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Day of the Dead By Kaleena Brown. History. A festival that was practiced over 3000 yrs ago Over 500 yrs ago Spaniards tried to get rid of this tradition by trying to convert the natives to Christianity.
History • A festival that was practiced over 3000 yrs ago • Over 500 yrs ago Spaniards tried to get rid of this tradition by trying to convert the natives to Christianity. • Derived from Catholic theology (coinciding with all saints day) and Azteck rituals (use of skulls) according to Carlos Miller of the Arizona Republic.
Alter Call • Create alter for family member • Alter Call • Offerings • favorite foods • Personal items • Flowers • Toys • Barry White ex
Family visits Grave • Visit relative’s grave site. • The souls are said to return each year to enjoy the pleasures that they once had in life. • It is believed that the candle light, as well as the scents of the marigold flowers and the copal incense, help the returning souls find their way back. • Sometimes paths of marigold petals are scattered by the family from the cemetery to the door of the house. The ghosts can find their way to the family by following this yellow path. • A widely held belief is that the souls of the children ("angelitos") return first, and food and gifts appropriate for their age and taste will be set out for them. • The adult dead are said to return on Nov. 1st and they are given the most elaborate foods and drinks the family can afford.
Food • ("bread of the dead"), which is flat bread baked in the shape of skulls and crossbones. • Candy in the shape of skulls, skeletons, and coffins, and many favorite Mexican dishes (tamales, moles, chiles, enchiladas) are consumed as well. • Another traditional dish prepared for the celebration is the tasty Calabaza en Tacha, Sweet Pumpkin, a dessert prepared with pumpkin, cinnamon, and piloncillo, dark sugar cones.
Sources • http://www.azcentral.com/ent/dead/ • http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/Day.html • http://www.inside-mexico.com/featuredead.htm • annphoto@earthlink.net • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5gW6OiFwD2U/SLc_pOpO-sI/AAAAAAAADmY/QBm0pRRM1Fg/s400/Day_of_the_Dead.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jmassier.blogspot.com/2008_08_01_archive.html&usg=__v7tJ-n1A_68DgQuf1DYaVROqIek=&h=400&w=329&sz=51&hl=en&start=35&um=1&tbnid=cqdOI6km1BdAtM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dday%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bdead%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26sa%3DN%26start