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California Department of Public Health Center for Family Health, Office of Family Planning Division. Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program. Community Challenge Grant (CCG). Program Orientation June 3, 2008 - Part 2. 1. 1. Revised 06/23/08 ). About the Webinar.
California Department of Public Health Center for Family Health, Office of Family Planning Division Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Program Orientation June 3, 2008 - Part 2 1 1 Revised 06/23/08)
About the Webinar • A copy of the powerpoint presentation used in this webinar is posted on the Statewide Training and Technical Assistance website: http://www.etr.org/ofp/webinar • Questions regarding the information presented in this webinar may be emailed directly to the Program Consultant.
This orientation is divided into two parts: • Part 1: OFP Overview and TPP Program Elements: • Overview of OFP and TPP Programs • Project Strategies • Curriculum • Laws that Impact TPP Programs • Clinical Linkage - Family PACT Referrals • Part 2: Program Requirements (This Session) • Collaboration • Community Match • Evaluation • Workplan • Progress Report • Program Forms
Background Purpose • Collaboration in planning the TPP Program. • Collaboration in the provision of services, and the design/implementation of strategies. Key Components: • Shared vision • Sharing of information • Sharing of resources • Commitment to achieve common goals
Types of Collaboration Required Local Collaboration CCG projects are required to develop and support a partnership comprised of community representatives, agencies, organizations and other stakeholders. • Informal Collaborative - Funding Level: $100,000 or $127,000 • Formal Collaborative - Funding Level: $175,000 or $210,000 Regional Collaboration CCG projects are required to coordinate their efforts with other OFP-funded projects in their region. • At a minimum, this includes all OFP-TPP funded programs • The Regional Collaborative may include other partners in the teen pregnancy prevention effort CCG projects are required to participate in both local and regional collaborative groups.
Characteristics/Requirements • Informal • (Funding Level I) • Informal relationships with TPP partners to coordinate efforts/activities • Identified staff responsible for supporting the collaborative process • Meetings conducted on an as needed basis • Minutes or a summary of discussion/activities incorporated in the Progress Report narrative • Formal • (Funding Level II) • Formalized partnership • Mission Statement • Operating Principles • 15-20 hours of paid staff time per month (reflected in workplan and budget) • Regular meetings held • Agenda & Minutes attached to progress report
Collaborative Participation • Informal • (Funding Level I) • Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) • Letter of Commitment • At least one Family PACT Provider • MOU/MOA/Letter of Commitment • No subcontractors required • Subcontractor Agreement, if it applies • Formal • (Funding Level II) • Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP) • Letter of Commitment • At least one Family PACT Provider • MOU/MOA/Letter of Commitment • At least two subcontractors required • Subcontractor Agreements
EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Programs
Evaluation Requirements • Statewide EvaluationProject Coordinators Telephone Survey • Continuous Program Improvement (CPI) • One CPI tool per project • Information is collected in order to identify ways to improve the project.
Continuous Program Improvement CPI Tools Available: • Curriculum Assessment • Implementation Tool • Participant Satisfaction Survey • Local Pre-Test/Post-Test • Training and Support • Focus Group Resource: CPI Toolkit. This is available online at: www.etr.org/ofp
Evaluation: Workplan and Budget Workplan • Include process measures under each objective of the workplan • Include CPI activities in the administrative objective of the workplan Budget • Allocate 10-15% of the total annual funding to support evaluation activities and requirements
Description and Purpose The purpose of the community match requirement is to encourage Grantees to secure ongoing commitment and support from community agencies and businesses, and to encourage community collaboration. • Grantees shall be required to match a portion of the grant awarded under the CCG with either dollar or measurable in-kind contributions as provided by this section. • Grantees shall provide a match of not less than 10% for the first year of the grant, not less than 15% for the second year, and not less than 20% for the third year of the grant. • The match required by this section shall be supplemental to the funds appropriated for the Community Challenge Grant program and shall be from non-governmental sources. Welfare and Institutions Code, Sections 18993-18993.9, 18993.6
In-Kind Support Cash Contributions
ACCEPTABLE SOURCES OF CONTRIBUTIONS The match must come from non-governmental sources. (CCG RFA)
AMOUNT REQUIRED (Minimum Levels) 1st Year 10% of the grant amount 2nd Year 15% for the second year grant amount 3rd Year 20% for the third through subsequent years of the grant Agencies receiving CCG funding for longer than three years are required to maintain a 20% community match level based on their current budget. (CCG RFA)
(1) Promotional and Incentive Items for Participants Pens/Pencils Refreshments for Participants/ Meals Tee-shirts Music Discs Award Plaques, Trophies, etc. Movie Passes Gift Certificates
Conditions • Donated items were purchased with non-governmental funds. • Items “donated” to the CCG project by another agency (or another program within the same agency) must have been purchased with non-governmental funds. • Source of funds may include businesses, agencies or individuals.
