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Accelerator Systems Overview. F. Willeke, ASD Director NSLS Project Advisory Committee Meeting December 10-11, 2009. Outline. Completed Critical R&D Development in Overall Accelerator Design Technical Progress of Subsystems Cost and Schedule Performance Outlook.
Accelerator Systems Overview F. Willeke, ASD Director NSLS Project Advisory Committee Meeting December 10-11, 2009
Outline • Completed Critical R&D • Development in Overall Accelerator Design • Technical Progress of Subsystems • Cost and Schedule Performance • Outlook
NSLS-II Accelerator Design Goals beam energy quasi constant, high beam current horizontal beam emittance vertical beam emittance moderate beam energy spread High Orbital Stability Large Space for Insertion Devices average spectral brightness (2-10) keV spectral flux density ≥ 1021 mm-2 mrad-2s-1 (0.1%BW)-1 ≥ 1015 s-1 (0.1%BW)-1 @ 2 keV. 3 GeV 500 mA,DI/ I = 1% 0.6 nm (ultimate design goal) 8 pm (diffraction limited @12keV) 0.1% (RMS) 10% of s, s’ 226 m incl bend sources >58 beam lines
Scope Overview Synchrotron Light Source with a Beam Current of 300mA (designed for 500mA) , a horizontal beam emittance of 1nm (designed for 0.6nm), Energy spread of <1% and orbital stability of 10% of the beam size. Storage Ring, 792m Circumference with • 60 dipole, 300 quadrupole, 300 sextupole and 210 corrector magnets and power supplies • 190 Al vacuum chambers with integrated NEG pumping • 2 superconducting 500MHz Single Cell cavities driven by a 310kW klystron RF amplifier and two passive superconducting 3rd harmonic cavities • Six 3.5m long damping wigglers, two serving a baseline beam line, four in vacuum undulators (3 straights), and two 2m long elliptical polarized undulators including front ends for all devices • EPICS control system and a full suite of instrumentation • Full suite of state of the Art of Instrumentation Injector with a • 200MeV S-band Linac and a • 3GeV booster synchrotron with 1Hz repetition frequency
Status Overview Accelerator Systems Design is coming to an end: - Accelerator Lattice is stable now, do not expect significant changes - Design of Injector, SR Magnets, Girder, Vacuum Chambers, Utilities completed or far advanced & Prototypes built and tested successfully -Outstanding Designs: Power Supplies, Insertion Devices, Instrumentation Safety Systems, RF cavities (modifications to meet code) Procurement of major systems started: SR Magnets orders have been placed LINAC RFP published Vacuum Chambers and components production started Booster RFP in preparation Many procurements such components for accelerator production and test facilities in progress
Accelerator Physics • activities of accelerator physicists are shifting from • lattice design (lattice frozen) • dynamic aperture (nonlin. correction scheme updated) • to • analysis of prototypes (magnets) • support of component design impedance measurements, orbit feedback, transverse damper, application programs • operational issues beam containment systems, top-off safety
NSLS-II INJECTOR on-energy top-off injection with 1/min top-off rate Booster ParametersCircumference 158mInjection Energy 200MevExtraction Energy 3GeVCycle Frequency 1HzCharge 10-15nC@20-30mA LINAC ParametersEnergy 200MeV Frequency S-Band Charge 15nCDE/E <1% 3 sectors Thermionic Gun SubharmonicBuncher
Storage Magnet Systems Prototype production confirmed that NSLS-II magnets with demanding field quality can be built and are affordable Orders have now been placed for the industrial production of NSLS-II Storage Ring Magnets
Girder, Supports and Integration • Girder R&D and Girder Design Completed Manufacturing Drawings being completed • The precision alignment procedure is well defined by having tested each step in the procedure • The R&D and the design of the girder system is complete, all the critical issues have been addressed and solved. Ultimate test: After transport, all magnets within 5mm aligned • Environmental Room equipped and functional • The girder integration procedure re-planned: only one environmental room necessary, final magnet adjustment performed manually; - optimizes procedure - this will save costs - helps to compensate the enhanced labor needed in setting up the production facility and performing R&D dedicated presentation Fully Functional and Equipped Environmental Room (DT < 0.1 C ) for 30 mm Precision Alignment
Final Demonstration of Feasibility of 30mm Magnet-to-Magnet Alignment June 2009
Mechanical Systems, Front-Ends • Front end design 80% complete • Outside-Vacuum prototype of safety shutter built, cycle-tested successfully • Compressed gas system redesigned and based on compressed air • DI water systems (5 x CU; 5 x AL, RF, Linac, Booster, Cryo-Compressors) detailed system design, component layout, service building equipment room detailed design with 3-D layouts
Vacuum Systems Extrusions being manufactured • Vacuum Production Facilities: Clean-room for assembly prepared, vacuum conditioning lab is now fully equipped and tested, vacuum cleaning and measurement lab started to operate (late) , brazing oven installed, chemical cleaning procurement delayed • Vacuum Chamber prototype extrusions successful, orders for production of MP extrusions place, dipoles will follow soon, dipole chamber bending under control, but is considerable effort; contracts for prototype welding and machining in place; vacuum chamber bake-out iterated and improved, Bi-metal flange in production • Collaboration with APS in place for Production Chamber Welding • NEG Pump Design tested, support system iterated and improved, Rogue mode shielding integrated • Novel Design for Shielded Bellows, 2nd prototype being built • Commercial Ion pump comparative test In-house dipole chamber bending under control Machining of first articles in progress Novel Design Shielded Bellow Prototype Robotic welding at APS set up invar chamber support
