on forecast construction cost escalation (to be revisited at later GRAC) August 21, 2008
Normalizing reported plant costs • NPCC database contains reported plant costs (estimates or completion costs) for 36 WECC projects totalling 4450 MW. 2001- present • Reported costs were normalized to "overnight" 2006 dollar values • Unless otherwise stated, reported costs are assumed to be construction costs less project development cost and financing fees. • The cost vintage is assumed to be the year reported or, for completion costs, the beginning of 12 mo construction period (one year prior to service year) • Overnight (instantaneous) construction cost were backcast using appropriate financing (COU, IOU, IPP) with the Council's MICROFIN model. • Project development cost of 1.3% of total capital cost was added to the estimate • Capacity-correlation: • Slight (12%) negative correlation of cost to project capacity was observed • Capacity-weighting was approximated by rounding to nearest 100 MW and plotting each 100 MW multiples separately. August 21, 2008
Proposed 6th Plan draft: $1950/kW "Overnight", 2006$, 2009 service Prelim 6th Plan Biennial Assessment 5th Plan Normalized utility-scale wind project cost August 21, 2008
Other recent surveys and estimates August 21, 2008
EPRI Prop. Dft 6th Pln CEC WM LBL DOE WM LBL Comparison to other surveys & estimates August 21, 2008