Recommended Documentation • A letter from the donor to the CCG project listing the donated items and either the assigned value of each item or the total value of the donated items. • A letter from the CCG project to the donor, acknowledging the receipt of donated items with the total assigned value. If applicable, the letter should state if the donation is a qualified tax deduction. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(2) VOLUNTEER TIME Youth Volunteers Adult Volunteers Student Interns A volunteer is an individual who gives time, talent and ability to a cause they believe in, without pay.
Conditions • The volunteer is not a paid staff (full or part time)of the CCG project or subcontractors. • The volunteer does not receive any salary/wage for their “volunteer time” with the CCG project.* • The volunteer may be a participant of an internship program, a community service project or court-mandated community service program. • The volunteer who works for a government funded program, including CCG project collaborators, must not be receiving compensation for their “volunteer services” to the CCG project. * Volunteers may receive a cash stipend to help defray costs such as a gas allowance, or a gift certificate awarded as a token of appreciation.
Recommended Documentation • A signed Volunteer Agreement or a Volunteer Service Record, which should describe: • The number of volunteer hours (projected/actual) • The rate per hour or fee-for-service rate, which may be based on any of the following: • The volunteer’s professional rate/salary rate • The rate of pay for a comparable position within the agency • The market rate for a comparable position/professional services • Total value of the volunteer services provided to the agency • Statements verifying that the volunteer services meet the conditions Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
Determining the Value of Volunteer Services The following websites may used as a resource for determining the value of volunteer services: http://www.independentsector.org/programs/research/volunteer_time.html http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcma.htm
(3) In-Kind Staff Services Staff time provided by an organization to the CCG project may be reported as a community match contribution and may include: • Staff services provided by the CCG-funded agency, as long as the position is not paid by CCG project or other government program. • Staff services provided by an agency that has a subcontract with the CCG project, as long as the position is not paid for by the CCG subcontract or any other government program. • Staff of collaborating agencies/organizations, provided the position is not paid for by government funds. • Volunteer /service clubs or organizations such as a local Rotary Club, a fraternity/sorority, etc. • Staff services provided by local businesses. In-kind staff services are time, effort and services given by an agency/ organization to benefit the CCG project.
Conditions • In-kind service is performed by someone whose position is not paid by government funds. • In-kind service is not performed in order to meet the contributing organization’s own government-funded workplan (grant, contract, etc). • In-kind staff position is not paid out of the CCG-project’s indirect costs.
Recommended Documentation • One or a combination of the following: • In-kind Service Agreement between the CCG project and the In-Kind Services Contributor. • A Thank You Letter from the CCG project to the In-kind • Service Contributor stating services received by the • CCG project and its assigned value. • Agency memo listing the type of in-kind services provided to the CCG project and its value. • Include: • Number of hours contributed to the CCG project (projected/ • actual), rate per hour and the total value of the contribution. • Type of in-kind services provided. • Statements verifying that the in-kind services meet the given • conditions. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(4) Donated Equipment, Office Supplies and Educational Materials from Private Sources • These are items that are donated to the CCG project by organizations or individuals. • Office equipment • Office supplies • Educational tools • Other items/ miscellaneous
Conditions • Donated items were not purchased with government funds. • Items left over from another project that was government funded may not be used as community match.
Recommended Documentation • A letter from the donor to the CCG project listing the donated items, with the assigned value of each item or the total value of the donated items. • A letter from the CCG projectto the donor, acknowledging the receipt of donated items with the total assigned value. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(5) Private Foundation Grants and Other Monetary Contributions Funds received from private donors such as foundations, businesses or individuals to supplement the CCG project and enhance the program.
Condition Monetary contribution is not obtained from a governmental source.
