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Gene Transcription and translation

Gene Transcription and translation. Reading in Chapter 15. Types of RNA involved in gene expression. rRNA ribosomal-RNA tRNA transfer-RNA mRNA messenger-RNA Small RNAs. Ribosomes translate mRNA sequence into protein sequence. Eukaryotic ribosome structure. 2 subunits Large

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Gene Transcription and translation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gene Transcription and translation Reading in Chapter 15

  2. Cell and Organismal Biology

  3. Cell and Organismal Biology

  4. Types of RNA involved in gene expression • rRNA ribosomal-RNA • tRNA transfer-RNA • mRNA messenger-RNA • Small RNAs Cell and Organismal Biology

  5. Ribosomes translate mRNA sequence into protein sequence Cell and Organismal Biology

  6. Eukaryotic ribosome structure • 2 subunits • Large • 3 rRNA molecules (120,4700,160 bases) • 49 proteins • Small • 1 rRNA molecule (1900 bases) • 33 proteins Cell and Organismal Biology

  7. Cell and Organismal Biology

  8. The Genetic codemRNAAUCG

  9. The Genetic code-reading frame alterations show that the bases are read in groups of three. Francis CrickPart one • Unpunctuated- read in groups of three bases • WHYDIDTHEREDBATEATTHEFATRAT • WHY DID THE RED BAT EAT THE FAT RAT • Unpunctuated-insert one base • WHYDIDTTHEREDBATEATTHEFATRAT • WHY DID TTH ERE DBA TEA TTH EFA TRA T Cell and Organismal Biology

  10. The Genetic code-reading frame alterations show that the bases are read in groups of three.Part Deux. • Unpunctuated-insert two bases • WHYDIDTTTHEREDBATEATTHEFATRAT • WHY DID TTT HER EDB ATE ATT HEF ATR AT • Unpunctuated-insert three bases • WHYDIDTTTTHEREDBATEATTHEFATRAT • WHY DID TTT THE RED BAT EAT THE FAT RAT • Similar results from base deletion Cell and Organismal Biology

  11. Marshall Nierenberg/Gobind Khorana • Tested all possible mRNA triplet combinations of 4 bases (64) • Codons • Poly-UUU resulted in the production of poly-phenylalanine • Code is practically universal Cell and Organismal Biology

  12. Cell and Organismal Biology

  13. mRNA reading-frame alterations affect translation • UAU UGC AUC CUC AAG CCG UGA • Tyr-Cys-Iso-Leu-Lys-Pro-Stop • UAU UGC AAU CCU CAA GCC GUG A • Tyr-Cys-Asp-Pro-Pro-Ala-Val- • UAU UGC AAA UCC UCA AGC CGU GA • Tyr-Cys-Lys-Ser-Ser-Ser-Arg- • UAU UGC AAA AUC CUC AAG CCG UGA • Try-Cys-Lys-Iso-Leu-Lys-Pro-Stop Cell and Organismal Biology

  14. The mechanics of gene expression Cell and Organismal Biology

  15. Transcription • Correction to Fig 15.7 • “….bacterial virus DNA” Cell and Organismal Biology

  16. Promotor (TATAAA) Cell and Organismal Biology

  17. GC Hairpin stops gene transcription Cell and Organismal Biology

  18. Cell and Organismal Biology

  19. mRNA is processed after transcription in eucaryotes. • 1.5% of DNA is in exons • 24% is in non-coding introns • Rest is non-coding intervening sequence (junk) • 5’ cap • protection • 3’poly-A tail • transport Cell and Organismal Biology

  20. Error in text • Page 309. In paragraph that has the bold word “spliceosome” Top right on page. • Sentence reading “Cutting the DNA at these sites…..” should read • “cutting the RNA at these sites….” Cell and Organismal Biology

  21. Small nuclear ribonucleoproteins- snRNPs “snurps” Cell and Organismal Biology

  22. Cell and Organismal Biology

  23. Cell and Organismal Biology

  24. Cell and Organismal Biology

  25. Cell and Organismal Biology

  26. Eukaryotic ribosome structure • 2 subunits • Large • 3 rRNA molecules (120,4700,160 bases) • 49 proteins • Small • 1 rRNA molecule (1900 bases) • 33 proteins Cell and Organismal Biology

  27. Prokaryotes Cell and Organismal Biology

  28. Aminoacyl tRNA synthesis Cell and Organismal Biology

  29. Prokaryotes- fMet tRNA (N-formylmethionine) Eukaryotes- Met tRNA Cell and Organismal Biology

  30. Cell and Organismal Biology

  31. Cell and Organismal Biology

  32. Cell and Organismal Biology

  33. Overview of protein synthesis Cell and Organismal Biology

  34. Cell and Organismal Biology

  35. Cell and Organismal Biology

  36. Cell and Organismal Biology

  37. Cell and Organismal Biology

  38. Cell and Organismal Biology

  39. Cell and Organismal Biology

  40. Cell and Organismal Biology

  41. Cell and Organismal Biology

  42. Cell and Organismal Biology

  43. Control of gene expression Chapter 16 Cell and Organismal Biology

  44. Cell and Organismal Biology

  45. Slice 3.4nm Cell and Organismal Biology

  46. Cell and Organismal Biology

  47. Cell and Organismal Biology

  48. Cell and Organismal Biology

  49. Cell and Organismal Biology

  50. Cell and Organismal Biology

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