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Hylar V Assault Laser All of your Cruisers and Destroyers now receive +1 on all combat rolls. Deep Space Cannon (req. Hylar V Assault Laser) Enemy flets in adjacent systems are now in range of your PDS units. Duranium Armor (req, Deep Space Cannon)
Hylar V Assault Laser All of your Cruisers and Destroyers now receive +1 on all combat rolls. Deep Space Cannon (req. Hylar V Assault Laser) Enemy flets in adjacent systems are now in range of your PDS units. Duranium Armor (req, Deep Space Cannon) At the end of each round of combat, you may repair 1 of your damaged units in the battle. Automated Defense Turrets (req. Hylar V Assault Laser) All of your Destroyers receive +2 and roll 1 additional die on all anti-fighter barrage rolls. Assault Cannon (req. Automated Defense Turrets and Cybernetics) Before any space battle begins, your participating Dreadnoughts may each fire one shot. Any hits are applied immediately, and casualties fo not receive return fire. Graviton Negator (req. Assault Cannon or Daxcive Animators) Your Dreadnoughts may now bombard planets that contain PDS units. Your fighters may participate in invasion combat. Surviving fighters are returned to space after the combat and can never establish control of a planet. War Sun (req. Deep Space Cannon and Sarween Tools) You are now allowed to produce War Sun units. Magen Defense Grid (req. Deep Space Cannon) Your PDS units now receive +1 on all combat rolls. In addition, al of your defending GF on a planet with a PDS receive +1 on all combat rolls during Invasion Combat. Antimass Deflectors All your ships may now move through Asteroid Fields but may never end their movement in an one. XRD Transporters (req. Antimass Deflectors) All of your Carrier units now receive +1 movement. Gravity Drive (req. Antimass Deflectors) You do not need to roll for ships when moving out of a Gravity Rift. If your ships begin their activation in a system adjacent to a Gravity Rift or Wormhole, you receive +1 movement. Maneuvering Jets (req. XRD Transporters) Your opponents receive –1 to all PDS rolls targeting your ships or +2 if the PDS is firing from an adjacent system. In addition you receive –1 to all your space mine rolls and your ships do not have to stop when entering an Ion Storm. Lightwave Deflectors (req. XRD Transporters and Magen Defense Grid) Your ships may now move through systems containing enemy ships and continue their movement to the activated system. Type IV Drive (req. XRD Transporter and Neural Motivator) All of your Cruisers, Dreadnoughts, and Flagships now receive +1 movement. Advanced Fighters (req. Type IV Drive) Your fighters do not require the support of Carriers or Space Docks, may move independently with a movement rate of 2, and receive +1 on combat rolls. Enemy ships may not move through a system your fighters occupy. Fighters in excess of a systems fighters capacity count towards your fleet supply limit. Fleet Logistics (req. Graviton Negator) When taking a Tactical Action, you may now take two Tactical Actions, one after the other before your turn ends. Enviro Compensator The production capacity of your Space Docks is now increased by 1. Transfabrication You may scuttle units at the start of the Build Units step of your activation. For each non-Fighter and non-Ground Force unit you scuttle in this way, gain 1 Trade Good. Sarween Tools (req. Enviro Sompensator) Whenever you produce units at any Space Dock, you now receive one additional resource with which to build units. Micro Technology (req. Stasis Capsules or Sarween Tools) When you receive Trade Goods from your Trade Agreements, you now receive one additional Trade Good for each of your active Trade Agreements. Nano Technology (req. Micro Technology) Your Dreadnoughts, War Suns, & Flagships may not be targeted by your opponents Action Cards. In addition, when you claim a planet, you gain its planet card refreshed. Graviton Laser System (req.Deep Space Cannon) When