1. The Craik Sustainable Living Project
2. Setting Craik, SK Friendliest Place by a Dam Site
Located approximately midway between Regina and Saskatoon on Louis Riel Trail (#11 Highway), and a short drive from Moose Jaw
Population of the town and surrounding rural area is about 800
3. Community Background Long history of good Town and R.M. leadership
Owned and operated local hospital
Current ownership and operation of a town cable TV system
Operated an early community internet access program (CAP)
1st example of public consultation about construction of new R.C.M.P. facility
R.M. pilot project on roadside silaging
District #15 ADDBoard GIS mapping project
Lobbying for the long-term future of the Health Care Centre
4. History of the CSLP Dr. Lynn Oliphant of the Prairie Institute for Human Ecology, at the request of Peter Farden, proposed an Eco-Village idea to the Mid-Lakes Community Coalition in 2001
Subsequent meeting with Rod Haugerud, Mayor of Craik, and Hilton Spencer, R.M. of Craik Reeve
Joint meeting of Town and R.M. councils
Decisions made to put together a five year plan and construct a demonstration eco-centre
Construction of the demonstration eco-centre, as a focus for the project, began in 2003 under the guidance of Cory Gordon
5. History of the CSLP Cory Gordon of Sows Ear Natural Builders, Saskatoon, SK
General contractor
Building designer
Skilled craftsman and builder
6. Philosophy of the CSLP We believe we have a choice, exploitation or stewardship
We choose to reduce the size of our ecological footprint and at the same time revitalize Rural Saskatchewan
7. Goals of the CSLP Raise awareness about climate change and sustainable living options
Advance the local use of ecologically sound technologies and ways of living
Assist the community of Craik to become an eco-community, inspiring and enabling positive change in other communities
8. The Four Components of the CSLP 1. CSLP Eco-Centre
Features innovative building design, energy efficiency and renewable energy systems
Focal point for indoor and outdoor demonstration and educational programming on sustainability
9. The Four Components of the CSLP 1. CSLP Eco-Centre
A multipurpose facility which consists of:
Craik and District Golf Clubhouse
Solar Garden Restaurant
Two Meeting Rooms
Gift Shop
10. The Four Components of the CSLP 1. CSLP Eco-Centre
Minutes outside of Craik
Adjacent to the Craik and District Golf Course
Overlooking the Arm River Valley
Visible from Louis Riel Trail
11. The Four Components of the CSLP 1. CSLP Eco-Centre
Features of the building
Energy efficient building design
Use of as few energy requirements as possible
Use of renewable energy resources (solar and geothermal)
Integrated heating, cooling and electrical systems
Recycled and local materials used as much as possible
Purchased materials meet socially sustainable and environmental criteria whenever possible
12. The Four Components of the CSLP 2. Outreach and Education for children, youth, and adults on climate change and sustainable living options
Youth Forum for Sustainability
Workshops in Craik, Davidson, Eyebrow Schools
Student field trip to HELP International Centre in Weyburn
Sustainable Rural Alternatives symposium
Davidson Trade Fair and Swift Current Enviro-forum
Public seminars
Resource library located at Palliser Regional Library
Articles in local newspapers
13. The Four Components of the CSLP 3. Community Action encouraging reduction of the ecological footprint of individuals and the community
Implementation of the One-Tonne Challenge in the Mid-Lakes region
Community members using more ecologically sound technologies (Examples compact fluorescent bulbs, low water use toilets)
Idling Gets You Nowhere no idling policy outside the Town and R.M. of Craik Office
14. The Four Components of the CSLP 4. Eco-Village - Sustainable housing development
R.M. of Craik has made available 51.4 ha (127 acres) for Eco-Village
Located south of the CSLP Eco-Centre
Available for 10 12 families
Interested people last met in the fall of 2004
15. The Four Components of the CSLP 4. Eco-Village
Progress to date (June 2005)
Lot size to be 30 m x 30 m (100 ft. x 100 ft.)
