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Islamic Nutrition Guidelines: Teachings and Principles

Explore teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on eating practices and nutrition from an Islamic perspective. Understand the importance of wholesome food choices and maintaining a balanced diet. Learn about the energy contents of different foods and their caloric values. Discover the significance of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in sustaining vital functions.

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Islamic Nutrition Guidelines: Teachings and Principles

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  2. Teachings of the Prophet (SAW), regarding eating food, • Washing hands before sitting to eat. • Mentioning the name of Allah to start eating  or drinking • If forget at the beginning,mention it whenever remember, even at the end.

  3. Nutrition: Islamic Perspective • A highly important factor of health promotion is proper nutrition. • Choosing wholesome (Halal and Tayyab) food and avoiding what is not, are essential to health. 

  4. Healthy nutrition means having a balanced diet, in order to maintain the balance that Allah(SWT) has established in all spheres • Allah says in Quran: "And He enforced the balance. That you exceed not the bounds; but observe the balance strictly,. and fall not short thereof". (55:7-9)


  6. Caloric Value of Foods • Different food stuff have Different amount of energy, which isexpressed as :Caloric Value

  7. Caloric Value is defined as : Amount of heat energy obtained by burning 1 gram of food stuff completely in the presence of oxygen.

  8. Caloric values of different food stuff are determined in a specially developed apparatus called BOMB CALORIMTER.

  9. Principle • A weighed amount of sample is burnt in an atmosphere of oxygen by an electronically heated platinum wire. • Heat evolved is absorbed in a weighed amount of water which surrounds the burning chamber. • Rise in temperature is recorded.

  10. W (T2 – T1) M (1000) K.Cal/gram H = Calculation H = Heat evolved T1 = Initial Temperature T2 = Final Temperature W = Weight of food burnt M = Water equivalent of calorimeter & its water

  11. Unit of Energy Calorie Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1.0 gram of water by 1oC , to be more precise from 15 to 16oC Small Calorie – c Kilo Calorie – C In biological sciences calories is always kilo calorie

  12. Caloric values of some common foods in Kcal / 100 grams • Walnut =687 • Cashew nut =596 • Pista =630 • Milk powder =495 • Soyabean =350 • Rice =340 • Whole Wheat =240 • Meat =200 • Chicken =110 • Fish =90 • Boiled Egg =80 • Banana =130 • Mango =80 • Cheese =60 • Tomato =20 • Cucumber =12

  13. All foods undergo combustion in body just like Bomb Calorimeter but in a graded / stepwise continuous manner

  14. Energy Expenditure 1. Physical work and exercises 2 . Involuntary works

  15. Physical work and exercises Movement of body Lifting of weight Day to day work Muscular exercise Involuntary works Osmotic work Absorption and transport of food Excretion Contraction of involuntary muscles Active transport. Energy Expenditure (Contd.)

  16. Energy is continuously spent on such involuntary works through out life period for which we are not conscious which is : • Relatively constant • Occurs at a basal rate

  17. Average values in Calories / Gram • Glucose = 3.6 • Starch = 4.2 • Animal fats = 9.5 • Animal proteins = 5.6

  18. Proteins do not undergo complete oxidation • Excreted as Amino acid / Urea • This involves about 1.3 Cal/gram, leaving 4.3 Cal/gram of proteins metabolism

  19. Individual carbohydrates / fat / proteins vary in caloric value • Average values are taken • Carbohydrates = 4.1 C/G • Proteins = 4.1 C/G • Fats = 9.3 C/G

  20. When corrected figures applied, values for energy are found to be a bit low for these foods in body as on combustion outside the body. • Reason being energy utilized in digestion / absorption • Other unaccountable factors

  21. Caloric values are usually rounded off to : • Carbohydrates = 4.0 C/gram • Proteins = 4.0 C/gram • Fats = 9.0 C/gram

  22. Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR)

  23. Basal Metabolic Rate Sustain vital functions like those of heart, circulation, brain, lungs and cellular functions. OR It is the minimum amount of energy required to maintain life, OR Energy required by an awake person during physical, emotional and digestive rest

  24. BMR of a sleeping person is lower than awake person. Measured • Directly by the heat evolved • Indirectly by the volume of Oxygen consumed and CO2 evolved / unit time.

  25. BMR Measurement Benedict-Roth closed circuit method Pre-requisites • Person should be awake • Physically & mentally at rest • Should have not consumed any food during preceding 10-12 hours (post absorptive) • Surrounding temp should be about 25oC

  26. Apparatus consists of: • A cylindrical spirometer vessel closed at upper end which floates on a water jacket below to make an air tight water seal. • Spirometer is filled with O2 & is connected by passages regulated by valves. • Outlet passage connected directly to mouth piece. • Inlet passage is connected to soda-lime container to absorb CO2.

  27. Procedure • Subject kept under basal condition • Tube is Inserted in mouth • Nostrils are closed • Breathing through mouth • Test in run for 2-6 minutes • Movements are recorded manually / electronically • Volume of O2 consumed is noted • Corrections to standard conditions are made. (Temperature and Barometric pressure)

  28. Calculation • O2 consumption is multiplied by 10 to convert to hour • Multiplied by 4.825 C, heat production represented by each liter of O2 consumed • This gives heat production in C/hour • As BMR is to be expressed as C/hour/Sq m, the energy output/hour obtained has to be divided by surface area of the subject.

  29. Calculation of Surface Area • MTC x 2 x height = Surface area in Sq cm (Cm) (Cm) • DU Bois formula: • A = H 0.725 x W 0.425 x 71.84 Sq cm • Cm kg • A = H0.725 x W0.425 x 0.007184 Sq m Surface area of an average adult is about 1.8 Sq meter

  30. Example: Calculation of BMR Age = 25 years Weight = 70 kg Height = 170 cm O2 Cons = 1.4 liters/6min Corrected = 1.4 x 10 = 14 liters/hour Energy output / Heat produce = 14 x 4.825 =67.55 C/hour Surface area = 1.8 Sq meter  BMR = 67.55C = 37.53 C/hour/m2 1.8 Normal for this person = 40 C/hour/Sq meter

  31. Scale based on body weight & height have been developed & can be used for calculating Body Surface Area Nomogram

  32. B.M.R • Energy produced, under such Basal condition per unit time (1 hour) and per sq. meter of body surface area is known as Basal Metabolic Rate.

  33. Muslims should not be arrogant in any aspects of life, including food. • There is no superior or inferior food. If you like food, eat it. • If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. • Do not curse the food

  34. Use your right hand while eating, and • Eat from what has been assigned to you or from which is directly in front of you.

  35.  Eat and drink while you are sitting down in an upright position. • Don’t eat or drink while you are lying down or leaning toward one side or another, in a resting position.

  36. Don’t eat or drink while standing or walking, unless you have to, suppose in a set up where there is no space for sitting down or when traveling. • Don’t be wasteful in food. Don’t throw food away if it is good. • Keep it for another time, give it to somebody else, or feed it to birds or animals.

  37. It is recommended that you drink in several sips preferably in three, not in a single go as a long drink. • Say Alhamd-o-Lillah when finish eating or drink.

  38. To abstain from eating without a valid reason is contrary to health protection. Hence, Islam does not approve it. • Allah directs in Quran: Do not forbid yourselves the wholesome things God has made lawful for you. (5:87)

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