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Rajiv Ratna Gandhi served as the Prime Minister of India, from 1984 to 1989. Let's take a look at his life history, family, achievements, contributions.
At 41, Rajiv Gandhi was the youngest Prime Minister of India and perhaps one of the youngest elected heads of Government in the world. His mother, Indira Gandhi, was eight years older when she first became Prime Minister in 1966. His illustrious grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru, was 58 when he started his 17 year long innings as free India’s first Prime Minister.
Besides being the harbinger of a generational change in the country, Mr. Gandhi received the biggest mandate in the nation’s history. In the elections to the Lok Sabha, which he ordered as soon as the mourning for his slain mother was over, the Congress party got a much higher proportion of the popular vote than in the preceding seven general elections and captured a record 401 seats out of 508.
भारतक ेभूतपूव??धानमं?ी “भारतर?न” राजीवगांधी (Rajiv Gandhi) क ेजीवनकाआर?भिजस ?कारदुखदप?र?थीतीयोम?हुआथाउसी?कार , वरनउससेभीअ?धक?दय?वदारकि?थ?तम? उनकाजीवांतहोगया | उ?ह?नेअपनेकम?ठजीवनम?क े वल 47 वष?ह?देखेथेऔरअ?धकउ??वल भ?व?यउनक ेसामनेथा | पर 1991 क ेसंसदक ेम?याव?धचुनाव-?चारअ?भयानक ेसमय?दनांक 21 मई 1991 क?रातम?म?ाससे 40 ?कमीदूर?ीपेर?बूटूरक?एकसाव?ज?नकसभाक ेमंचक े पासभीषणबम?व?फोटकरक ेउनक े?ाणले?लएगये |
राजीव (Rajiv Gandhi) ?फरोजगांधीऔरइं?दरागांधीक ेबड़ेपु?थे | उनकाज?म 20 अग?त 1944 कोमु?बईक ेएकअ?पतालम?हुआथा | उ?ह?नेदेहरादूनऔरइं?ल?डम??श?ा?ा?तक? औरएयरपायलटक े?पम?जीवनआर?भ?कया | इटल??नवासीसो?नयासेउ?ह?ने?ववाह?कया था | नेह?जीक ेनातीऔरइं?दराजीक ेपु?होतेहुएभीराजीवक?राजनी?तम???चनह?थी | वे हवाईजहाजउड़ानेक ेअपनेकामम?ह?म?तरहतेथे | उनक ेछोटेभाईसंजयगांधीअव?य राजनी?तम?बढ़ -चढकरभागलेतेऔरअपनीमाँकाहाथबंटाते |
While studying at Trinity College, he met a young Italian student studying English at the Bell Educational Trust's language school in the city of Cambridge, named Edvige Antonia Albina Màino. He would later marry her in a Hindu Ceremony in New Delhi in 1968. Rajiv Gandhi and his wife, now known as Sonia Gandhi, stayed in Smt. Indira Gandhi’s residence in New Delhi with their two children, son Rahul and daughter Priyanka. Theirs was a very private life despite the surrounding din and bustle of political activity. INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS