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2. AGENDA. Informational FlowDates to RememberBefore Building your BudgetBudget and StrategyBudget Components SummaryOriginal BudgetOriginal Budget SummaryBudget RevisionsPaymentsgrantee Operation ChangesOther AdministrationSubcontractorsAgreement Funding Application (AFA) Process. 3. I
1. 1 Allocation & Matched Funding UnitOffice of Family Planning (OFP)Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Program
2. 2 AGENDA Informational Flow
Dates to Remember
Before Building your Budget
Budget and Strategy
Budget Components Summary
Original Budget
Original Budget Summary
Budget Revisions
grantee Operation Changes
Other Administration
Agreement Funding Application (AFA) Process
3. 3 Informational Flow Contract Manager
Point person to receive all documents
Answers Budget and Invoice questions
Program Consultant
Answers programmatic questions
staffing, workplan, progress reports
Project Director and/or Coordinator Role
Receives CDPH letters, e-mails, and correspondence
Forwards information to appropriate grantee fiscal and program staff.
4. 4 Dates to Remember Submission timeline for fiscal year documents
Allocation Funding Application (AFA) package is due July 1st, (2xxx)
October 31st, (2xxx) - 1st quarter invoice due
January 31st, (2xxx) - 2nd quarter invoice due
April 30th, (2xxx) - 3rd quarter invoice due
Sept. 30th, (2xxx) - 4th quarter or Final Supplemental invoice due
5. 5 Funding Source Funding for the CCG Program comes from Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) via reimbursement from the Department of Social Services.
These funds support 116 CCG agencies and their subcontractors throughout California.
6. 6 Budget Restrictions Below is a partial list of expenses not allowed on your budget. For a complete list, refer to your grant agreement and policy letters.
No purchase of vehicles
No purchase of land or buildings or improvements
Any costs that are not associated with the CCG approved program workplan objectives
Restricted items reflected on the budget will need to be removed before the budget can be approved.
7. 7 Budget Restrictions Continued… These Expenditures are allowed with limitations:
Food can be budgeted, but only up to 1% of the grantee’s annual budget. This amount includes subcontractors.
Space rental for program staff can not be higher than the negotiated rate, which is based on total Full Time Equivalent FTE(s). (100sq ft. x FTE x $1.00 per sq ft. x 12)
8. 8 Budget Restrictions Continued… Liability Insurance can be budgeted as an individual line item up to 1% of grantee budget (remainder must be budgeted within the indirect costs).
Indirect Costs are not to exceed 10% of salaries and benefits.
9. 9 The following six documents will serve as a model for building your current fiscal year budget.
The Grant agreement budget – Provides you with the five line item totals needed to create your current year budget.
Last prior approved fiscal year budget – Provides you with an example of how you estimated expenditures in the previous fiscal year.
Previous fiscal year invoices – they will show you how the money was actually spent.
The current proposed workplan Provides you an idea of what positions may be needed in order to estimate staff’s full time equivalent (FTE).
Attachments B1 & B2 budget resource documents will assist you in budgeting detail line item expenditures correctly and provide budget requirements.
Contract Manager is also a good resource when you have questions.
Budget and Strategy
10. 10 Remember:
The budget is always your best estimate.
Invoicing is always based on actual expenditures.
Seldom is your best estimate the same as actual expenditures.
It is likely that you will require one if not two budget revisions during the fiscal year to accommodate actual expenditures.
11. 11 Budget Components Summary Five line item budget
Personnel: Staff salaries & benefits.
Operating Expenses: Expenses necessary to run the program.
Subcontractors: If an grantee received funding level 2, a minimum of two subcontractors is required.
Other Charges: Anything that is not a day to day expense.
Indirect costs: costs that accrue in the normal conduct of business that can only be partially attributable to performance of a grant (e.g., administrative expense, payroll, accounting, liability insurance, janitorial, security, building maintenance, Executive Director’s time).
12. 12 ORIGINAL BUDGET Building the Budget Worksheet
All worksheet cells that allow data input are highlighted in yellow. The white cells do not allow data input because they contain formulas that automatically calculate.
Limit entries to whole numbers.
After completing and reviewing the entire document, choose “save as” and save the file with a new name.
