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May 2011 Elementary Griffin Gazette. May & June 5/2- 6 Teacher Appreciation Week 5/2 - 6 SAT Testing 5/5 Las Vegas 51s Game: 7:00 PM 5/6 Spring Carnival: 4:00 – 7:00 PM 5/10 AR Assembly: 9:00 AM 5/11 PAC Meeting: 9:00 AM
May 2011 Elementary Griffin Gazette May & June 5/2- 6 Teacher Appreciation Week 5/2 - 6 SAT Testing 5/5 Las Vegas 51s Game: 7:00 PM 5/6 Spring Carnival: 4:00 – 7:00 PM 5/10 AR Assembly: 9:00 AM 5/11 PAC Meeting: 9:00 AM 5/13 $1 Jean Day: Support our Troops 5/14 FGS Invitational Track Meet @ Faith Lutheran High School 5/16 K & 8th Graduation Pictures 5/26 5th & 6th Grade DARE Graduation 5/26 Volleyball & Basketball Party 5/27 Free Dress Day 5/30 No School: Memorial Day 6/1 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Kindergarten Graduation: 6:30 PM 6/6 AR & K – 7 Awards: 9:00 AM 6/8 Last Day of School: 11:30 Dismissal No aftercare available • Dear Parents, • This month we will be celebrating Teacher • Appreciation Week, May 2nd to the 6th. • Please join me in expressing the sincerest • appreciation to all our teachers and staff • members for the commitment, knowledge, • and caring spirit they bring to Southern • Highlands Preparatory School every day! • Thank you to the PAC for recognizing our • teachers by treating them to lunch throughout • the week! • May is going to be a very busy month for • everyone at SHPS. To help keep you updated • with activities and events please visit our new • improved webpage, at the same address: www.southernhighlandsprep.com • On our webpage you will find the calendar, • camp information, this newsletter, lunch • menus and more! • This school year is winding down and our • administrative and teaching staff are planning • not only for a successful final month of • learning, but also for an awesome summer • camp and even laying the groundwork for a • fabulous 2011 – 2012 school year! • Sincerely, • Ms. Barone • Principal • Sincerely, • Ms. Barone ADMINISTRATIVE NUMBERS (702) 617-6030 Mrs. Sandra Andrews: Office Manager sandra.andrews@nlcinc.com Mrs. Theresa Gotay: Assistant Principal theresa.gotay@nlcinc.com Ms Tina Barone: Principal tina.barone@nlcinc.com Visit us at --- www.southernhighlandsprep.com www.nobellearning.com
SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS SHPS Second Annual Science Fair was a huge success! The caliber of the science exhibits was outstanding! Congratulations to our Elementary and Middle School Winners! Elementary Grace Lord-Leutwyler 1st Ryan Fain 2nd Easton Berti 3rd Middle School Devon Werner 1st Amy Nguyen 2nd Angelina Diaz 3rd Las Vegas 51’s Family Night Come on out to the ballgame for the 3rd annual SHPS Night at the Las Vegas 51’s on Thursday, May 5th! Tickets are $9 per person and include a reserved seat and a 51’s baseball hat. Game time is 7:00 PM. Following the game will be a fireworks show! SHPS Middle School choir, under the direction of Mrs. Johnson will be opening the game with the National Anthem! SHPS FIELD-TRIPS One important aspect of learning at Southern Highlands is education based field-trips. Our students have been really exploring! Kindergarten visited Anderson Farms. 1st Grade were excited to visit the Lion Exhibit at MGM. 4th Grade visited the CSN Planetarium. 5th and 6th Grade enjoyed an entertaining Military Themed Variety Show extravaganza at Thomas and Mack Center. 8th Grade studied Entrepreneurship by visiting a local restaurant. Some of our Middle School students enjoyed a 4 day trip to New York City. Chaperoning the trip were Mrs. Sandy Andrews, and Dr. Anna Nath. A highlight of the trip was visiting Ground Zero. We are very proud of our students as when they return we get the best reports about how well they represented SHPS! K & 8th Grade Graduation Our youngest and oldest students will be celebrating their big achievements soon! Here are some important dates to remember! K & 8th Grade Cap and Gowns have been ordered and should be arriving the second week in May. Individual and class pictures will be taken Monday, May 16th. Graduation dates are as follows; 8th Grade: Wednesday, June 1 Kindergarten: Thursday, June 2.
SPORTS AWARDS PARTY There will be a recognition party for the SHPS Volleyball and Basketball Teams on Thursday, May 26th from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM in the gymnasium. The event will include food, player recognitions, awards, and a volleyball game. Information will follow. SPRING CARNIVAL NEWS Howdy Partner! Calling all cowboys and cowgirls to our SHPS Spring Carnival on Friday, May 6th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. This fun-filled event will include: food, pony rides, a petting zoo, Kindergarten and camp booth… You may pre purchase tickets (for a savings) or buy them at the event. SHPS Aftercare will end at 5 PM on Carnival Day in order for students to enjoy this fun annual event. Join our PAC for their next meeting on Wednesday, May 11, at 9:00 AM. Enrolling Now for 2011-2012 We are very excited to continue the enrollment process for the 2011-2012 school year. We are already receiving a large number of inquiries and registration requests from new families, and anticipate student population to be strong. To more effectively plan for expanding programs and staffing which will remain our standards of superior educational opportunities, we request that you respond in a timely manner with your completed registration materials. If you have any questions please contact the Upper School office at 617-6030. CAMP ZONE AT SHPS COME JOIN OUR SUMMER CAMP DIRECTOR, KACEY RODRIGUEZ AND ALL THE GREAT CAMP TEACHERS FOR A SUMMER OF FUN AT IMAGINATIUM CAMP ZONE. THIS 9 WEEKS OF FUN BEGINS ON JUNE 13 AND ENDS AUGUST 12, CHECK OUT OUR CAMP INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE AT www.southernhighlandsprep.com.