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Texas Migrant Service Delivery Plan

This document outlines the comprehensive evaluation plan for the Migrant Education Program at Region One Service Center in Texas. It covers the purpose of the service delivery plan, executive summaries, identified needs, strategies for service delivery, and effectiveness evaluations.

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Texas Migrant Service Delivery Plan

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  1. Region One Service Center 2015

  2. Texas Migrant Service Delivery Plan Migrant Directors’ MeetingRegion One ESCSeptember 1, 2015 Region One Service Center 2015

  3. Section 5Evaluation Refer to pp. 33-34 The evaluation plan is twofold: • MEP Services are effective in serving the purpose of Title I, Part C. • Services/Strategies are effective in producing the expected measurable outcomes. Region One Service Center 2015

  4. Region One Service Center 2015

  5. Region One Service Center 2015

  6. Region One Service Center 2015

  7. Region One Service Center 2015

  8. Region One Service Center 2015

  9. Region One Service Center 2015

  10. Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)Service Delivery Plan (SDP)Migrant Education Program (MEP) Region One Service Center 2015

  11. Purpose of the SDP • Meet statutory requirements for the Title I, Part C program under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; • Provide the State MEP and all its sub grantees with a unified plan for meeting the needs of the migrant children of Texas; and • Fulfill the State MEP’s requirements for corrective actions resulting from the Office of Migrant Education’s (OME) monitoring visit in 2006. Region One Service Center 2015

  12. Purpose of this Overview Training • Provide school districts with a general overview of the Plan to be implemented in the future, beginning in 2008-2009; • Assist school districts in developing a basic understanding of MEP services to meet migrant-specific needs; and • Prepare school districts for future training with details regarding eGrants application and tools for local documentation (developed by TEA). Region One Service Center 2015

  13. Executive Summary • 2008-2009 Statewide Service Delivery Plan • Designed to drive MEP services based on identified needs • Targeted services that will assure migrant students to meet same state performance standards • Migrant students met AYP targets except for 10th grade Math and Graduation Rate in 2005-06 Region One Service Center 2015

  14. Executive SummaryEight (8) Identified Needs (Refer to page 1-SDP) • Migrant first-graders must develop sufficient skills for promotion to Grade 2. • Migrant students who failed TAKS must participate in summer TAKS remediation. • Migrant middle school students must use learning and study skills appropriate to learning. Region One Service Center 2015

  15. Executive SummaryEight (8) Identified Needs • Migrant middle school students must have timely attention and appropriate interventions related to problems or concerns that are academically and non-academically related. • Migrant middle school students must have the necessary homework assistance and tools at home essential for academic success. Region One Service Center 2015

  16. Executive SummaryEight (8) Identified Needs • Migrant secondary students must earn the required core credits for on-time graduation. • Migrant secondary students must make up course work they lack due to late enrollment or early withdrawal. • Migrant students who migrate outside of Texas in summer months must be served in summer migrant programs through the efforts of interstate coordination. Region One Service Center 2015

  17. Executive SummaryStrategies for Service Delivery Plan 39 Services/Strategies • 13 Required • 3 Supplemental for local implementation • 3 State Implementation Region One Service Center 2015

  18. Executive SummaryEffectiveness Evaluation 2 Distinct Efforts • 2 year evaluation project -Summative evaluation of longstanding MEP program & services -Analysis of student-level academic achievement data & compilation of best practices • Evaluate effectiveness of strategies 2 years after implementation -Performance Data -Review of measurable outcomes for each strategy -Student Surveys to study the impact of services -Field Experiments to study the impact of services Region One Service Center 2015

  19. Executive SummarySDP includes: • Program Overview • Results of Statewide Comprehensive Needs Assessment • State's Performance Targets • Service Delivery Strategies & Measurable Outcomes • Description of the Evaluation Region One Service Center 2015

  20. Section I-Program OverviewProgram’s Purpose: Refer to Page 3 of SDP • Support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves; • Ensure that migratory children who move among the states are not penalized an any manner by disparities among the States in curriculum, graduation requirements and State academic content and student academic achievement standards; Region One Service Center 2015

  21. Section I-Program OverviewProgram’s Purpose: • Ensure that migratory children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner; • Ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet; Region One Service Center 2015

  22. Section I-Program OverviewProgram’s Purpose: • Design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to post-secondary education or employment; and • Ensure that migratory children benefit from State and local systemic reforms. Region One Service Center 2015

  23. Section 2 - Statewide CNA Three-phase model provided by OME Refer to pp. 5-6 of the SDP Phase I – Explored what was known. • 7 Areas of Concern • 561 Survey Respondents Phase II – Gathered and Analyzed Data. • 4 Areas of Concern • 8 Need Statements Phase III – Made decisions/selected solutions. Final Report completed September 2007. Region One Service Center 2015

  24. Migrant Education Program Region One Service Center 2015

  25. Migrant Education Program *Strategies for these identified needs may be found in the Service Delivery Plan Handbook, pp. 13-32. Region One Service Center 2015

  26. Area of Concern Targeted Population Identified Needs Region One Service Center 2015

  27. Area of Concern Targeted Population Identified Needs Region One Service Center 2015

  28. Area of Concern Targeted Population Identified Needs Region One Service Center 2015

  29. Section 3Performance Targets Refer to pp. 7-10 AYP Indicators • TAKS Reading- 95% • TAKS Math- 95% • Graduation Rate (H.S.)- 70% for 06-07 Attendance (Elem & MS)- 90% for 06-07 • Participation in State Assessments- Reading & Math- 95% Region One Service Center 2015

