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SEARCA BIC 2010. 2010 : A challenging biotech environment. SEARCA BIC EFFORTS. Biotechnology in the news: Media Monitoring and Analysis. 404 biotechnology articles. Crop Biotech Update (CBU). 27 contributions to CBU. Press/Photo Releases & News Feeds.

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  1. SEARCA BIC 2010

  2. 2010: A challenging biotech environment


  4. Biotechnology in the news:Media Monitoring and Analysis 404 biotechnology articles

  5. Crop Biotech Update (CBU) 27 contributions to CBU

  6. Press/Photo Releases & News Feeds 40 press, photo releases, and articles to biotech magazines

  7. Media Monitoring and Analysis Print Media Reportage of Agricultural Biotechnology in the Philippines: A Decade’s (1999-2009) Analysis of News Coverage and Framing

  8. Knowledge Products

  9. E-news Service

  10. Knowledge Sharing:The SEARCA BIC E-group 26, 633 were new subscribers of SEARCA BIC E-news Service as well as ISAAA Crop Biotech Update Mailing List.

  11. Knowledge Sharing:The Website To date, SEARCA BIC website reached 970,557 page views with 454,793 visitors. Top country visitors (in order of visits) are: Philippines, USA, Russian Federation, India, South Africa, Canada, China, France Germany and Malaysia.

  12. Expanding our reach:Knowledge products distribution 16,377IEC materials distributed

  13. Expanding our reach:Knowledge resources captured Zamboanga Times: http://zamboangatimes.ph/inside-stories/91-farmers-speak-push-for-continuation-of-bt-eggplant-field-trials--biotech-education-.html Agbiotech Vietnam: http://www.agbiotech.com.vn/en/?mnu=preview&key=3191 Argos Biotech Twitter: http://twitter.com/ArgosBiotech/status/10651322789396480 Meridian Institute: http://sites.merid.org/fs-agbiotech/more.php?id=8529 Bio Vision: http://www.biovisioneastafrica.com/ Checkbiotech Green: http://greenbio.checkbiotech.org/news/crop_biofortification_key_achieving_millennium_development_goals Philippine Information Agency: http://www.pia.gov.ph/?m=12&sec=reader&rp=1&fi=p100126.htm&no=3&date= AgriFood Biz: http://www.agrifoodbiz.com/newsUrl.asp?nId=285966 SEEDQuest website: http://www.seedquest.com/news.php?type=news&id_article=14016&id_region=&id_category=216&id_crop= Monsanto website : http://www.monsanto.co.uk/news/news.phtml?m=January&y=2010 Business Exchange website: http://bx.businessweek.com/investing-in-growth-stocks/philippines-remains-at-the-forefront-of-biotech-adoption-in-asia/14102841691410002468-2d27c9989648e9d44fc445a831770eb8/

  14. Outreach activitiesExhibits

  15. Outreach ActivitiesMedia Interviews

  16. Outreach ActivitiesBrief 41 launch

  17. Outreach Activities Sharing on country experiences, regulations, developments and challenges related to agri-biotechnology With international speakers

  18. Outreach ActivitiesFarmers

  19. Outreach ActivitiesMedia Biotech Journalism Jose Burgos Awards for Biotech Journalism

  20. Outreach activitiesLGUs and Policymakers

  21. Outreach activitiesStudents

  22. Outreach activitiesGeneral public

  23. Capacity Building EffortsRegional • Agricultural Training in Biotechnology, August 2010 (NTU-Taiwan) • Pan-Asia Farmer’s Exchange Program, March 2010

  24. biotechnology 101 (concepts, principles, & benefits) risk communication risk assessment and management food and environmental safety biotech regulations and risk assessments (low level presence, etc.) IPR, technology transfer and impact assessment of agricultural biotechnology products Capacity building efforts National

  25. Outreach Activities 13 study visits to biotech farms and facilities 25 seminars, trainings, and information outreach activities (including LGU briefings) for various stakeholders

  26. Learning Events & Outreach Activities Reached 39 out of 81 provinces in the Philippines 1,911 from different provinces participated in SEARCA BIC outreach activities for 2010

  27. Other Efforts on Knowledge Creation • SEARCA Supports to Communication Challenges and Convergence in Crop Biotechnology • SEARCA Supports to the Adoption and Uptake Pathways of Biotechnology Crops Among Farmers in Selected Provinces of Luzon



  30. Continuing Efforts… • Integrate efforts in the country/ region • Strategic partnerships • Expand reach • Enhance key stakeholders’ access to knowledge resources

  31. Sharing & Partnerships:Local Partners

  32. Sharing & Partnerships:Regional/International Partners

  33. BIC through the years… SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center UPLB Campus, College, Laguna PHILIPPINES 4031 Telephone [+63-49] 536 2290 ext. 406/169 Telefax [+63-49] 536 4105 E-mail jap@agri.searca.org www.bic.searca.org

  34. BIC through the years… SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center UPLB Campus, College, Laguna PHILIPPINES 4031 Telephone [+63-49] 536 2290 ext. 406/169 Telefax [+63-49] 536 4105 E-mail jap@agri.searca.org www.bic.searca.org

  35. SEARCA BIC in Singapore . . .

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