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Sustainable Living. A global and personal perspective. Think globally – act neighborly. Sustainability is…. … providing for the NEEDS of ALL people alive today, without jeopardizing future generations. and we know that…. ….we know that….
Sustainable Living A global and personal perspective Think globally – act neighborly
Sustainability is…. • … providing for the NEEDS of ALL people alive today, without jeopardizing future generations. and we know that….
….we know that… …there is a difference between human wants and human needs. Gandhi said that the world could surely provide for the needs of the many but not the greed of the few.
Okay, but I’m a sinner….. How do I know if something is sustainable?
The Sustainability Triangle Social Equity The quest for sustainability Economic Environmental Vitality Integrity Perspective
Sustainable Living….. So, what is the problem?
World Population 16 15 ? 14 13 12 11 ? 10 9 Billions of people 8 ? 7 6 5 4 3 2 Black Death–the Plague 1 0 2-5 million years 8000 6000 4000 2000 2000 2100 B.C. A.D. Time Hunting and gathering Agricultural revolution Industrial revolution
Two problems…. • Too many people • Impact per person
Ecological Footprint: A measure of the “load” imposed by a given population on nature, or the land necessary to sustain resource consumption and waste discharge. Our Ecological Footprint, by M. Wackernagel and W. Rees
Water Shortages Major global problem areas
And the big one! Humankind expends in one year an amount of fossil fuel that it took nature roughly a million years to produce.
What do the scientists say? 1972 – Limits to Growth is published by D. Meadows et al. MIT systems modelers take a look at the future resulting in lots of debate
World3 – MIT Computer Model A computer model of the world including data on: Population Food production Pollution Natural resource use Industrial growth
The “standard” run What happens (according to World 3) if we “just “keep on keeping on”…. well, then….
But what if “resources double” We’ll find more oil!
Other “what ifs”… Increasingly effective pollution controls Increasing agricultural production/acre Effective soil erosion controls More efficient resource use (technology) All these help, by either “delaying or softening the pain somewhat.”
Results of other “what ifs…..” Possible scenarios ?
What works? Three major changes make huge differences: Two children per family and, Reasonable industrial output (stuff) or, “enough is enough!” We invest in new sustainable technologies.
What do the scientists say now? 1972 – Limits of Growth – lots of debate! 2004 – Limits to Growth – 30 Years later The model is “mostly” correct, so far…. And, we still have a choice!
So, what do we need to do? Two children per family Enough is enough! Appropriate and efficient new sustainable technologies Is this possible? What prevents us from making the shift?
One of the problems is the way we think about the world!Our “mental models”
“The problems that we have created cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them.” -Albert Einstein
Why do we continue to make the same mistakes over and over? The “iceberg” model of systemic relationships is a simple tool to understand root causes. Lets look deeper….. Events
Systems thinking looks below events and patterns of behavior Events Patterns of Behavior Systemic Structure Mental Models
We need to look deeper than events…. Non-sustainable action Non-sustainable Pattern Non-sustainable structures ____ Non-sustainable Mental Models Events Patterns of Behavior Systemic Structure Mental Models
We need to look deeper than events…. Plastic water bottle that is used once Convenience, non-responsibility Systems that make plastic bottles “cheap” ____ The world is organized as a linear throughput of material! Events Patterns of Behavior Systemic Structure Mental Models
Here’s a mental model... Pollution, Waste and Environmental Disturbances Natural Resources Goods and Services The world is organized as a linear “throughput” of material
Water bottles that we use onceand will last for a thousand years Non-sustainable action
Non-sustainable “action” S Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern
Like lots of water bottles! Non-sustainable patterns
Create NS Structures S Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern Non-sustainable Structures S
Create NS Mental Models S Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures S S
Which creates a Reinforcing Feedback Loop S S Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern R Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures S S
Feedback loops are powerful We know about “vicious” cycles You hit me…. I hit you harder…. You hit me harder…. I hit you…… Hate breeds hurt - hurt breeds hate…hate breeds hurt…. I feel bad so I “take something” – I feel better for a while, but then….. I feel bad, so….
Reinforcing feedback loops are powerful But, with these loops, eventually…
Lets call it “something to learn” Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern R Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures Something to Learn
It is often painful! Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern R Pain and Confusion Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures Something to Learn
We can get stuck here! Defensive behavior Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern R Pain and Confusion Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures Something to Learn
The way out is through acceptance followed by wonder and awe…. Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern Wonder and Awe R Pain and Confusion Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures Something to Learn
Wonder and awe allows us to try something new Change Non-sustainable Action Non-sustainable Pattern Wonder and Awe R Pain and Confusion Non-sustainable Mental Models Non-sustainable Structures Something to Learn
A new reinforcing feedback loop Sustainable Action Sustainable Pattern Wonder and Awe R Sustainable Mental Models Sustainable Structures