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Status Quo Report on RECOMMEND Pilot Actions by Lead Partner, PP CZ & PP EE

Status Quo Report on RECOMMEND Pilot Actions by Lead Partner, PP CZ & PP EE. Implementation of RECOMMEND Pilot Action – Lower Austria My ECO-Expert. Benjamin Kuscher RECOMMEND External consultant ConPlusUltra Ltd. Benjamin.kuscher@conplusultra.com 24 th October 2013.

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Status Quo Report on RECOMMEND Pilot Actions by Lead Partner, PP CZ & PP EE

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  1. Status Quo Report onRECOMMEND Pilot Actionsby Lead Partner, PP CZ & PP EE

  2. Implementation of RECOMMENDPilot Action – Lower AustriaMy ECO-Expert Benjamin Kuscher RECOMMEND External consultant ConPlusUltra Ltd. Benjamin.kuscher@conplusultra.com 24th October 2013

  3. Overall Theme of Pilot Pilot Action II. Improvement of the effectiveness of eco-managementpractitioner networks

  4. General target of pilot pilot action • Improve the cooperation of ALL institutions supporting eco-management and eco-innovation in Lower Austria • Identify synergies between the different funding schemes • Improve the transparency and service for the clients • SMEs • Communities

  5. Planning of pilot action • Definition of eco-managementpractitioner network • All institutions supporting eco-management and eco-innovation in Lower Austria • All eco-consultants/experts • Definition of common denominator • All supporting institutions come back to a similar or even identical group of consultants • But nevertheless the selection of an appropriate consultant for a specific project tends to be a problem

  6. Specific target of pilot action • Each funding scheme in Lower Austria manages its own pool of experts. • partly overlapping • similar selection criteria • not transparent • Those pools will be merged to one single group of experts: • To increase transparency • To easy the selection of an expert • To enable a better networking between the experts • To increase the quality of the experts • To ease the development of joined selection criteria

  7. Original plan for My ECO-Expert Energieberatung Ökomanagement NÖ Umweltberatung Klimabündnis Environmental Consulting by Chamber of Commerce eNu My ECO-expert Clients Companies Public Org. private

  8. Difficulties to implement My ECO-Expert • Each funding scheme in Lower Austria manages its own pool of experts and wants to keep control • There is an ongoing restructuring process in order to merge parts of Ökomanagement with Chamber of Commerce • Lack of cooperation willingness between some players • Already existing search tools but with specific needs for one institution

  9. New plan for My ECO-Expert Energieberatung Umweltberatung Klimabündnis Environmental Consulting by Chamber of Commerce eNu Ökomanagement NÖ RECOMMEND Pilot My ECO-expert RECOMMEND RIP Clients Companies Public Org.

  10. To Dos for My ECO-Expert pilot

  11. Field Mission • In spring 2012 the team of Lower Austria proofed to organise intense and very interesting study tours. • For the field mission we intend to organise a similar study tour but with a new topic. • Possible topics are: • Crowd Funded Power Plants in Austria (Bürgerkraftwerke) • Straw-buildings • And please come up with ideas

  12. Thankyouforyourattention!

  13. RECOMMENDPilot Action – South Bohemia Jan Jareš Ekoport 24th October 2013

  14. PA – innovation vouchers in South Bohemia • PA is focused on initiation of first eco-innovation tool in the region – “innovation vouchers” • target groups: R&D capacities, entrepreneurs • it will help to establish the tool in order to be adjusted and developed further (“eco”) • it is based on its simplicity and transferibility using best practices even from the Czech Republic • pretty good chances for success – SB is one of the last regions in the CZ with no innovation vouchers

  15. Current status of PA • in August 2013 – regional board has informally approved intention and assign concrete division to cooperate with Ekoport on development of the scheme • Ekoport has contracted JAiP (important stakeholder) to execute specific activities in development of the scheme • Preparation of awareness campaign on innovation vouchers • Goal is to pass the proposal for the scheme through council by 2013 in order to allocate financial resources for the 1st call in 2014

  16. Thankyouforyourattention!

  17. RECOMMENDPilot Action – „Seminarsabouteco-innovationforeco-managementpractitioners Martin Kikas Tartu Regional Energy Agency 24th October 2013

  18. General info on EE Pilot Action • 3 Seminars: Eco-Innovation and GreenProcurement, Eco and Energy-Labels in Europe and NorthernCountries, Energymanagementsystems. • Target – public and privatesector • Budget – 12000€ • status quo in project management – 1 seminar is done and 2 seminars are planned february-april 2014 • Highlights – Highinterestfromdifferent groups of people • difficulties in realising pilot action – Hard to reach to key persons and to explain economic benefits

  19. Time line, milestones – 2 seminars February and April • TO Dos in the next months - • Deadline of finalising pilot action – May 2014 • Ideas for field mission: September 2014 international Conference Baltic Dynamics 17.-18.09.2014

  20. Thankyouforyourattention!

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