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Doing Research Right: Harnessing the Power of Library and Internet Resources

Doing Research Right: Harnessing the Power of Library and Internet Resources. Gail Kwak, Elizabeth Graves, and Abbie Landry Watson Memorial Library. I Have A Research Paper To Do! Now What?. Use the library catalog and databases to find secondary sources on your topic

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Doing Research Right: Harnessing the Power of Library and Internet Resources

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  1. Doing Research Right: Harnessing the Power of Library and Internet Resources Gail Kwak, Elizabeth Graves, and Abbie Landry Watson Memorial Library

  2. I Have A Research Paper To Do! Now What? Use the library catalog and databases to find secondary sources on your topic Your teacher does not expect you to come up with original ideas in your research How you organize, analyze, compare, and synthesize the information is your contribution ALWAYS cite any idea not your own Once you have cited the idea, then you can use it (not claim it as your own) in your research

  3. The Wrong Way = Plagiarism What is it? “The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd ed.

  4. NSU Student Handbook Definition SECTION 1.0 Academic Infractions 1.4 “‘Plagiarism’ defined as the use of any other person’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own work in fulfillment of academic requirements.” From NSU Student Handbook 2010-2011 p. 61

  5. Penalties for Plagiarism From NSU Student Handbook 2007-08 SECTION 2.0 Sanctions for Academic Misconduct • Expulsion • Suspension • Probation • Drop in Grade • Censure: An official, written reprimand NSU Student Handbook 2010-2011 pp. 67-68

  6. The Right Way = Giving Credit Where It Is Due Always site your scholarly sources properly – once you’ve done this, you can use them in your paper Always evaluate and cite Internet resources Always remember to attribute paraphrased words and ideas to their source Do your own work When in doubt – ASK!

  7. Paraphrasing: Do It Right Not citing a paraphrase is plagiarism Changing a few words or the sentence structure is not enough to make the idea your own Even when you rewrite the passage in your own words, you must signal in the body of your paper and in your bibliography you are using someone else’s idea

  8. Is There Anything I Don’t Need To Cite? • Your own ideas – Your don’t need to cite your contribution to the research • Common Knowledge – You don’t need to cite commonly known facts stated in your own words • When in doubt, error on the side of safety and CITE!

  9. Learn Proper Citation Formats Citation formats are easy to learn Copies of most style manuals are available in the library – ask at the reference desk Purdue University’s online writing lab (OWL) has a lot of good examples. Don’t wait until the last minute – you may have questions for your teacher!

  10. Don’t Be Shy!Visit the Writing Center for help with all the mechanics of writing your paper – including citation formats and plagiarism avoidance! September 14 Room 335 of Kyser Hall – Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm Reference Room of Watson Library – Monday thru Thursday 5:00pm to 9:00pm

  11. Remember – Plagiarism Is A Choice, And Can Have Lasting Consequences! Many colleges and universities use programs like Turnitin (NSU uses this) which can easily catch plagiarists Colleges and universities may attach a warning to your transcripts that you were expelled for plagiarizing You may not get into another college Your future employer will be aware you are a cheater You may never learn how to do research properly without stealing

  12. Ensure Your Academic Success Always cite your sources Do your own work Make use of the services available to you – teaching faculty, reference librarians, writing center, career counseling, etc Remember – we are all here to help you succeed!

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