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Upgraded Ion Source Mevva-V.Ru for Metal Ion Beam Implantation A.G. Nikolaev, E.M. Oks, K.P. Savkin, G.Yu. Yushkov , I.G. Brown * High Current Electronics Institute of Siberian Division of Russian Academy Science, Tomsk, Russia * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,
Upgraded Ion Source Mevva-V.Ru for Metal Ion Beam Implantation A.G. Nikolaev, E.M. Oks,K.P. Savkin, G.Yu. Yushkov, I.G. Brown* High Current Electronics Institute of Siberian Division of Russian Academy Science, Tomsk, Russia *Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
Abstract Vacuum arc ion sources have been made and used by a large number of research groups around the world over the last twenty years. The first generation of vacuum arc ion sources (dubbed “Mevva”, for metal vapor vacuum arc) was developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the 1980’s. This paper considers the design, performance parameters, and some applications of a new modified version of this kind of source which we have called Mevva‑V.Ru. The source produces broad beams of metal ions at an extraction voltage of up to 60 kV and a time-averaged ion beam current in the milliampere range. Here we describe the Mevva‑V.Ru vacuum arc ion source that we’ve developed at Tomsk and summarize its beam characteristics along with some of the applications to which we’ve put it.
Principles of operation Simplified schematic of the LBNL Mevva II ion source. Basic parameters: Arc current: 100 – 1000 A Pulse: 50–500 μs, 1–10 pps Beam current: up to 1 A Extraction voltage: 10–100 kV Ion mean charge state:(1-2.5)+ Ion species: all solid metals of Periodic Table
LBNL ion source Mevva-V Extractor voltage: 20-60 kV, Arc current: 100-500 mA, Pulse duration: 250-400 s, Pulse repetition rate: 1 – 60 pps, Ion beam current: 20-500 mA, Beam cross section: 100 cm. sq., Applications: fundamental research, metal surface treatment, conductivity of ceramic tubes, ion implantation in biomaterials and others.
MEVVA-V.Ru ion source 1 – cathode, 2 – trigger input, 3 – hollow anode, 4 – accel-decelsystem, 5 – additional grid, 6 – protective screen, 7 – cathode flange, 8 –trigger electrode, 9 – ceramic insulation. Basic parameters: Arc current:30 – 600 А Pulse:250 s, 1-10 ppt Extraction voltage:to 60 кВ Beam area:100 сm2 Ion current: 0,1 – 0,5 А
Features of Mevva-V.Ru Design new features: 1. Tantalum anti-arc screen withto prevent of cathode spots ignition on cathode holder and thus to decrease ion beam contamination. 2. Additional emission fine grid on plasma multiaperture electrode (was proposed by E.M. Oks and N.V. Gavrilov at 1981, USSR patent # 976806)for stabilization of ion beam parameters. 3. Detectable hollow anodefor easy clean inner surface from deposited material. 4. Air cooling systemmake a ion sourcedesign more simply. Authors: Nikolaev A.G. (RU), Oks E.M. (RU), Savkin K.P. (RU), Yushkov G.Yu. (RU), Brown I.G. (US), MackGill P. (US).
MEVVA-V.Ru ion source Cathode unit and extraction system of Mevva-V.Ru Mevva-V.Ru ion source
Меvva-V.Ru experimental test bench of Plasma Source Lab of HCEI, Russia Vacuum chamber High voltage terminal with ion source and power supply TOF-spectrometer Cryogenic pump Control post Scroll dry forevacuum pump
Ion beam current vs acceleration voltage Arc current Iarc=150 A Pressure P = 10-6 Torr Cathode materials: 1 – Titanium. 2 – Copper. 3 – Aluminum. 4 – Platinum.
Cross section of ion beam Arc current I = 100 А Accelerating voltage U = 45 kV Cathode Titanium
Oscillograms of MEVVA-V.Ru ion source 1. Arc current Iarc= 200 А/div. 2. Ion current density Jion = 4 mA/div. Time duration 50 ms/div. Cathode - Copper 1 2
Mean charge state of ion beam vs magnetic field Mean charge state: Blue – without magnetic field, Red – with magnetic field, B ≥ 1 T.
Charge state of ion beam with compound cathode Cathode material: Cu0.7Cr0.3.
Mean charge state of ion beam vs magnetic field Cathode materials: 1 - carbon, 2 - silver, 3 - erbium, 4 - platinum, 5 - tantalum.
Hybrid gas-metal mode of ion source Fraction of Al ions (total Al+, Al2+ and Al3+) and O2 ions (total O2+ and O+) in the beam as a function of magnetic field. p= 2*10-4 torr.
Conclusion Thus compared to the prototype, the Mevva – V.Ru version features the lesser degree of contamination of the ion beam by the products of erosion of the cathode holder and electrodes of the extracting system on retention of the reasonable homogeneity of the extracted ion beam, better ion-optic properties of the system of ion beam formation at high accelerating voltages, simple design, reliability and long lifetime of the system of vacuum arc initiation. This work was supported of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant # 11-08-00156-а.