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Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for Morocco

Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for Morocco. Presented by: Prof. El Hassan SAYOUTY. MOROCCO. Infrastructure. Key activities - Exploration History.

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Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for Morocco

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  1. Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for Morocco Presented by: Prof. El Hassan SAYOUTY


  3. Infrastructure • Key activities - Exploration History. • 1946-1956: CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique )-BRPM (Now ONHYM)  Uranium exploration programs on Hercynian granites, phosphate and coal basins, deposit ( Pitchblende ) and Bou Azzer cobalt deposit (Brannerite) • 1970-1983 : Important exploration programs were carried out by BRPM (Now ONHYM) with the assistance of IAEA, the Soviet Technoexport and the Japanese JICA • 2002-2004: Airborne Geophysical Survey conducted by ONHYM ( 20852 km2) and PNCG Mining Ministry (370000 km2) in coastal of Laâyoune Dakhla basin • 2005-2009: Using those support of the geological controls conduct to identify several uranium showings . - MINING PERMITS • ONHYM has more than 80 research permits of 7th category distributed on the main uranium shows identified in Morocco

  4. Key resources • Human Resources: + Physical Resources: ONHYM + OCP + Universities + Institutes + Private sector • Financial : Not yet specific for U; public and private • Key partners • MEMEE, MESRSFC.. • OHHYM, OCP.. • MANAGEM • Universities: Engeener schools, Hassan 2d. of Casablanca .. • Regional partners: African countries • International partners – IAEA, World Bank, EU,

  5. Value Propositions • MOROCCAN URANIUM PHOSPHATES • Phosphates were discovered in Morocco in 1920. • The phosphates have always been exploited by the Moroccan OCP Group (Office Chérifiendes Phosphates) created in 1920. • OCP has the monopoly on mining, processing and marketing of phosphates. • Morocco holds 75% of Phosphate world reserves (85 billion tons) • It produces around 50.106tons/year • Uranium prospecting began in Morocco at the end of the second world war. • the uranium content in Moroccan phosphates was discovered in 1946. • Moroccan phosphate contains uranium at varying concentrations, • usually between 100 and 150 ppm.Insome deposits concentrations.

  6. Value Propositions ° MOROCCAN URANIUM PHOSPHATES - There are approximately 400 wet process phosphoric acid plants in operation worldwide. • There is already a substantial feedback on uranium recovering from phosphoric acid . • Eight plants for the recovery of uranium from phosphoric acid have been built and operated in the US since 1976 : 6 in Florida, 2 in Louisiana Plants have also been built in Canada, Spain, Belgium... • The estimated world annual capacity of uranium phosphates production is about 3700 tons. • The Belgian company PRAYON has recovered 690 tons (min.) uranium from Moroccan phosphates. • Morocco can be the world leader by producing 2840 tons annually. • On Oct.22,2007,Areva signed an agreement with OCP to develop their cooperation and research initiatives regarding extraction of uranium contained in phosphoric acid produced from Moroccan phosphate ore.

  7. Customers • Customer Segments • Morocco; 15 km from Europe (spain) • Atlantic ocean to USA • Channels • Big experience in mining • Big experience in exporting • Customer Relationships • Bilateral agreements • Agreements of free exchange • UE • USA • Joint committee of various level • [Direct meetings] • [Steering Committees] • [Other]

  8. Finances • Cost structure • To be define later • Revenue streams • To learn from other mining experience: OCP

  9. The Uranium Business Model Canvas for Morocco

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