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Oregon Title IIB – Math and Science Partnerships (MSP). 2014 RFP Technical Assistance August 20, 2014. Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education. Jamie Rumage STEM Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education. Overview. Overview Oregon IIB (MSP)
Oregon Title IIB – Math and Science Partnerships (MSP) 2014 RFP Technical Assistance August 20, 2014 Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Jamie Rumage STEM Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education
Overview • Overview Oregon IIB (MSP) • Why curricula & content specialists? • Option 1: Development of Curricula • Open Source • Technology integration • Option 2: K-8 Content Specialists • Elementary Math Instructional Leaders (EMIL) • Bonus Points • Nuts and Bolts of Application 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Overview of Title IIB Goals(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.3 & 4) • Encouraging institutions of higher education to improve mathematics and science teacher education through collaboration [ESEA sec. 2201 (a)(1)] • Continuously stimulate teachers' intellectual growth, knowledge, and skills; [ESEA sec. 2201 (a)(2)] • Bring mathematics and science teachers in elementary schools and secondary schools together with scientists, mathematicians, and engineers to increase the subject matter knowledge of mathematics and science teachers [ESEA sec. 2201 (a)(3)] • Develop more rigorous mathematics and science curricula that are aligned with challenging state and local academic content standards and with the standards expected for postsecondary study in engineering, mathematics, and science; [ESEA sec. 2201 (a)(4)] and • Improve and expand training of mathematics and science teachers, including training such teachers in the effective integration of technology into curricula and instruction. [ESEA sec. 2201 (a)(5)] 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Why current emphasis? • 2012 Title IIB RFP focus: STEM regional hubs • Development of STEM PD, lessons, & units • State funding to support regional stem hubs in 2013-14 • ODE areas of focus in mathematics & science • Support implementation of Quality Instructional Materials • Support Quality Instructional practices • Support Quality Assessment practices • Option 1: Develop more rigorous mathematics and/or science curricula • Quality instructional materials and assessments • Option 2: Expansion of programs to develop subject specific K-8 content specialists • Support Quality Instructional practices 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.7-9)
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.7-9) • Eligibility • Eligible partnerships must include as core partners a high-need school or district (LEA), and the mathematics, science, and/or engineering faculty in institutions of higher education (IHE). • The term “high-need” means a school, district, or regionally-based consortium of small rural schools: • that has a lower than statewide average percentage of students performing at or above meets in mathematics and/or science on the Oregon statewide Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS). -and/or- • that has a lower than median state graduation rate. • Math and Science Partnerships may include additional districts once at least on high-need district is identified 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.7-9) • Program Requirements • One or more “high-need” schools or districts • K-12 teachers of participating districts • Mathematics and/or Science faculty at IHE organization • Business officer from the fiscal agent • External Evaluator • Additional partners may include: • Math and/or Science education faculty at IHE organization • Private and charter schools • Educational Service District • Community and/or businesses • Non-profit educational organizations 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.7-9) • Core planning team must at a minimum include: • K-12 teachers from eligible districts/schools • District administrator • Math/Science faculty at IHE • Business officer/fiscal agent • Project evaluator 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.7-9) • Equitable participation for private schools • Evidence must be included in the application showing that private schools in the areas served by the grant applicant were invited to participate. • Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) • http://www2.ed.gov/policy/fund/reg/edgarReg/edgar.html • Program activities meet Internal Review Board requirements • EDGAR (34 CFR part 97 & 98) • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) • www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.11-13) • Reporting Requirements (RFP, p. 11) • Annual Report submitted to US Department of Education. • ODE Monitoring • Site visits by ODE staff at least twice per year • Funding (RFP, p. 12) • $4.5 million for three year projects (~$1.5 million per year) • Encourage a variety of sized projects • Local/Regional/Statewide • Allowable and non-allowable use of funds (RFP, p. 13) • Indirect costs up to 8% • New federal guidance on use of federal funds for meetings http://www.ode.state.or.us/opportunities/grants/nclb/title_i/a_basicprograms/schoolimprovement/supplementalservices/faqs-grantee-conferences-may-2013.pdf 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
