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NOCHAR polymers: an aqueous and organic liquid solidification process for Cadarache LOR (Liquides Organiques Radioactifs). CE.VAUDEY AREVA BUA Technical Direction 25/02/2013. NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR. Summary Introduction Waste handling
NOCHAR polymers: an aqueous and organic liquid solidification process for Cadarache LOR (Liquides Organiques Radioactifs) CE.VAUDEY AREVA BUA Technical Direction 25/02/2013
NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Summary • Introduction • Waste handling • Cadarache LOR waste streams characteristics • Method and experimental device • Results and discussion • Conclusion and outlook WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.3
LOR 75 LOR 20 NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Introduction • Waste handling • For VLLW and LLW handling in France : 2 options • Incineration at CENTRACO facility • Disposal facility on ANDRA sites • Waste acceptance in a radwaste route • Adequacy Waste characteristics/Radwaste route specifications • In case of incompatible : necessary to find an alternative solution A waste pre-treatment process • Cadarache LOR waste streams characteristics • 2 radioactive scintillation cocktails WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.4
NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • LLW (mass activity equal to some kBq.g-1) + Organic and aqueous components + Presence of significant quantities of tritium, chlorine and fluorine Needs of a pre-treatment : NOCHAR polymers as solidification process WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.5
NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Method and experimental device • NOCHAR polymers • N910 for organic liquids solidification • N960 for aqueous liquids solidification • Implementing of polymers technology = 2 main steps • mixing waste/polymer • curing during 24h to 48h • Process specificities • For N910 : Creation of permanent chemical bonds between organic liquids and polymer • For N960 : Creation of strong mechanical bonds between aqueous liquids and polymer • Final product = immobilised solid stable under radiation, non-toxic, not dangerous, non-corrosive and non-biodegradable • Evaluation of formulation validity : approach in 3 steps • Identification of the ideal polymer formulation with a Waste/Polymer mass ratio 1:1 • Increase of Waste/Polymer mass ratio • Observations, evaluations of residual liquid presence/absence and manual exudation tests WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.6
Mass ratio N960 : N910 Mass ratio N960 : N910 1 : 0 0.85 : 0.15 0.70 : 0.30 0.50 : 0.50 0.25 : 0.75 1 : 0 0.75 : 0.25 0.50 : 0.50 0.25 : 0.75 LOR 20 LOR 75 NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Results and discussion • Ideal polymer formulation? • 3 types of results • Sticky, doughy, glistening with presence of residual moisture or waste • Dry sample • Dry sample with presence of polymer N910 excess • Ideal polymer formulation = Dry sample WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.7
0.50 : 0.50 0.25 : 0.75 0.50 : 0.50 0.25 : 0.75 LOR 75 LOR 20 Mass ratio N960 : N910 LOR 20 LOR 75 Mass ratio N960 : N910 NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Ideal Waste/Polymer mass ratio? • For ideal polymer formulation, 3 ratios • 1 : 1 -> Dry sample • 2 : 1 -> Sticky, doughy, glistening with presence of residual moisture • 4 : 1 -> Sticky, doughy, glistening with presence of residual waste • Ideal Waste/Polymer mass ratio = 1 : 1 LOR 20 WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.8
0.50 : 0.50 0.25 : 0.75 LOR 75 LOR 20 Mass ratio N960 : N910 NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Observations, evaluations of residual liquid presence/absence and manual exudation tests ? • For ideal polymer formulation and Waste/Polymer mass ratio 1 :1 • After a curing of 1 and 20h, no moisture and no waste desorption under exudation test WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.9
NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Discussion • For LOR 20 • Ideal formulation : N910/N960 mass ratio equal to 0.50 : 0.50 N910 absorption power higher than the N960 one • Ideal Waste/Polymer mass ratio equal to 1 : 1 Xylene and mesitylene composed of a benzenic ring and methyl groups -> Limited number of free carbon atoms -> Negative effects on the reactive mechanism which occurs during the Waste/Polymer mixing to form covalent bonds between the two products • For LOR 75 • Ideal formulation : N910/N960 mass ratio equal to 0.25 : 0.75 N910 absorption power higher than the N960 one • Ideal Waste/Polymer mass ratio equal to 1:1 Nature of the organic product (TBP) -> Negative effects on the reactive mechanism which occurs during the Waste/Polymer mixing to form covalent bonds between the two products WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.10
NOCHAR polymers: a solidification process for Cadarache LOR • Conclusion and Outlook • For Cadarache LOR waste, pre-treatment by polymer adapted Polymers = suitable solidification matrix for a final acceptance in storage on ANDRA sites • To consolidate this conclusion, 3 future steps • Optimisation of the adapted formulations by tests • Realisation of a waste field study based on • the experimental data collected during this study, • the potential adequate between pre-treated Cadarache LOR waste streams characteristics and ANDRA specifications, • the ANDRA agreement principle on VLLW, LLW and ILW immobilised by polymers • Final product conditioned in homogenous waste package (waste immobilised by polymers placed in cement matrix) • Final product conditioned in heterogeneous waste at 10% for the waste immobilised by polymers and at 20% for the waste immobilised by polymers placed in cement matrix • Preparation of an ANDRA agreement file for Cadarache LOR waste streams pre-treated by NOCHAR polymers WM2013– C-E.Vaudey – 02/2013 p.11