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The Rise of Christianity

The Rise of Christianity. Essential Questions to Cover. Examine the essential elements of the belief systems of Greek mythology, Judaism, Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. What are the basic beliefs of Christianity?

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The Rise of Christianity

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  1. The Rise of Christianity

  2. Essential Questions to Cover • Examine the essential elements of the belief systems of Greek mythology, Judaism, Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. • What are the basic beliefs of Christianity? • Examine the diffusion of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. • How, why, and how far did Christianity spread?

  3. Pluralism Paves the Way • Romans tolerated many different ideas and beliefs as long as the gods were still honored and the emperor’s divine spirit was acknowledged • Many people in Rome followed the traditional gods while others began to follow mystical religions • Cult of Isis started in Egypt and offered women equal status with men • Cult of Mithras offered life after death

  4. Romans in Judea • By 63 BC, Romans had conquered Judea (remember, the Jewish people lived here) • To avoid trouble, Romans allowed the Jews to just worship their one God • There were prophesies in the Jewish holy book that said a messiah, or anointed king, would soon come to lead their people to freedom • 66 AD: Riots and rebellion began in Judea against Rome • 70 AD: Rome crushed the rebellion, destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, killed or enslaved many Jews, and inspired many other Jewish people to leave (the diaspora) • Jewish people remained scattered around the Mediterranean Sea in communities where they continued to practice their religion and wait for a messiah to deliver them from their Roman oppressors

  5. The Life of Jesus • Most of what we know about the founder of Christianity comes from the writings of his followers, but some outside sources confirm basic biographical facts • A Jewish man was born in about 4 BC in Bethlehem that began teaching and attracting followers at the age of 30 • The writings of his followers (collected into the Gospel portion of the New Testament) say that he performed miracles and was the son of God • They also declare him to be the long-awaited Jewish messiah, to which some responded positively and some very negatively

  6. The Teachings of Jesus • Jesus’ teachings were based on Jewish tradition • Monotheistic- one God • Accepted the 10 Commandments • Said people should love their neighbors and love God • Jesusmodified some things, though • He called himself the Son of God and the messiah • He said he brought salvation and eternal life to anyone who believed in him • Those changes made Jewish leaders VERY angry

  7. The Death of Jesus • Roman authorities thought that Jesus was a threat to their power • People in the area were already hostile toward their Roman occupiers and Jesus was a new leader among them • Jesus was arrested by the Romans and accused by the Jewish authorities of religious crimes • He was found guilty and put to death…but his followers say that he came back to life • His followers, after a time of confusion and hiding, continued to spread Jesus’ teachings • Converts were called “Christians”

  8. Christianity Spreads • Paul, a Jew from Asia Minor who had never met Jesus (and had previously enjoyed killing Christians) became the biggest force behind spreading Christianity • Missionary who journeyed around the Roman world • Wrote letters (many of which make up the New Testament) and set up churches • Used the ideas of Greek philosophers to convince people • Was imprisoned for his efforts! • Christians were persecuted throughout the Roman Empire if they converted because they refused to honor the Emperor with sacrifices or pray to the traditional gods • 313 AD: After having a vision before a battle (and then winning), Emperor Constantine made Christians safe by granting freedom of worship to everyone • 380 AD: Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome

  9. The Early Christian Church Develops • Besides being the basic belief system for billions of people in the world, Christianity is important because it was the basis for what became the ruling structure in Rome and much of Europe at various points in history • The center of the Catholic Church is still in Rome…technically its own country, Vatican City • This structure is now only associated with the Catholic church, but it is incredibly strong and powerful for those who are devout • Highest person in the church: Pope • Next up: Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops • Each local area is a Diocese and each Diocese has a Priest

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