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KIC- EIT Co-location Benelux. Intelligent, energy efficient buildings and cities are the key to sustainable development! Jan H. Blom. From minimal dissatisfaction to a sustainable energy-positive built environment. Buildings today: consume ~ 37% world energy exploit ~ 40% of world resources
KIC- EIT Co-location Benelux Intelligent, energy efficient buildings and cities are the key to sustainable development! Jan H. Blom
From minimal dissatisfaction to a sustainable energy-positive built environment • Buildings today: • consume ~ 37% world energy • exploit ~ 40% of world resources • produce ~ 40% of world waste • 2050: Indoor environmental quality optimized for health, comfort and/or productivity, while considering ecological/ climatic requirements and economics • Multiscale/ multiphysics and transdisciplinary approach • Address technological solutions for energy generation, storage, distribution and conservation • Integrate and optimize in design, construction and operation of new and existing buildings • Combine, tune and integrate infrastructures for distribution of energy, transport and waste disposal
The topic Intelligent, Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities
Vision Highly visible pilots • Urban environments are the key areasin an sustainable future since they account for the major part of the population and the energy use in the EU and worldwide. A new role for cities as “centers of excellence”is emerging • Evolution towards CO2 neutrality is irreversible • The full trias energetica including system integration will form an essential element in this evolution; this includes that energy efficiency of buildings, installations and end-user behaviour are an important starting point. (Sources: SET-plan EII roadmaps smart cities, smart grids, E2B,…) Energy system integration with strong end-user focus
Vision Integration different energysources • The EU ambitions towards 80% renewable energy supplyrequires efforts on all levels, including large integration of local distributed renewables; there is a tendency towards larger electrificationof the energy system (e.g. electric transport); integration of different energy sources remains essential • All high level roadmaps on sustainable cities integrate transport, buildings and grid aspects. • Visible sustainability and a social attractive living environment are essential for inhabitants; this is possible through a holistic approach where the energy aspect forms an integral part together with urban planning, cradle to cradle approaches,… (Sources: SET-plan EII roadmaps smart cities, smart grids, E2B,…) Integration building, transport, grid In term integration with other urban aspects
Industry Research Innovation to Implementation Financing EII EERA EIT ERA-NET European Industrial Initiative European Energy Research Alliance European Institute of Innovation & Technology European Research Area KIC Strategy – embedded in EU initiatives SET-plan
Strategy embedded in EU initiatives EII Roadmap smart cities
Covenant of mayors • The Covenant of Mayors is a commitment by signatory towns and cities to go beyond the objectives of EU energy policy in terms of reduction in CO2 emissions through enhanced energy efficiency and cleaner energy production and use.
City networks • Energie-Cités is the association of European local authorities promoting local sustainable energy policies. • The association created in 1990 represents now more than 1000 towns and cities in 26 countries. EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities, covering the local governments of more than 140 large cities in over 30 European countries.
Future cities and transport (FoCit)/Urban Europe Joint program UrbanEurope The vision of the proposed JPI URBAN EUROPE is to fundamentally rethink and manage the dynamics of urban development in Europe to sustain and enhance urban areas as a place of vitality, liveability and accessibility for future generation..
Innovation projects • Integratingenergystorageonlocallevels • PR 24: Energy storage TRANSPORT Individuallocal transport and impact ongridbasedenergy carriers PR 23: EV City Innovative intelligence for new business cases Heat networks Long/short term storage NETWORKS Integrationenergyflows in densilypopulatedaread PR 25: KIC ASS Active substations Grid operators + system suppliers Low cost intelligent Component set BUILDINGS AND DISTRICTS PR 22: Towardsenergyneutralitywithenergyefficient and intelligent buildings & districts BUILDINGS DISTRICTS Compact thermal storage Proof of concept in home system with low cost sensors In home interoperability evaluation service Building component manufacturers Construction companies URBAN INNOVATION LABS – SMART CITY APPLICATIONS Project to be defined together with CC’s in 2011, start 2012
Complementarity and co-operation with other co-locations Technology components PV, bio-energy CHP,… Intelligent and efficient buildings and cities Integration local, central energy supply, storage,… Integration grids from transmission to end-users Integration of multi stakeholder business cases Cradle to cradle Urban planning Indoor climate
CC-Benelux Vision on Education • Virtual world energy university • combined with face-to-face education • Learning by immerging • challenges coming from industry • Both technical and business competencies • Mobility: geographical and “vertical” • Joint and double degrees • Top talent
Explore house • Working and social environment • Face-to-face and virtual • Innovative learning • Lectures from wherever the experts are • Lectures on request • Group meetings from around the globe • Physical e-learning theatre and laboratories • Remote laboratories
CC-Benelux education • CC-Benelux Graduate School: Smart and energy efficient buildings and cities • MSc programme • PhD programme • 2 years designers programme together with industry (PDeng, Licencate) • Project in third year of BSc • to sensitize students • Life long learning programme
CC-Benelux Vision on Innovation Establish a joint innovation platform to stimulate & support innovation and high-tech entrepreneurship within KIC InnoEnergy “From idea to business” Business Confidential-All rights reserved Innovation & Incubation The Innovation Triangle applied
Activities Smart citiesmarketwatch Active demand lobby Eg. Identifynewpilot project opportunitieswithlocalgovernments Stimulation of technologyintegrationbasedonglobal IP portfolio analysis of partners Eg. Innovative system with different components Support forinnovationfundingmechanisms Eg. EIB , seed-fundingstimulation Business Confidential-All rights reserved Innovation & Incubation The Innovation Triangle applied
Unique Solid Value Proposition E-markets Intelligent Buildings Intelligent Cities Application drivers Technologies Portfolio Stimulation Venture Business Office • Open Innovation: • - Contract Research • Collaborative research • Licensing • IPR • R&D funding • … InnovativeIdeas Innovation drivers • High-Tech Entrepreneurship • Incubation • Spin-off creation • IPR • Funding • Coaching & Training • … Business Confidential-All rights reserved Innovation & Incubation The Innovation Triangle applied