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Internet- based project work. Dr. Gökçe Kurt. Why do Internet- based project work ?. It is a structured way for Ts to begin to incorporate the Internet into the language classes It encourages critical thinking skills It gives Ls quick access to a wealth of information
Internet-basedprojectwork Dr. Gökçe Kurt
Why do Internet-basedprojectwork? • It is a structured way for Ts to begin to incorporate the Internet into the language classes • It encourages critical thinking skills • It gives Ls quick access to a wealth of information (Dudeney&Hockly, 2007, p.44)
Preparingfor Internet-basedprojectwork- HOW? • Choose the project topic • Make the task clear • Find the resources • Decide on the outcome (Dudeney&Hockly, 2007, p.45)
Sample low-level basic project • Myfavoriteactor • 1st lesson: • Lschoosetheactor • Theymind-mapwhattheyknowabouthim • Theymake a list of thethingstheydon’tknow • 2nd lesson: • Lsvisitsites • Theycompletetheirmind-maps • T providesLswith a model biography • T works on structuresandvocabularythat s/he wantsLstoinclude in theirwork
3rd lesson • Ls write the biography • They work it up into a poster with illustrations and photographies
Sample high level project • pp. 48-49
Webquests • Inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that Ls interact with comes from resources on the Internet (Dodge, 1995). • What makes webquests different projects is its rigid structure. http://webquest.org/index-create.php http://www.zunal.com/
Work in pairs and analyze a webquest example from Zunal and discuss the functions of each section.
4 main sections • Introduction • Gives background information on thetopic • Introduceskeyvocabularyandconcepts • Task • ExplainsclearlywhattheLswillhaveto do • Process • GuidestheLsthrough a set of activitiesandresearchtasks, using a set of predefinedresources • Evaluations • Self evaluationand T evaluation
Few examples • http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/grant/oceanpollution/index.html • http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=134187 • http://zunal.com/evaluation.php?w=4159 • http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/nHRF6FR3Vt
Creating your webquest page • Write the web page • Engage Ls • Scaffold thinking • Implement and evaluate