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NGOs as independant actor in developing cooperation. Definition NGO non governmental, non-profit oriented interest group with clear organisational structure
NGOs as independant actor in developing cooperation Definition NGO non governmental, non-profit oriented interest groupwith clear organisational structure Engagement in policy fields where social, economic or political problems are not sufficiently taken into account or solved by government structures Wide range of roles: - service delivery - advocacy work - „Watchdog“
Emergence of NGOs? individuals in society Civil Society Social capital formation Reciprocity Sustanability of collective action Social mouvement (membership/club) NGO (social purpose) NGO formalization/ institutionalisation processes benefits from value created intended for NGO members benefits from value added extend beyond NGO members (Hildy Teegen et al., 2004 modified for this module)
Comprehension of „development“ by NGOs • Sustainable development … • has to be ancored in society • aims to reach social justice • requires the respect of human rights and advocates especially rights of women and marginal groups • puts poverty reduction before economic development • gives high importance to ecological sustainability • (Quelle: www.ngo.org)
Individuals, organisations,who organise to reachcommon interests‘third sector’ or ‘non-profit’ sector NGOs ≠ Civil Society Civil society Foundations Private sector (market) Governance value creation State Enterprises Parties • important sector besides stateand economy (market) State
Spheres of development actors „nish-products“ grassroots Private sector - enterprises - consultancies • Civil • Society • intern. NGOs • local NGOs • informal CBOs • (foundations) • (parties) upscaling economic interests „safety net“ advocacy watchdog political and economic interests • State • bilaterals • multilaterals • developing banks budget support projects on macrolevel big infrastructure projets
Pestalozzi a NGO profile Group Work 1. Roles carried out in Switzerland 2. Priorisation of roles carried out
Roles of international NGOs Alternative Ideas and Creative Inputs Capacity Development of Partners In Switzerland Programm-steering Acqui-sition Knowledge management Fund-raising Public relations Accountability NGOs together wit SDC form the suisse development cooperation
Public Relations Work Sensitisation for development cooperation questions - campaigns, expositions, school work Engagement in development cooperation questions Transfer voice of the South to the North
Pestalozzi abroad – profile of partners 1. Roles carried out in partner countries Group Work 2. Priorisation of roles carried out 3. Analysis of carried out roles S trength W eakness O pportunities / (Potentials ????) T hreats Analysis of the roles assumed by your organisation!
Pestalozzi abroad – profile of partners Group Work • Roles • Priorization of roles • Analysis of carried out roles Strength Weakness Carried out role Opportunities (Potentials?) Threats (Problems)
Roles of NGOs Abroad /local Project Implemen-tation Empowerment of the Marginalised Mobilisation of Social Actors Watch-dog Lobbying Advocacy Policy Dialogue Alternative Ideas and Creative Inputs Capacity Development of Partners In Switzerland Programm-steering Acqui-sition Knowledge management Fund-raising Public relations Accountability NGOs together wit SDC form the suisse development cooperation
Duties of NGOs abroad service delivery ????? trend from implementation towards collaboration / support of partners increased focus on organisational and capacity development • supporting politicy dialogue based on civil society perspective • strenghthening of South-NGOs in fulfilling their advocacy role
Service Systems Model contract, control, partnership Service providers public private (business/non-business) State political authority NGOs service provision relationship demand driven negotiations political relationship Citizens/Users NGOs
Current critic towards NGOs Legitimity: NGOs are speaking for whom? Accountability: towards whom? How active do they shape their own roles? • South-NGOs: • are often under financial pressure and therefore position themselves more as service provider than acting as watchdog and carrying out advocacy work. • sometimes they give account on their activities rather to donors than to their own constituency
Literature Hildy Teegen, Jonathan P., Doh and Sushil Vachani, 2004: The importance of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in global governance and value creation: an international business research agenda. Journal of International Business Studies (2004) 35, 463–483