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E906 Spectrometer Upgrade Overview

E906 Spectrometer Upgrade Overview. Paul E. Reimer Magnet Concept Design Estimates (Money & Time). Magnet Concept. Use pieces from existing (but dismantled) SM12 Magnet This was the large dipole used by E866 and predecessors Design coils to minimize the need to cut existing iron

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E906 Spectrometer Upgrade Overview

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  1. E906 Spectrometer Upgrade Overview Paul E. Reimer Magnet Concept Design Estimates (Money & Time)

  2. Magnet Concept • Use pieces from existing (but dismantled) SM12 Magnet • This was the large dipole used by E866 and predecessors • Design coils to minimize the need to cut existing iron • Decrease nonBend aperture • to match downstream acceptance • Save on Amp-Turns • Tapered pole pieces • Copper Beam dump (either modified from E866/SM12 or new) • Graded hadron absorber within aperture of magnet (Copper, Carbon, Polyethylene) Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  3. 50’ (9 blocks long) 66” 2£17” 198” SM12 Removal Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  4. M1 Magnet • New coils • Reuse whole pieces of SM12 magnet yoke (1/3 or total SM12 yoke) • Beam dump either modified to fit or new (from Fermilab) • Coil Design Team • Jack Jagger—Engineering (PHY-STA) • Ken Thompson—Field, power calculations, etc (APS) • Tom O’Connor and Kevin Bailey—design and drafting (PHY) Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  5. M1 Magnet Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  6. Budgetary Estimates: Aluminum conductor • Conductor Properties • Al 1350 Alloy • 1.6 £ 1.6 inch • 0.700 inch diameter hole for cooling • Estimate From Alconex, Fort Wayne, IN • Will vary with base metal price • Investigating additional possible vendors Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  7. Budgetary Estimate: Coil Fabrication • Contacted 5 possible vendors in Fall 2004 for budgetary estimates based on preliminary designs—4 vendors responded by January 2005 • Revisited estimates with 3 of 4 vendors for this review (Oct-Nov 2006) • For budget, estimate is based on Sigma Phi total, but will use lowest bidder in which there is confidence • × 1.2 (contingency) × 1.1 (Overhead) × 1.03 (inflation) Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  8. M1 Magnet Coil Fabrication Budget • Tab. III of review document • Cost dominated by cost of conductor and coil ($1.3M of $1.6M) Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  9. Coils: Fabrication time • Schedule based on longest lead-time vendor: • Sigma Phi: 10 Months with conductor available 4 months before delivery • Everson Tesla: 18-22 week (5 months) • Alpha Magnetics: no estimate • Requested Budget—purchase coils over two years: • FY2007: • Bid and contract for coils • Purchase tooling • FY2008 (starting in Jan 2008)—this is delay is the critical path item: • Purchase conductor • Fabrication of coils Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  10. Magnet Timeline Al Conductor delayed to FY08 Coil Fabrication delayed to FY08 Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

  11. Conclusions • Design of magnet is underway • Sufficiently advanced enough to obtain reasonable budgetary estimates on coil fabrication from vendors • Both budget and time line are based on conservative estimates Paul Reimer E906 Sepctrometer Upgrade Overview

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