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Let them eat cake!. Present Subjunctive. Formula. 2 nd PP - last 3 letters + special vowel + endings ( active & passive ). Special Vowels. 1 st E 2 nd EA 3 rd A 4 th IA. H e. f ea rs. a. fr ia r. Special Vowels. 1 st E 2 nd EA 3 rd A 4 th IA. Cl em. cl ea n s.
Let them eat cake! Present Subjunctive
Formula 2nd PP - last 3 letters + special vowel + endings (active & passive)
Special Vowels 1st E 2nd EA 3rd A 4th IA He fears a friar.
Special Vowels 1st E 2nd EA 3rd A 4th IA Clem cleans clams in Siam.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th amem videam vivam audiam ames videas vivas audias amet videat vivat audiat amemus videamus vivamus audiamus ametis videatis vivatis audiatis ament videant vivant audiant
1st 2nd 3rd 4th amer videar vivar audiar ameris videaris vivaris audiaris ametur videatur vivatur audiatur amemur videamur vivamur audiamur amemini videamini vivamini audiamini amentur videantur vivantur audiantur
esse posse sim possim sis possis sit possit simus possimus sitis possitis sint possint
Gaudeamusigitur! Jussive Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive ALL ALONE… • “Let…” • “May…” • Edantplacentam! • Gaudeamusigitur! • StudeamlinguaeLatinae!
Negative Jussive Subjunctive = NE • “Let…NOT…” • “May…NOT…” • Ne edantplacentam! • Ne gaudeamusigitur! • Ne studeamlinguaeHispaniae!
Let’s Practice!!! • Let us confuse the teacher! • Let us not confuse the students!
May the king propose peace. • May the king not propose war.
Let me live a happy life. • Let me not live a sad life.
May people envy me. • May the people not envy you.
Let us be friends. • Let us not be enemies.
May friendship be valued. • May hatred (odium) not be valued.