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DDI cycle 2 Using data to drive changes in our second cycle. 2012-2013 Ranson IB Goals. By June 2013: 70% of our scholars will be proficient as measured by End-of-Grade tests and Summative Assessments 60% of our scholars will show positive growth on Common Interim Assessments
2012-2013 Ranson IB Goals • By June 2013: • 70% of our scholars will be proficient as measured by End-of-Grade tests and Summative Assessments • 60% of our scholars will show positive growth on Common Interim Assessments • average OSS days per scholar will decrease from 2.47 to 2 • average unexcused absences per scholar will decrease from 5.8 to 4.5 • average absences per teacher will decrease from 9.7 to 6
DDI cycle 1: Already seeing an impact! • Data talks were going deeper already • Second CIA were created earlier and incorporated re-looping questions • Re-looping and re-teaching routines are put in place • Reflection also drives modification of practices to teach new content • Several PLCs have started giving ownerships of their CIA data to their scholars
DDI cycle 2: We heard your feedback and we want to make it better for you and the scholars! • Length of the template • Individual student analysis • Timeline • Building on what works already
DDI cycle 2: Elements that we will keep • Data analysis conversations between 12/17 and 12/20 will be documented in the first page of the template and posted on the I:Drive by the 20th • 6 weeks action plan will also be posted to the I:Drive by the 20th as it will give you an opportunity as a PLC to prepare your long term plans for after the break (New content, re-looping content)
DDI cycle 2: Elements that will change • Action plan: Before the break, let’s focus on the what rather than the how: What concepts need to be re-looped or re-taught? Let’ schedule them and work in PLC in January on the how • Individual Student Analysis: You will not have to type up your bottom and top students for your four classes. Too time consuming, not driving collective actions
DDI cycle 2: Elements that will change • Each PLC will give each of their scholars an individual student reflection sheet • Several PLC are already using a similar process so instead of giving you a common document, we want to let each PLC use what works for them • You can start this process as soon as possible and it should be done for every scholar in the building before the break
DDI cycle 2: Elements that will change • On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, you will hold one on one conferences with your scholars to gather this data on a class tracker and help them reflect (We will also give you a template that you can adapt) • In order for you to be able to do this, we will play movies on the closed circuit for each class period and the expectations will be that you use this time to confer with your students. • By Thursday 12/20, you should have each of your students’ individual trackers and 4 class trackers completed.
DDI cycle 2: Elements that will change • On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, you will hold one on one conferences with your scholars to gather this data on a class tracker and help them reflect (We will also give you a template that you can adapt) • In order for you to be able to do this, we will play movies on the closed circuit for each class period and the expectations will be that you use this time to confer with your students. • By Thursday 12/20, you should have each of your students’ individual trackers and 4 class trackers completed.
DDI cycle 2: Summary • Data conversations next week between 12/17 and 20th . Analysis template posted on the I:Drive by the 20th • Action planning conversations 6 weeks calendar focusing on the what. Posted on the I:Drive by the 20th • Each PLC gives scholars a data analysis and reflection sheet between now and 12/18th. Templates on the I:drive already • Student-teachers one on one conference on the 12/19 and 12/20 during class. Data collected by the teacher in a class tracker (template to be shared) • By January 14th, we will hold PLC tier 2 interventions talk using your data trackers