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ALMA/ARC 2007 March 2, 2007. Astro Particle Cosmology. Studying SZ Effect s with ALMA. Sergio Colafrancesco INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Email : Sergio.C olafrancesco@mporzio.astro.it. SZ effect: the standard lore. I 0 (x). I(x). thermal NR e -.
ALMA/ARC 2007March 2, 2007 Astro Particle Cosmology Studying SZ Effects with ALMA Sergio Colafrancesco INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Email: Sergio.Colafrancesco@mporzio.astro.it
SZ effect: the standard lore I0(x) I(x) thermal NR e-
The origin of the SZ effect Non-coherent Compton Scattering Fall-out effect of the Cold War 1957 A.S. Kompaneets publishes his Compton scattering Fokker-Planck equation (derived by A.S. Kompaneets in Soviet Union 1950 but was classified due to bomb research until 1956) • Ya. B. Zel’dovich & R. Sunyaev • derive the SZ effect • (i.e., applied the Kompaneets eq.) • for a thermal intracluster plasma
SZ effect: …more than basics I0(x) I(x) Irel(x) thermal NR e- relativistic e-
SZE: general derivation [Colafrancesco & al. 2003, A&A, 397, 27] Intensity change Thermal Pressure Relativistic Spectral shape Redistribution function
SZE: other sources Kinematic SZE Rees-Sciama E (Nottale 1984) +Vp Vt -Vp • measures V across line of sight • • butterfly shape for each cluster • • amplitude a few mK • • spectrum same as CMB 2.5/h Mpc
Power-law DRACO 3C294 Maxwellian 3C432 1ES0657-556 Astrophysical relevance AGN jets/cavities DM nature Plasma physics Galaxy clusters Thermal particles Ee 0.1 – 10 keV B-fields Acceleration procs. WIMPs Mc 10–500 GeV WHIM Cosmic rays Ee16GeV Bm1/2 (nGHz)1/2
3C432 Cosmological relevance AGN jets/cavities DM nature Plasma physics Galaxy clusters Hubble diagram TCMB(z) SUSY DM Baryon fraction Excluded by WMAP Excluded by BBN Excluded by SZE in Coma Cluster counts WHIM Excluded by WMAP Non-SUSY DM • MeV DM • sterile n • … Cluster velocities
The e distribution in clusters COMA: warm gas+ hot gas + radio halo + DM halo T=8.2 keV T=0.1 keV • GeV = Mc • 100 GeV • 200 GeV • 500 GeV Radio-halo electrons
The SZE from various e pops. [Colafrancesco 2007, New Astr.Rev, 51, 394 ] SZth SZwarm SZkin SZrel SZDM
SZE & cavities in clusters [Colafrancesco. 2005, A&A, 435, L9]
SZE from radio-galaxy jets [Colafrancesco. 2007, MNRAS, in press]
SZE in DM halos SZth • A structure with: • Hot gas • Warm gas • Rel. Plasma • DM • Distant & Vr SZwarm SZkin SZrel SZDM
SZE in DM halos SZth • A structure with: • Hot gas • Warm gas • Rel. Plasma • DM • Nearby (Vr ≈ 0) SZwarm SZrel SZDM
SZE in DM halos SZth • A structure with: • Hot gas • Warm gas • DM • Nearby (Vr ≈ 0) SZwarm SZDM
SZE in DM halos • A structure with: • DM • Nearby (Vr ≈ 0) SZDM
SZDM in Draco SZ X-rays [Culverhouse, Ewans & Colafrancesco 2006, MNRAS, 368, 659]
The cluster 1ES0657-556 Gas clump B) T = 6 keV Gas clump A) T = 14 keV DM clump B) M = 6 1013 M DM clump A) M = 1015 M
Isolating SZDM at 223 GHz Neutralino mass (n=223 GHz) Frequency (Mc= 20 GeV) [Colafrancesco et al. 2007, A&A, 467, L1]
SZE Resolution: 1” – 10’ Dn = 10 – 500 GHz SZE science: requirements 22.6 56.7 217 567 GHz
RG jets Shocks, V Cavities DM B-field Cosmology
SZE: ALMA FOV & resolution ALMA vs SZnon-th ALMA vs SZcavity ALMA vs SZDM Cavity arcsec 250 arcsec
SZE: ALMA n-coverage SZth ALMA vs SZnon-th ALMA vs SZcavity SZwarm SZkin ALMA vs SZDM SZrel SZDM Band 9 Band 6 Band 7 Band 3