1. TB statistics in Lebanon REPUBLIC of LEBANON
Ministry of Public Health
Directorate of Prevention
National TB control program
2. TB Annual reports
3. TB annual report 2002
4. TB annual report 2001
5. TB annual report 2000
6. TB annual report 1999
7. TB annual report 1998
8. TB annual report 1997
9. TB annual report 1996
10. TB annual report 1995
11. TB annual report 1994
12. TB annual report 1993
13. TB outcomes
14. TB Outcomes results
15. TB trends
16. Nb all TB cases / year
17. % TB types / year
18. All TB cases by sex and year
19. Average age of all TB cases / year
20. Average age of all TB cases / year
21. TB regional rates
22. TB regional rates : 2002 & 2001
23. TB regional rates : 1999 & 1998
24. TB age group rates
25. TB age group rates : 2002 & 2001
26. TB age group rates : 2000 & 1999
27. TB age group rates : 1998 & 1997
28. Thank You