you make a combat roll with a PDS unit and miss, you may now make a single re-roll for each roll that missed. Transit Diodes (req. Lightwave Deflectors or Daxcive Animators) As an action, you may spend one Command Counter from your Strategic Allocation to immediately move up to four of your Ground Forces from any one of your planets to any other planet you control. Integrated Technology (req. Micro Technology and Cybernetics) When producing units at your Space Docks, you may now place the new units in any activated adjacent system that is empty or friendly. You may place PDS and Ground Force units on any friendly planets within this range. Cybernetics (req. Stasis Capsules or Antimass Deflectors) All of your Fighters receive +1 on all combat rolls. Gen Synthesis (req. Cybernetics) All of your Ground Forces now receive +1 on all combat rolls during invasion combat. When one of your Ground Forces is destroyed, roll a die. On a result of 5+ return the unit to a planet in your Home System. Stasis Capsules (req. Enviro Compensator) Your Cruisers and Dreadnoughts may now carry one Ground Force unit. Neural Motivator (req. Stasis Capsules or Micro Technology) You now draw one extra Action Card during each Status Phase. Neural Computing (req. Neural Motivator) Your cost to purchase new Technologies is reduced by 2. Dacxive Animators (req. Neural Motivator) If you win an invasion combat, roll once for each Ground Force killed (yours and your opponents). Fore every roll of 6+ place one Ground Force unit on the planet from your reinforcements. Hyper Metabolism (req. Gen Synthesis) During each Status Phase, you gain 1 additional Command Counter. In addition, before drawing Action Cards you may discard 1 Action Card from your hand to draw 1 additional Action Card. X-98 Bacterial Weapon (req. Transit Diodes or Assault Cannon) Your Dreanoughts or War Sun s may now use this option before bombarding. Immediately destroy all enemy Ground Force units on the planet, then disacrd all of your Action Cards. Mechanized Unit Cost: 2 Move: N/A Battle: 8+ Invasion: 8+ / 7+ / 6+ Move: N/A Battle: 6x2 Sustain Damage Move: 2 Battle/Bombard: 3x3 Sustain Damage Ground Force Cost: 2 for 1 War Sun Cost: 12 Move: N/A Battle: N/A Space Dock Cost: 4 Magen Defense Grid Destroy all GF on planet, then discard all Action Cards. X-89 Bacterial Weapon +1 on Invasion with PDS Duranium Armor May repair each Enviro Compensator +1 Production Specialty +1 in Invasion; +5 return home when destroyed. Gen Synthesis +1 Resource on Production Sarween Tools Duranium Armor May repair each round. Move: 1 / 2 Battle: 9+ Carrier Cost: 3 New Units may go in adjacent Empty or friendly systems. Integrated Economy On successful invasion, for all GF killed, add one on +6 Dacxive Animators Sustain Damage Nano Technology AC’s cannot target Move: 1 Battle/Bombard: 5 Sustain Damage Dreadnought Cost: 5 XRD Transporter Move: N/A / 2 Battle: 9+ / 8+ / 7+ +1 movement Fighter Cost: 2 for 1 Move: N/A Battle: 6+ / 5+ PDS Cost: 2 Flagship Cost: ?? Move: ?? Battle: ?? Sustain Damage Assault Cannon +1 Combat Roll +1 Combat Roll Cybernetics Deep Space Cannon Adjacent systems in range Type IV Drive +1 Movement Graviton Negator Participate in Invasion Magen Defense Grid +1 combat roll Duranium Armor May repair each Advanced Fighters Graviton Negator Bombard planets with PDS +1 Combat, move independently Graviton Laser System One re-roll per miss Stasis Capsules +1 movement Carry one Ground Force Type IV Drive Sustain Damage Cruiser Cost: 2 Move: 2/3 Battle: 7+ / 6+ Duranium Armor May repair each round. AC’s cannot target Nano Technology Move: 2 Battle: 9+ / 8+ AFB: 2x9 / 3x7+ Destroyer Cost: 1 Destroy all GF on planet, then discard all Action Cards. X-98 Bacterial Weapon Hylar V Assault Laser +1 Combat Roll Nano Technology AC’s cannot target Hylar V Assault Laser +1 Combat Roll Stasis Capsules Carry one Ground Force Automated Defense Turrets +2 & extra die on Anti-Fighter Barrage Type IV Drive +1 Movement