General Information(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.11-13) • Duration Three year grants (p. 12) • Federal Funding Cycle: Oct. 1-Sept. 30 • Y1: Nov 2014 – Sept 2015 • Y2: Oct 2015 – Sept 2016 • Y3: Oct 2016 – Sept 2017** **(subject to USEd funding in summer 2015) 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Authorized Activities (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.10-11; ESEA sec. 2202 (c))
Authorized Activities(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.10-11; ESEA sec. 2202 (c)) • Creating opportunities for high-quality professional development aligned to Oregon mathematics and/or science academic content standards, for a total of no less than 80 contact hours during each year of the project. • Integrating reliable evidence-based teaching methods and technology-based teaching methods into the curriculum. • Establishing and operating mathematics and science summer workshops or institutes, including follow-up training, for elementary and secondary school mathematics and science teachers that: • directly relate to the instructional materials and academic areas in which the teacher provides instruction, and support best pedagogical practices; • enhance the ability of the teacher to understand and use Oregon’s academic content standards for mathematics (CCSS) and/or science (NGSS) and to select appropriate curricula; and • train teachers to use evidence based and instructional materials that are aligned to Oregon content standards: 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Authorized Activities(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.10-11; ESEA sec. 2202 (c)) 4. Recruiting mathematics, engineering, and science majors to teaching through the use of: • signing and performance incentives; • stipends provided to mathematics and science teachers for certification; • scholarships for teachers to pursue advanced course work in mathematics, engineering, or science; education specializations and/or endorsements; • Developing or redesigning more rigorous mathematics and/or science curricula that are aligned with Oregon’s state academic content mathematics and science standards, prepare students to meet the Oregon Diploma requirements, and are aligned with the standards expected for postsecondary study in mathematics and science. • Establishing distance learning programs for mathematics and science teachers. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Authorized Activities(OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.10-11; ESEA sec. 2202 (c)) • Designing programs to prepare a mathematics or science teacher at a school to provide professional development to other mathematics or science teachers at the school (e.g. train the trainer model) • Establishing and operating programs to bring mathematics and science teachers into contact with working scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, to expand such teachers' subject matter knowledge. • Designing programs to identify and develop exemplary mathematics and science teachers in the kindergarten through grade 8 classrooms. • Training mathematics and science teachers and developing programs to encourage young women and other underrepresented individuals in mathematics and science careers 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Option 1:Provide Access to rigorous College- and Career-Ready Curricular Materials
Option 1: Access to rigorous curricula (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.4) • Describe how you would meet the following two imperatives for instruction and assessment: • Identification, modification, and/or development of more rigorous curricular materials (e.g. lessons, units, and assessments) aligned to Oregon mathematics or science standards [ESEA, sec. 2202(c)(5)] • Implementation of research based effective instructional and formative assessment practices • Additional supporting imperatives: • Student support structures including differentiation and intensification strategies • Ensure the effective use of summative assessment data 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Option 1: Access to rigorous curricula (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.4) Recommended documents for mathematics
Option 1: Access to rigorous curricula (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.4) Design Challenge • Help teachers identify, adapt, and create quality materials • Materials made available under open license (Creative Commons) in widely accessible formats • PDF, Google Docs, MS Office, HTML, iTunesU, (other?) • Leverages technology appropriately • Support transition to a paperless classroom • Is Good! • Meets Oregon adopted quality criteria (CCSS publishers criteria, forthcoming NGSS publishers criteria) • Supports instructional best practices (e.g. PD, videos, teacher guide) • Interesting, engaging and prepares students for expectations in careers and college
Example Transition Math Assessment Project Google Doc Support student work online • PDF - static