13. 13 ORIGINAL BUDGET Example Grant Agreement Budget
14. 14 ORIGINAL BUDGETBudget Worksheet (1)Personnel
15. 15 ORIGINAL BUDGETBudget Worksheet (2)Operating and Subcontractors
16. 16 ORIGINAL BUDGETBudget Worksheet (3)Other and Indirect Costs
17. 17
18. 18
19. 19
20. 20 Budget RevisionsThere are 3 Types of Revisions Informal Allowable Line Item Shift
Formal Budget Revision (no Grant Amendment required)
Formal Budget Revision (Grant Amendment required)
21. 21 BUDGET REVISIONSInformal Allowable Line Item Shifts Definition
Budget Format
Requesting a Budget Revision
Approval Process
22. 22 BUDGET REVISIONS Formal Budget Revision (no Grant Amendment required) Definition
Budget Format
Requesting a Budget Revision
Approval Process
23. 23 BUDGET REVISIONS Formal Budget Revision Grant Agreement Amendment Description
Budget Format
Requesting a Budget Revision
Approval Process
24. 24 PAYMENTS Four types of payments
Initial Allotment
Up to twenty-five (25) percent of the yearly grant amount and can be requested at the beginning of each fiscal year.
Quarterly Invoices
Invoice for actual expenditures.
Submitted each quarter of the fiscal year.
Supplemental Invoice – Final Invoice
One supplemental invoice can be submitted each fiscal year.
Submit supplemental invoice after all four quarterly invoices are submitted to close out the fiscal year.
Final Invoice – Expiration of Grant Term
A final undisputed invoice will be submitted at expiration of the grant term.
A Contractor’s Release Form must be included.
25. 25 PAYMENTS Initial Allotment CCG agencies may annually request an initial allotment up to 25% of their annual grant amount. Initial allotment payments can be requested only if all of the following criteria are met:
The grant has been fully executed;
The Governor’s Budget for the fiscal year has been signed; and
The grantee has repaid all of the previous years initial allotment.
The initial allotment is recouped in 1/3 increments from the first three quarterly invoices. If unable to recoup the entire allotment within the first three quarters, we will continue to recoup through the 4th quarter and any supplemental invoices, if needed. (If after all invoicing has been completed and the grantee still has a balance owing, they would need to contact their contract manager to discuss repayment options.)
The form to request the initial allotment is included in the budget template. It must be printed on grantee letterhead when submitted. See an example of the form on the next slide.
26. 26 PAYMENTSInitial Allotment Form
27. 27 PAYMENTSInvoices Description
Invoice Format
Submitting an Invoice
Initial Allotment Recovery
Recoupment of unreimbursed costs from previous quarters
Receipt of payment
28. 28 PAYMENTSSupplemental/or Final Invoice Description
Invoice Format
Submitting a Supplemental or/Final Invoice
Receipt of Payment
29. 29 Grantee Operation Changes Legal grantee Changes
grantee Information Change
30. 30 OTHER ADMINISTRATION Record retention
Reminder to return State Equipment/Property
31. 31 Agreement Funding Application(AFA) Process Description
The AFA package consists of specific documents that are required to be submitted prior to the start of each fiscal year. These documents must be approved by your Contract Manager and Program Consultant. Once approved, the grantee may invoice.
Due Date
July 1st, unless alternate date is provided by OFP
32. 32 Agreement Funding Application(AFA) Process Requirements
grantee’s must use the most current documents to create their AFA Package.
grantee’s computers are required to contain software applications necessary to conduct business with OFP. Refer to your grant and CCG Program Policy Letters for computer and software requirements.
grantee must submit all required documents listed on the AFA Checklist.
For Fiscal Year 08-09 you will be required to submit your AFA Package electronically to your assigned Contract Manager.
grantee’s are required to use the following naming protocol in the subject line of your AFA submission e-mail.
FY 08-09 AFA Package – Grant # (grantee Complete Name) This will assist us with identifying your documents quickly.
33. 33 Agreement Funding Application(AFA) Process Submission Method
Each grantee will submit one e-mail that contains all of the required AFA documents to their assigned Contract Manager.
You may submit AFA documents in word, excel or PDF format. However, it is required that any document containing a signature, e.g., grantee Budget, grantee Information Form, School Agreements and AFA Checklist be sent in the PDF format.
34. 34 Agreement Funding Application(AFA) Process Approvals – Contract managers and Program Consultants will review your AFA documents simultaneously. If there are any questions or changes that are required your CM will contact you. If at any time you require a status on the approval of your AFA Package, please contact your CM.
Once all of the AFA documents are preliminarily approved by your CM and PC you will receive an e-mailed PDF copy of your formal AFA approval letter along with pertinent documents from your CM.
Reminder: All fiscal and resource documents are located on the OFP website at:
35. This Concludes the Fiscal Administration Training! This concludes the Fiscal Administration Training session. We are now going to answer some of the questions that were submitted during the presentation. This concludes the Fiscal Administration Training session. We are now going to answer some of the questions that were submitted during the presentation.
37. 37