Recommended Documentation • Use one or a combination of the following: • Grant award or notice. • Copy of the check with a notation referencing the donation or grant. • A letter from the Donor indicating the amount of money donated to the CCG Project. • A letter from the CCG-funded agency to the Donor acknowledging the receipt of funds and the amount of the contribution allocated (all or partial) to the CCG Project. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(6) FUNDRAISERS • These are activities or events that help raise money for the CCG project. • One-time, informal activities • such as a carwash • Fundraising events • Fundraising auctions/ silent auctions • Donor-development campaign • Mini-grants, pilot project funding • Other
Condition Donated items/ supplies for the activity were not purchased with government funds. BONUS: Fundraising Auctions – You may triple the value of contributions by accounting for:a) Value of contributed items for the auction b) Value that the donated items sold for at the auction c) Auction overhead: facility, volunteers, supplies, etc.
Recommended Documentation • Use one or a combination of the following: • A letter from the donor listing the items and value of items donated for an auction, food or other supplies donated for a fundraising event. The letter should specify that the donations were made to the CCG project. • A letter from the CCG project to the Donor acknowledging the receipt of items and their value, referring the items/funds as benefiting the CCG project. • Receipts from the sale of auctioned items or letters that acknowledge receipt for funds for auctioned items. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(7) Curricula or Materials Developed with Private Funds CCG project may benefit from donated educational materials. These may be considered community match contributions.
Conditions • In case of the author donating the material: Material was developed by private funds. • In case of another organization donating the material: Material must have been purchased with private funds.
Recommended Documentation • Use one or a combination of the following: • A letter or notice from the curriculum author/publisher stating; a) authorization for the use of their material and b) value of the curriculum at current market price. • A letter from the CCG project acknowledging the receipt of authorization to use the curriculum and/or receipt of the material for use in their program. Indicate: current market value of the material. • A letter from the Donor listing the health education materials being donated to the CCG project and corresponding market values. • A letter from the CCG project acknowledging receipt of the health education materials and the corresponding value of these materials. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(8) MEDIA • CCG project agencies may generate support for their program from various forms of media. No-cost media exposure for the CCG project may be considered as a community match contribution and may include: • Airtime, including Public Service Announcements (PSA) on television or radio • Billboard placement of an ad • Placement of an ad in a newspaper or magazine
Recommended Documentation Use one or a combination of the following: Airtime On Television Or Radio • A letter to the radio/TV station acknowledging the PSAs, stating the assigned costs based on current market rate. • Radio/TV company-generated Air-Time Report with a summary of costs based on their normal billing rate. • Non-Profit Organization-generated Air-Time Report with a summary of costs based on current market rate (this applies if the station/program is operated by a faith group or another non-profit). Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
Recommended Documentation Use one or a combination of the following: Billboard Placement of an Ad • A letter to the advertising company acknowledging the billboard placement stating the assigned costs based on current market rate. • A company-generated letter or billboard placement summary provided to the CCG project, listing the value of the contribution through waived advertising costs. Value should be based on the company’s normal ad development/placement rate. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
Recommended Documentation Use one or a combination of the following: Placement of an Ad in a Newspaper or Magazine • A letter to the newspaper/ magazine acknowledging the ad placement stating the assigned value based on current market rate for advertising. • A commercial company-generated letter or ad-placement summary provided to the CCG project, listing the value of the contribution through waived advertising costs. Value should be based on the company’s normal ad development/placement rate. with assigned costs based on market rate. Sample Documentation Tools may available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
(9) RENT OR MEETING SPACE This may include facility space such boardrooms, computer labs, meeting rooms and activity centers, used for CCG activities at no cost to the project. • Community Facilities • Office Space in Other Facilities • Agency-Owned Facilities
Conditions The facility was built/established with non-governmental funds. Example: A school-based center established with capital or building funds from a private foundation
Recommended Documentation Use one or a combination of the following: • If the space used belongs to the CCG funded agency: A written statement from the agency that indicates the use of space for meetings and other program activities, indicating the assigned cost. • If the space used belongs to another organization: • A letter to the host organization acknowledging use of the facility/office space, indicating the assigned value of the space used. • A letter from the host organization indicating their permission for the use of space and the assigned value of the space used. Sample Documentation Tools are available online at: www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
Basic Conditions for Community Match Requirement • Source of funding for community match item: non-governmental and not paid for by the CCG project (direct or indirect funds). • Use a reasonable,justified value for any community match item claimed. • Community match must be well-documented (must pass audit). • Documentation must demonstrate that contributions benefit the CCG project.
For any Community Match item not covered in this presentation or when in doubt… Talk to your Program Consultant