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Terra Dominguez Mark Hausner Michael Riles

Data Literacy for ELLs. Terra Dominguez Mark Hausner Michael Riles. LEP CFDC & NCWISE. Which is the authoritative source? CFDC student records validated by NCWISE Daily LEP updates overwrite NCWISE values Purpose of student LEP data? LEP CFDC - state & federal reporting

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Terra Dominguez Mark Hausner Michael Riles

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  1. Data Literacy for ELLs Terra DominguezMark HausnerMichael Riles

  2. LEP CFDC & NCWISE Which is the authoritative source? • CFDC student records validated by NCWISE • Daily LEP updates overwrite NCWISE values Purpose of student LEP data? • LEP CFDC - state & federal reporting • NCWISE - instructional decisions

  3. Language Minority StudentsHome Language of ALL, including LEP students

  4. Student’s LEP Status is “Current”Start Date= W-APT test date or 1st Year in US Schools

  5. Student’s LEP Status is “Exited”End Date = Year Exiting LEP 7/01/2012

  6. Record Change Request (RCR) Form Major Changes • Fillable Word Template • Data Validation • Required Field Entry • LEA# • Record# • LEA Designee • Position • Email • Student Name • Student Id • Reason Code • Explanation • Documentation • Requested Action • Removed Password convention

  7. RCR Process • Complete and submit request • Request is uploaded into a tracking system for processing • Data is processed and prepared for approval. • Processed request submitted through approval chain • LEAs receive notification of submitted RCRs

  8. RCR Processing Calendar

  9. Benefits of Change • Automatic tracking of RCRs • Front-end data validation • Pre-defined data exchange periods • Improved audit ability • Decreases processing time

  10. WIDA Dashboard • Hosted and published by WIDA • State-level data only • LEAs can obtain access • Will not analyze specific values • Chart Narratives for dashboard reports

  11. CEDARS Dashboards CEDARS Data Warehouse (CDW)Terra DominguezMichael RilesLEP Coordinators Meeting September 12th 2012

  12. What is CEDARS?

  13. CEDARS Data Warehouse (CDW) State wide Longitudinal Data Store for analysis of trends and relationships Data Student, Program & Staff LEA & school statistics AYP/AMO status, Reading & Math Participation Status, Title I status LEA financial data • 2009-2010 forward • Multiple NCDPI authoritative sources • Federal, state &local level reporting • Accessible to State, LEA & School level staff

  14. CDW Data – Student Level • Student data is collected at the Detail level, meaning records specific to the individual student are collected • Student level data is PII – ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ and must be protected • No detail level data is used for Federal Reporting • FERPA guidelines are enforced and dictate how any detail level data is to be used • Collected from all State authoritative Student Information Systems and Program Areas

  15. CDW Data – Program Level • Program level information may be data from the Student Detail level or at the LEA/School Aggregate level. • LEA/School Program data are generally indicators only

  16. Student / Program Level Data Submission Yearly (June 30) Assessments Course Enrollments Marks Discipline Program Area Indicators • Monthly • Demographics • Enrollment • Attendance • Program Participation* • Snapshots (periodic) • Program Specific • NC WISE

  17. It’s a lot of information – but hang in there!

  18. User Roles LEA • Detail Answers • Detail - Dashboard • Aggregate - Dashboard • Security Officer School • Detail - Dashboard • Aggregate Dashboard SEA • Super User • User Detail • Report Writer • Aggregate - Dashboard • Security Officer

  19. Detail Vs. Aggregate • User roles with the word Detail allow individuals access to data that is Personally Identifiable Information (PII) • Every user role that is approved has access to Aggregate Dashboards by default • Aggregate Dashboards are totals only and do not display any PII

  20. Let’s talk dashboards!

  21. Dashboards • Are published by DPI at SEA and LEA request • Personalized views of information • Can be created by individuals with the following user roles:

  22. Aggregate Dashboards • Budget Codes • Use of Funds • 4-Year Graduation Rate (LEA) • 4-Year Graduation Rate (School) • School Safety

  23. Grad Rate Aggregate (LEA) Dashboard

  24. Detail Dashboards • Staff Profile • Staff Demographics • Experience • Student Profile • Student Demographics • Student Achievement • End of Grade • End of Course

  25. Detail Dashboards • English Language Learners (ELL) • ACCESS Testing • Home Languages • LEP Roster • State Testing

  26. ACCESS Testing – Score Roster

  27. ACCESS Testing – Score Table

  28. ACCESS Testing – Proficiency Count

  29. Home Language - Count

  30. Home Language –Count by Years in US Schools

  31. Home Language – Count by LEP Status

  32. Home Language – Years in US Cross View

  33. LEP Roster – Grade Level Counts

  34. LEP Roster – Student Roster

  35. State Testing – LEP EOG/EOC Score Roster

  36. State Testing – LEP Proficiency Level Counts

  37. So….did you get all that?

  38. CEDARS Data Warehouse Quick Sheet • Longitudinal Data Store • Does not replace existing operational systems • Data as of 2009/2010 School Year • Used for Federal, state and local reporting • From state authoritative system’s data • LEA & School • Staff & Finance • Student & Programs • Individual level data submitted as often as monthly* • Aggregate and Detail Data • Data accessible based on user security levels • SEA created dashboards • Trending • Data Validation • Report Writer • Access available to SEA, LEA and School Level Staff • Secure, authenticate with NCID • Must register and be approved based on SEA, LEA & School • http://www.ncpublicschools.org/cedars/reporting/registration/ • Resources • http://www.ncpublicschools.org/cedars/reporting/documentation/ • Data Submission Schedule • Security Officer and LEA Trainer Contact Lists • Quick Reference Documents

  39. Contact Us Terra Dominguez Division of Data Research and Federal Policy 919.807.3272 Cedars-info@dpi.nc.gov Michael Riles Division of English as Second Language 919.807.3953 Michael.Riles@dpi.nc.gov

  40. Data Collection/Submission Calendar

  41. Group Work: Data Validation • Reduces errors and inconsistencies within the data • Improve the quality of data • Ability to manage exceptions of data • Provide accurate, consistent, complete and timely data • Decisions made based on validated data are more defensible • As the data becomes more accurate, less time and effort is spent on the validation process

  42. Validation Plan Questionnaire • NC WISEOWL Site • 2012 LEP Coordinator Meeting • Agenda • Task • Link to form

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