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CCSS Math Implementation May, 2012. Common Core State Standards in MATHEMATICS. CCSS-Mathematics: What do we already know?. K W L. What do I already KNOW?. What do I WANT TO KNOW/learn?. What did I learn/ new questions?. Major Shifts within Mathematics CCSS.
CCSS Math Implementation May, 2012
CCSS-Mathematics: What do we already know? K W L What do I already KNOW? What do I WANT TO KNOW/learn? What did I learn/ new questions?
Major Shifts within Mathematics CCSS • Focus: Focus strongly where the standards focus. • Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics • Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application
8 CCSSM Mathematical Practices Standards for Mathematical Practice • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
High School Pathways • The CCSSM Model Pathways • Two models that organize the CCSSM into coherent, rigorous courses • NOT required. The two sequences are examples, not mandates • Pathway A: Consists of two algebra courses and a geometry course, with some data, probability and statistics infused throughout each (traditional) • Pathway B: Typically seen internationally that consists of a sequence of 3 courses each of which treats aspects of algebra, geometry and data, probability, and statistics.
Michigan State Study - Teachers Thoughts about CCSSM • 90% have heard of the CCSSM • 70% have read them • More than 90% like the idea of Common Standards Bill Schmidt - Michigan State University Center for the Study of Curriculum
Michigan State Study - Teachers Thoughts about CCSSM • After reading sample CCSSM topics for their grade, ~80% say CCSSM is “pretty much the same” as their former standards • If CCSSM places a topic they currently teach in a different grade only about ¼ would drop it Bill Schmidt - Michigan State University Center for the Study of Curriculum
Michigan State Study - Teachers Sense of Preparedness to Teach CCSSM Topics • Grades 1-5: About ½ feel well prepared to teach their topics • Grades 6-8: Around 60% feel well prepared to teach their topics • High School: Around 70% feel well prepared to teach their topics Bill Schmidt - Michigan State University Center for the Study of Curriculum
Reading: The Structure is the Standards • Individually: Read the article & highlight passages that are interesting or important to you • Share around your table: 1 passage per person • “This passage was interesting/important to me because…..” • After all have shared, open up the discussion to ask each other questions, provide information, etc.
How do the shifts in the CCSS-M impact the math classroom? • Phil Daro - Against "Answer-Getting"
Standards for Mathematical Practice • Describes “habits of mind” that mathematics students at all levels should develop • Describes varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. • Rest on important processes and proficiencies with longstanding importance in mathematics.
Standards for Mathematical Practice • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Assign & Unpack Pairs/Trios at each table select different SMP groupings to focus on (see last slide) • 10 min Read, highlight & discuss with your partner to clarify language of the 2 Mathematical Practices in your group • 10 min Share & get input from others at your table. Record critical features on template
What does this look like in the classroom??? Observe: Number Talks video Record: • Evidence of students engaging in mathematical practices • Teacher strategies that support this Share: • Discuss & record observations at tables • Select one you would share with whole group
Do the Math: Buttons Task • Do task….individual think time then small group • How many different ways can you approach this problem? • Which SMP could be in play for students? Record on template
Digging Deeper…..student work • Small Groups: • Review the samples of student work from 5th grade Buttons task • What different methods did students use? • Can you add to your list of student evidence for the Mathematical Practices your table is exploring?
Digging Deeper…..classroom video Re-engagement Lesson • Observe: • Re-engagement Lesson Record: • Evidence of students engaging in mathematical practices • Teacher strategies that support this Share: • Discuss & record observations at tables • Select one you would share with whole group
What are the implications…..for Common Core implementation? • For classroom practice? • For teacher professional learning? • For district mathematics leaders?
Resources to support implementation of the CCSS-M • OSPI/ESD partnership for Professional Development • Three year transition plan for Washington State • http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/pubdocs/Three-YearDomainImplementation.pdf • Illustrative Mathematics Project • http://illustrativemathematics.org/ • Inside Mathematics • http://insidemathematics.org/index.php • Smarter Balanced Assessment consortium • http://Smarterbalanced.org • Other states, common vision, common message, common work
Smarter Balanced HS Sample Performance Task • During the two sessions of the upcoming performance task, you will be predicting the total costs for tuition and school-related fees, as a combined cost for a college of your choice. Your assignment will include the following: • Choose a college or university that you will use to predict the future cost of tuition. This can either be a local 2-year or 4-year institution or one that you would like to attend in the future. • Find out what the current year’s tuition, including school-related fees, are for the school you chose. This information can often be found by calling the school’s admissions office, obtaining a current school catalog, or doing an Internet search. Be sure to get the cost for in-state students if the school is located in this state. Get the cost for out-of-state students if the school is not located in our state. • Read the news articles “Tuition and fees rise more than 8% at U.S. public colleges,” “Tuition Hikes of the Downturn,” and “The State of the Union on college costs.” • Use the information you obtained about the current year’s tuition at the school you chose and the information you read in the “Tuition and fees rise more than 8% at U.S. public colleges” news article to predict the cost of college tuition at your choice of schools the year you are first eligible to attend college. You should also predict the total tuition amount for the entire college education.
The Structure is the Standards A Grecian urn You have just purchased an expensive Grecian urn and asked the dealer to ship it to your house. He picks up a hammer, shatters it into pieces, and explains that he will send one piece a day in an envelope for the next year. You object; he says “don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you get every single piece, and the markings are clear, so you’ll be able to glue them all back together. I’ve got it covered
Where is your Math work now? • What opportunities to build on strong foundations do you see? • What stands out as “different?” • What district initiatives/activities are impacted by the content and vision of the CCSS-M? • What questions do you have?
CCSS-Mathematics: What did we learn? K W L What do I already KNOW? What do I WANT TO KNOW/learn? What did I learn/ new questions?