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SMOOTHING AGE PROFILES : WEIGHTING ISSUE Austrian case. Jože Sambt University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Slovenia Berkeley, California January 23, 2007. Age profile of “other private consumption”. Age profile of “other private consumption”.
SMOOTHING AGE PROFILES: WEIGHTING ISSUEAustrian case Jože SambtUniversity of Ljubljana,Faculty of Economics, Slovenia Berkeley, California January 23, 2007
Loss of accuracy in original data because of preparing them (with expandcl) for weighted lowess smoothing
Loss of accuracy in original data because of preparing them (with expandcl) for weighted lowess smoothing
Loss of accuracy in original data because of preparing them (with expandcl) for weighted lowess smoothing
Lost information and increased number of observations at different average weights
Sensitivity of final results to different mutliplier values; lowess factor 0.1
Sensitivity of final results to different mutliplier values; lowess factor 0.1
Sensitivity of final results to different mutliplier values; lowess factor 0.1
Sensitivity of final results to different mutliplier values; lowess factor 0.1
Sensitivity of final results to different mutliplier values; lowess factor 0.1
Conclusions • Using STATA lowess function without using expandcl (i.e. ignoring weights at smoothing) produces profiles which can be heavily biased. Ignoring weights is not acceptable for the Austrian case. • During the workshop some countries presented twin peak (consumption) profile. If they used STATA lowess smoothing without expandcl function, it would be desirable to check if in some of them it is maybe just a smoothing problem. • Proper implementation of expandcl STATA function before using STATA lowess smoothing method seems to be adequate general and robust approach with acceptable calculation time.