Example resources (and growing…) • Math Assessment Project • Illustrative Math • Inside Mathematics • NCTM Illuminations • OER Commons • Learning Registry • Learn Zillion • CC Better Lesson • Dan Meyer 3-Act Tasks • NYC Tasks and Units • Brokers of Expertise • Illinois Shared Learning • EngageNY • Howard Co Wiki • Math Vision Project • CK-12 • Curriki • Edmodo • Google Classroom • Gooru Learning • CCSS Khan Academy • Achieve the Core
Option 1: Access to rigorous curricula (OR 2014 TITLE IIB RFP, p.4) Help Wanted: Sense Makers • Find, evaluate, adapt, and create curricula • Put together in a coherent format • Leverage technology and existing open source platforms • Build on great work that has happened in OR • Infuse STEM projects & career connections • Help districts transition to a 1:1 classroom
Option 2:Provide professional development that supports the expansion of programs to develop subject specific content specialists in kindergarten through grade 8 level
Option 2: expansion of programs to develop subject specific content specialists Proposals written to Option 2 would need to describe how they would design programs to identify and develop exemplary mathematics and science teachers in the kindergarten through grade 8 classrooms [ESEA, sec. 2202(c)(9)]. • Applicants need to include how they will improve access to K-8 content specific instructional specialists in mathematics and/or science. • This would need to be done by both increasing the quantity and quality content specialists, coaches, and/or teachers on special assignment (TOSAs) in either math or science. • Additionally, applicants aiming to target K-8 mathematics content specialists will need to describe how their program would align and support the AMTE Standards for Elementary Mathematics Specialists as well as support the expansion of Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader (EMIL) Specializations (OAR 584-066-0015) in Oregon. • All professional development resources and project artifacts developed using grant funds shall be made available to all educators under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license.
Bonus Points3.1 – Professional Development Support • Supporting Teachers To Use Digital Learning Tools (up to +3%) • Applicants are encouraged to consider how to help educators learn to use selected devices, platforms, online assessments, or digital materials or to implement technology supported content-specific instructional practice, based on areas identified for improvement. • Provide Online Professional Development (up to +3%) • Applicants are encourage to consider creating personalized digital learning opportunities for teachers that help move districts away from one-size-fits-all professional development. This may take the form of “blended” professional learning, webinars, simulations, online conferences, massive open online courses (MOOCs), or online communities of practice. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Bonus Points3.2 – Student Materials, Resources, and Support • Provide Access to high quality College- and Career-Ready Open Educational Resources (OER) (up to +5%) • Applicants are encouraged to consider training to help educators find, adapt, or develop high quality Open Educational Resources aligned with Oregon College- and Career-Ready standards, and made available with a CC-BY license. • Enhance Instruction with Digital Resources to support all students (up to +3%) • Additional consideration will be given to applicants that describe how Title IIB funds would be used to improve instruction for students both above average and below state academic averages through digital resources. In particular, applicants should describe how the use of such resources can reduce academic achievement gaps for student groups. This may include acquiring digital learning resources and software, including materials in languages other than English. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Bonus Points3.3 - Educator Communication and Collaboration • Evidence of regional or statewide impact (up to +3%) • Projects that provide evidence a wide reach to educators across the state of Oregon are strongly encouraged. Especially projects that reach educators in rural or remote regions through innovative use of collaborative technologies. • Use Technology to Connect Educators with STEM Professionals (up to +3%) • Applicants may use Title II-B Math Science Partnership funds to purchase software and devices that are an essential component of a grantee’s plan to create and provide digital professional learning communities (PLCs) with practicing scientists or engineers. ESEA, sec. 2202(c)(8). 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Nuts and Bolts What needs to be turned in and when
