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Maninder kaur saggu Id:-c62121. OHS orientation/information session. OSH MEANING :-
Maninder kaur saggu Id:-c62121 OHS orientation/information session
OSHMEANING :- occupational health and safety this area is concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment .the goal of all occupational health and safety programs is to provide a safe work environment. OHS
The main Act covering OHS in Victoria is the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.Information for employees on health and safety - for employees, independent contractors and their employees • Information for health and safety representatives - for reps and deputies, explains their rights and powers. Code of practice
Provides employers, self-employed persons and employees with practical advice on the provision of a minimum standard of amenities for persons engaged in all construction work Amenities for Construction Work Code of Practice
This code applies to the amenity tree industry for pruning, trimming, repairing, maintaining, transplanting, removing trees, wood chipping, stump grinding and for equipment used in such operations. Amenity Tree Industry Code of Practice
A practical guide for employers and others, who have duties for their particular area of work in dealing with Cash in Transit. Cash in Transit Code of Practice
This Code applies to pump units, placing booms and ancillary equipment used for the conveyance of concrete where the pump unit is skid mounted, trailer mounted or vehicle (prime mover) mounted. Construction Testing Concrete Pumps Code of Practice
VIC: Occupational Health & Safety Act 1985 NSW: Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000 QLD: Work cover Health and Safety Act 1995 SA: Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare Act 1986 WA: Occupational Health & Safety Act 1984 ACT: Occupational Health & Safety Act 1989 TAS: Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995 NT: Work Health Act Legislation
Vic http://www.workcover.vic.gov.au Qld http://www.workcover.qld.gov.au Canberra http://www.workcover.act.gov.au NSW http://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au NT http://www.worksafe.nt.gov.au/ Tas http://www.workcover.tas.gov.au/ STATE LINK
• Manual Handling Regulations 1999 • Hazardous Substances Regulations 1999 • Dangerous Goods Regulations 2000 • Noise Regulations 2004 • Plant Regulations 1995 • Prevention of Falls Regulations 2003 • Asbestos Regulations 2003 Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes
Inspect workplace using checklist • Identify hazards • Conduct risk assessment • Record hazards/actions on hazards log • Implement OHS action plan • Monitor and review outcomes Workplace hazard inspection
2.1 Legal Obligations • 2.2 OHS Planning • 2.3 Roles and Responsibilities for OHS • 2.4 Training and Induction • 2.5 Communication and Consultation • 2.6 OHS Committees • 2.7 Issue Resolution • 2.8 Hazard/Incident Reporting and Investigation • 2.9 OHS Performance Reporting Program • 2.10 Health Surveillance & Monitoring • 2.11 Audits • 2.12 Document Control OHS planning & management