Road construction started
Some preliminary proposals have been submitted
Another meeting will be called of interested parties (summer 2005)
16. The Four Components of the CSLP 4. Eco-Village
Energy efficient buildings
Provisions for water treatment and waste management
Use of small acreage for production will be encouraged
Demonstrations of completed projects will be available
17. Related Initiatives Hemptown
Vancouver-based company planning to build a hemp processing plant
Construction planned for 2007
Production of a hemp fibreglass named Crailar after Craik
Local production of hemp crop
Store that will sell hemp products
Test plot of 32 ha (80 acres) of hemp was planted (spring 2005) on the site of the proposed processing plant
18. Related Initiatives HELP International, Weyburn, SK
Focuses on contamination risk assessment and intensive use of green plants to absorb or break down contaminants in soil, sludge, sediment, and groundwater
1800 trees were planted around the Craik lagoon site in 2004
Trees help dry the ground around the waste site to help lessen moisture that causes alkali
Working towards making Craik a zero-waste community
Provides school programming
19. Related Initiatives One-Tonne Challenge
The Craik Community Challenge Mid-Lakes Region is attempting to encourage individuals to take the One-Tonne Challenge
Activities include:
Continuing to work on climate change and GHG reduction with students (K-12)
Developing how-to conferences and workshops on GHG and energy use reduction topics
Using the newly constructed CSLP Eco-Centre as a focal point of the Challenge
Utilizing media
20. Related Initiatives Outdoor Planting Plan
10 groves of 856 trees and 1120 shrubs planted along Louis Riel Trail in June, 2004
Plants provided by Sask. Environment/PFRA and EcoAction/SaskPower Shand Greenhouse
Noise barrier and wind break for the Eco-Village
Habitat for wildlife
Carbon sequestration
21. Related Initiatives Display Gardens
Native Garden
Demonstrate and educate public about native plants in landscaping and to support conservation of natural areas
Consists of wildflower, grass, and shrub varieties
Xeric Garden
Drought-tolerant plants
Exotic plants suitable for Saskatchewan growing conditions
Low maintenance is long term goal
Broad range of trees and shrubs
22. Related Initiatives Forest 2020 Plantation Demonstration and Assessment Initiative - National Research Council (Canadian Forest Services)
Achieve a specific harvestable target yield
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Create wildlife habitat
To date
64 000 fast-growing hybrid poplars have been planted on 40.5 ha (100 acres) near the CSLP Eco-Centre
Project manager has been secured
Maintenance ongoing
23. Related Initiatives The Craik and District Golf Course
Adjacent to the CSLP Eco-Centre, Arm Lake, and proposed Eco-Village
Nine-hole course recently converted to irrigated fairways and grass greens
Operated on green principles such as:
Composting of grass clippings
Mulching around trees
Use of commercial organic fertilizer
Computerized strategic watering
Future use of fertilizer from composting toilets
24. Accomplishments Establishment of CSLP steering committee and subsidiary committees
Completion of CSLP Eco-Centre
Ongoing provision of seminars, educational programming, and tours
Development of ecologically sensitive golf course and planting plan
Success of restaurant operation and meeting room rental
Partnerships Hemptown, HELP International, Forest 2020, One-Tonne Challenge
Implementation of initial phase of Eco-Village
Completion of a study on sustainable waste management options
Awards FCM-CH2M Hill Sustainable Community Award
- Royal Canadian Geographical Society Canadian Environment Award (won by Lynn Oliphant for inspiring the CSLP)
25. Challenges Securing sufficient funding for maintenance, promotion, additional initiatives
Further community approval and education
Growing dependence on current pool of local human resources
Maintaining enthusiasm and momentum
26. The Future Some Initiatives CSLP Eco-Centre
Structural additions (roof deck, photovoltaic solar panels)
Expansion of the gift shop inventory
Improvement of parking area
Development of new related initiatives
Wind generation
Completion of Eco-Village