Application RequirementsPart 1 – Required Documentation (p. 14) Applications will be scored only if they contain these documents: • 1a. Cover Page- Use the form provided in Appendix B • 1b. Abstract - one page summary of proposed work • 1c. List of Partners - Use the form provided in Appendix B of this request for proposals. • 1d. Statement of Commitment- Fiscal Agent, District data provider (Appendix B form) • 1e. Signed Statement of Assurances - Each partner must complete and sign the two-sided Statement of Assurances and Statement of Commitment form. Use the form provided in Appendix B of this request for proposals. • 1f. Equitable Participation - Documentation showing that equitable participation in grant activities was offered to private schools in the area served by the partner school districts. • 1g. Evidence that the partnership meets the eligibility requirements - See page 8 or 22 for definition of “high-need” school or district and required partners. • 1h. Partner Vitae or Resume (Optional): You may choose to include the vitae or resume of the personnel responsible for planning delivery of the professional development activities. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Application RequirementsPart 2 – Partnership Narrative (p. 15, 65% of score) The project narrative must include the following sections (<25 pages double spaced): • 2a. Needs Assessment (10% of score) • 2b. Research Base (10% of score) • 2c. Plan of Work (15% of score) • 2d. Alignment with Oregon Academic Content Standards (CCSS and/or NGSS) and Diploma Requirements (20% of score) • 2e. Management Capabilities (5% of score) • 2f. Sustainability (5% of score) 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Application RequirementsPart 3 – Evaluation Plan (p. 16-17, 20% of score) The project narrative must include the following sections (<5 pages double spaced): • 3a. Partnerships must describe clear objectives (10% of score) • Measureable objectives to increase the number of mathematics and science teachers who participate in content-based professional development activities. [ESEA, sec. 2202(e)(2)(A)] • Measurable objectives for improved student academic achievement on state mathematics and science assessments, or standardized alternative when scores are not available. [ESEA, sec. 2202(e)(2)(B)] • Additionally, projects will need to identify how they will measure: (1) teacher content knowledge; (2) teacher pedagogical content knowledge; and (3) teacher curricular content knowledge. Specific quantitative and/or qualitative measures will be determined by each partnership. • 3b. Partnerships must propose an evaluation design (10% of score) 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Application RequirementsPart 4 – Budget Narrative and Worksheet (p. 17, 15% of score) The Budget Narrative section of the proposal (not including budget worksheets) must be double-spaced and Times New Roman font used must not be smaller than 12-point and shall not exceed a total of 5 pages. Considerations for this section need to include: • The figures on the budget worksheet MUST match the budget narrative. • Include a three-year budget. • All proposals shall include provision for evaluation of the activities in an annual performance report. • None of the grant funds may be used to replace (supplant) expenditures that are the responsibility of the school district. • All projects must include costs related to project staff participating in the bi-annual project meeting at the ODE in the fall and spring of the project years. • Costs related to project staff participating in the annual regional meetings held by the U.S. Department of Education which are generally held in the Washington DC metro area in the fall. • Indirect Costs MUST be limited to 8 %. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Application RequirementsPart 5 – Bonus Points (p. 18, up to 20% of score) Bonus points will be awarded to projects that incorporate one or more of the following elements See section 3, pages 5-6 for more information): • 5.1 Professional Development (up to +6%) • Support Teachers Using Digital Learning Tools (3 points) • Provide Online Professional Development (3 points) • 5.2 Student Materials, Resources, and Support (up to +8%) • Provide Access to high quality College- and Career-Ready Open Educational Resources (OER) (5 points) • Enhance Instruction for English Learners with Digital Resources (3 points) • 5.3 Educator Communication and Collaboration (up to +6%) • Evidence of regional or statewide impact (3 points) • Use Technology to Connect Educators with STEM Professionals (3 points) 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Scoring Sheet • Scoring rubric is provided within Appendix D • Page 32 – 35 of 2014 RFP 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Instructions for Submission The Title IIB Application must be received NO LATER THAN 12:00 P.M. October 1, 2014. • An envelope containing the original and three copies of the completed grant application must physically arrive at the Oregon Department of Education by 12:00 PM on October 1, 2014. • AND • An electronic version of the completed grant application in Rich Text (RTF), Word (.doc or .docx), or PDF format must be received by 12:00 PM on October 1, 2014. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact Joy Blackwell to verify receipt of documents. Due to the size of the applications please use the Secure File Transfer Process outlined on page 20 to submit the electronic version of the grant application. 2012 Oregon Title IIB (MSP) RFP Technical Assistance
Questions? Title IIB MSP Contact: Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education