RF Systems • Storage Ring SC RF Cavities: Nonlinear Stress Analysis demonstrates compliance with equivalency to pressure vessel code Failure of over-pressured system reproduced benchmarked calculation Procurement documents in preparation reviewed by lab safety committee which confirms adequacy of the procedure • Optimization of Coupling for 500mA • LLRF: 2nd FPGA based prototype build, still basic functionality , under test with Booster 7-cell cavity (tuner loop) • Booster RF: New tuner motors and electronics, adaption of input coupler to co-axial waveguide • RF Power: RF engineer hired, • Cryogenic System: Cryo engineer on board, consultant help to refine valve and pipe dimensions, design being wrapped up resulting in preliminary specification for first iteration with vendor
Instrumentation • BPM System still major activity RF button first article successfully tested, production released Commercially available BPM electronics meets demanding NSLS-II requirements (resolution, stability 0.1mm) Concerns about obsolete electronics and vendor support in-house development • Efforts on other diagnostic systems started: Photon BPMs, Fast orbit control, transverse damper system, fast orbit control, optical monitoring, scraper systems, loss monitors New 7mm 2-in-1 RF Button First Articles with Boron Nitride Washers
Electrical Systems Full Power Test of NSLS-II Sealed Air-Cooled Power Supply Rack with prototype PS’s • Main Dipole PS component design and prototype testing well advanced, next step is system integration • MP power supply design meets higher (25 ppm) stability standards easily, order for DCCTs have been placed • New dual corrector power supply in progress • Equipment enclosure design completed and power test on prototype with PS and heaters completed • Detailed cable plans developed, layout of cable trays • Calibration system for PS DCCT developed AC Power Control Module Power Converter DCCT Low noise regulator prototype for Main DP switch-mode supply
Possible NSLS-II DW Production by APS Damping Wiggler: APS provided a preliminary design, a cost estimate and a schedule. However APS has difficulties with NSLS-II DW specifications. Attractive APS fixed gap NSLS-II DW proposal with horizontally moving in/out beam position
Bldg. 832 3D-Layout ISO-7 Clean Room for Measurement ID Lab Tech Shop RF Lab Pulsed Magnet Lab
Safety Systems Beam Imminent Beacon • Design of SPPS and EPPS systems well advanced, completion end of FY • Successful external reviews of the systems conducted • Engineering prototypes in progress Search In Progress Beacon Emergency Stop Area Secure Search indicator Beam Disabled Search Button Beam Imminent Siren Single Pentant Siren
Control System High Level Applications -Standard interface for orbit control running using existing beam optics dynamics codes -Data Description Service is deployed as an interface/complement to basic channel access mechanisms. Database: IRMIS API for machine lattice entry and report is running and integrated into the online model environment. Equipment Controls: Preliminary design doc’s for vacuum, power supply, diagnostics, RF, Timing, EPS/PPS Prototype of Controls for Subsystems started Vacuum, beam line, PPS, beam correlated applications, Diagnostics, power supplies, and LLRF Network preliminary design of network hardware system
Major AS Cost Changes
Schedule CD4
Assessment Trend since October 2008: • cost variance positive, (decreasing from M$ 2.6 to M$ 1.8) • a negative schedule variance has been building up reaching 5.8M$ at the end of FY09 Major Delays: • vacuum, vacuum facility, insertion devices, RF • slow procurement process with many medium size procurements behind schedule Reasons: late hires, scheduling issues, procurements slow Mitigation: • Labor augmentation plan 36 FTE • Schedule Improvements immediate effect • Additional procurement support added (Liaison Engineer AS, more buyers) Clear Trend of Schedule Variance Improvements
Accelerator Systems Division Staffing Budgeted Temporary Labor Planned MOU BNL Hired
FY09 AS Hires • FY 09 Staffing • 11 Controls System Experts • 10 Engineers • 7 Physicists • 11 Technicians and Designers • present staff 103 • supported by 10 FTE MOU (laboratory internal)
Organization • 39 new staff hired • Deputy Division Director assigned: E. Johnson • Project Engineer hired: G. Fries • Organization augmented by task forces (FOF, BC) N
Accelerator Systems FY 10 Project Goals • Recover from Schedule Variances. • Develop a dynamic accelerator model including a full suite of IDs • Plan LINAC, Transfer-Lines, Booster and Storage Ring Installation • Generate Detailed Commissioning Plans for LINAC and Booster • Complete the Vacuum Facility. • Qualify first article Storage Ring magnets to start series production. • Complete design and prototyping of magnet power supplies. • Complete the design of the Cryogenic System. • Advance Production Machining of Vacuum Chambers. • Start Magnet-Girder-Vacuum Integration. • Start Production of the Damping Wigglers. • Develop design and procurement of EPU for start production in FY10.
Conclusion • Design of Accelerator Systems approaches conclusion: Magnet, Vacuum Chamber design and prototyping ready for production • Accelerator Systems entered the construction phase, major procurements and production have started: SR Magnets, Vacuum Chambers, Production Facilities • Negative Schedule Variance has built up; is mitigated by adding labor to make up for labor resources not available the time work was scheduled, • Focus in the next months will be to mange construction contracts for magnets, and vacuum chambers, and award contracts for LINAC, booster and support systems • Accelerator systems in good shape, no major technical issues, schedule under control