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CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology. All parts of an animal ’ s body are like components to a machine. These components include: Cells Tissues Organs Systems

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  1. CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

  2. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology • All parts of an animal’s body are like components to a machine. • These components include: • Cells • Tissues • Organs • Systems • As future RVTs it is your responsibility to understand this machine and how it works, in order to effectively care for it. • We must be able to differentiate “normal” from “abnormal”.

  3. Anatomy and Physiology • ______________: the form and structure of the body and its parts. • What it looks like and where it is located • ______________: the function of the body and its parts. • How things work and what they do

  4. Types of Anatomy • ____________________ anatomy: anatomy of structures so small that a microscope is required to view them clearly. • ____________________ anatomy: anatomy that deals with body parts large enough to be seen with the unaided eye such as organs, muscles and bones. • AKA- gross anatomy • _________________ anatomy: study of individual areas or “regions” of the body. • _________________ anatomy: study of individual systems of the body. • There may be overlap in some of these areas.

  5. Main Body Systems • _______________: bones and joints. • _______________: skin, hair, nails and hooves. • _______________: Central Nervous System (CNS) and peripheral nerves. • _______________: heart and blood vessels. • _______________: lungs and air passageways. • _______________: Gastrointestinal (GI) tube and accessory digestive organs. • _______________: Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. • _______________: Organs of general and special sense • _______________: Endocrine glands and hormones • _______________: Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. • _______________: Male and female reproductive structures.

  6. Terminology • We need specific anatomical terminology to be clear and accurate with descriptions of body parts. • Anatomical terms are based on imaginary slices, called ______________ through the animal body that can be used as points or areas of reference. • Anatomical terms are also based on ____________ terms that have opposite meanings of one another.

  7. Describe this dog’s injury

  8. The 4 anatomical planes of reference

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