  30. Section 3Performance Targets • Although NCLB does not require that States uniquely measure migrant student progress, migrant students are held to the same challenging academic performance targets and indicators • Districts are required to disaggregate student performance data according to migrant states and include data along with other information through LEA’s local needs assessment. Region One Service Center 2015

  31. Section 3Performance Targets • Refer to Page 9 of the SDP, Table 2 for 06-07 AYP Results Did not meet: Math AYP Target –50% Migrant - 49% (10th grade only) Region One Service Center 2015

  32. Section 3Performance Targets • Refer to Page 10 of the SDP, Figure 1 for 05-06 Graduation Rate Graduation Rate AYP Target – 70% Migrant (as a group)- 67% Migrant students as a group did not meet AYP. Region One Service Center 2015

  33. Section 4 – Addressing Needs Related to the Seven areas of Concern: Refer to pp. 11-12 This section outlines how the MEP will: • Address needs related to the Seven Areas of Concern; • Ensure appropriate delivery of MEP services; and • Provide services to meet the needs identified through the Statewide CNA. Region One Service Center 2015

  34. Section 4Service Delivery Plan Seven Areas of Concern – LEA may deliver services to meet identified, documented needs related to: • Educational Continuity- differences in curriculum, etc. • Instructional Time- mobility impacts attendance • School Engagement- difficulty adjusting • Behavioral Engagement-extracurricular activities • Emotional Engagement-environmental reactions • Cognitive Engagement-response to expectations Region One Service Center 2015

  35. Section 4Service Delivery Plan Seven Areas of Concern – LEA may deliver services to meet identified, documented needs related to: • English Language Development (HOWEVER, may not be appropriate due to supplanting {Title III}.) • Educational Support in the Home- may not have the resources • Health • Access to Services- may be as a result of language barriers or unknown to area. Region One Service Center 2015

  36. Section 4Service Delivery Plan General Program Guidelines for delivery of services of MEP-funded projects: • Meet identified, migrant-specific needs not addressed through other Federal or non-Federal programs; • Provide Migrant Services Coordination (by determining individual needs); • Give priority to children classified as PFS; • Supplement, not supplant; • Reflect consultation with migrant parents; and • Provide family literacy programs (RIF, Building Bridges) and supportive services for out-of-school youth. (p.12) Region One Service Center 2015

  37. Section 4 - Service Delivery PlanServices to meet needs from CNA Refer to pp. 13-32 Region One Service Center 2015

  38. Local Needs Assessment LOCAL SERVICE DELIVERY Services to Meet Needs Identified through Statewide CNA Services to Meet Other Identified Needs Related to 7 Areas of Concern REQUIRED Services (based on target Populations served) Supplemental/Optional Services (where appropriate) Region One Service Center 2015

  39. Services/Strategies to Meet Needs Identified through the Statewide CNA Refer to PP. 13-32 of the SDP Region One Service Center 2015

  40. Section 5-2 Year Evaluation Project • TEA will contract out to conduct the evaluation of all program projects and services. • The study/evaluation was commissioned in response to the ’06 Audit. Region One Service Center 2015

  41. Section 5 The study will include: • Evaluation of programs and services to include TMIP, the BB curriculum and UT-Program; • Analysis of student-level achievement data • A compilation of best practices Region One Service Center 2015

  42. Section 5 The proposed study will: • be completed over a 2-year period • An interim report will be completed in Feb. 09 • 2010-TEA w/ develop and implement program improvements Region One Service Center 2015

  43. Section 5 • Evaluations of Strategies will begin 2 years after implementation • 2008-2009 Implementation begins • 2011-2012 Evaluation of Strategies Region One Service Center 2015

  44. Section 5 Evaluation will include: • Performance data analysis-state, district, campus • Review of measurable outcomes • Student surveys • Field experiments of major services Region One Service Center 2015

  45. Section 5 Compliance Monitoring: • To ensure LEAs are documenting services for upcoming evaluation-TEA will implement a monitoring system which includes a random validation through program effectiveness review (PER). Region One Service Center 2015

  46. Section 5 • Documentation requirements must be presented with each strategy outlined in SDP. • TEA will continue to include migrant-specific compliance indicators in the NCLB Consolidated Compliance Report for Independent Project Region One Service Center 2015

  47. PFS Procedures in Texas Refer to pp. 39-40 • PFS students must receive instructional and/or support services before migrant funds may be allocated to other migrant students. • PFS Reports must be run on a monthly basis to ensure that students that fall under this category are being targeted for MEP services. Region One Service Center 2015

  48. Criteria for PFS Students • Interrupted education during the current or previous school year And • Who have failed one or more sections of the TAKS Grades 3-12) And/or • Classified as Ungraded (UG), or Out of School (OS) And/or • Designated as Absent, Exempt, Not Tested or Not Scored Region One Service Center 2015

  49. Criteria for PFS Students • Interrupted education during the current or previous school year And • If K-2, have been designated as LEP And/or • Have been retained And/or • Are overage for their current grade level Region One Service Center 2015

  50. PFS Plan Must include: • When the Migrant Coordinator provide campus principals, appropriate staff and parents the PFS criteria and updated PFS reports; • When the Migrant Coordinator and/or staff make home and/or community visits to update parents on the academic progress of their children Region One Service Center 2015

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