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Introduction to free-radical polymerization

Explore the Introduction to Free-Radical Polymerization, different Polymerization mechanisms like Step-growth and Chain-growth, the Advantages of free-radical polymerization including wide range of operating conditions, and the Disadvantages such as non-selective reaction. Learn about Chain reactions, their characteristics, and examples like radical polymerization and coordination polymerization.

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Introduction to free-radical polymerization

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  1. Introduction to free-radical polymerization

  2. Polymerization mechanisms - Step-growth polymerization

  3. Polymerization mechanisms - Chain-growth polymerization

  4. Advantages of free-radical polymerization • very robust technique • wide range of vinyl monomers and functionalities • wide range of operating conditions • aqueous media: emulsion polymerization Disadvantages of free-radical polymerization • non-selective reaction • non-trivial product control

  5. Chain reactions • characteristics: • each polymer chain grows fast. Once growth stops a chain is no longer reactive. • growth of a polymer chain is caused by a kinetic chain of reactions. • chain reactions always comprise the addition of monomer to an active center (radical, ion, polymer-catalyst bond). • the chain reaction is initiated by an external source (energy, reactive compound, or catalyst). examples: radical polymerization ionic polymerization coordination polymerization group transfer polymerization

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