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Kamakura Shogunate

Kamakura Shogunate. By: Jeff Wagner and John Lubenow. Background. First feudal military government of Japan They ruled from 1185-1333 AD Marks the beginning of medieval Japanese feudalism Government style was created due to the violence of the national civil war the Gempei War.

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Kamakura Shogunate

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  1. Kamakura Shogunate By: Jeff Wagner and John Lubenow

  2. Background • First feudal military government of Japan • They ruled from 1185-1333 AD • Marks the beginning of medieval Japanese feudalism • Government style was created due to the violence of the national civil war • the Gempei War

  3. Kamakura Shogunate • Minamoto Yoritomo was the founder of the Kamakura Shogunate • Promised regional security • Guaranteed land to his followers • Showed the importance of the military side of the government • Was given the title of Shogun in 1192

  4. The Feudal System • The Feudal system is a system of ruling • Shoguns controlled the country through the nobles (daimyo) • The Daimyo were heads of the knights (Samurai) • The Peasants farmed the land for protection from the samurai

  5. Mongols • Golden Age ended with the arrival of the Mongols • The Mongols attacked twice • 1274 and 1281 • Defeat of the Mongols was supposedly because of a divine wind that sank the Mongol fleet • The wind is called a kamikaze

  6. Kamikaze Wind

  7. Bakufu • Bakufu was a system of rule from 1338-1573 AD • Tent government • Second of three feudal military government • Ashikaga Takauji founded this shogunate • Ashikaga Shogunate • Muromachi period • Muromachi bakufu • Shogunate depends on Nobles • Leads to the fall

  8. Ashikaga Shogunate Two ways Ashikaga Shogunate is remembered • Political weakness • Daimyo (nobles) formed alliances • Not loyal • Social unrest • Most creative period of artistic achievement • When the Samurai estate became the real rulers of the land

  9. Review Question #1 • What was the name of the divine wind that destroyed the Mongol fleet? -The kamikaze wind

  10. Review Question #2 • What is another name for the tent government? -Bakufu

  11. Review Question #3 • What is a synonym for Bakufu? -Feudalism

  12. Citations Sources Pictures • "Kamakura shogunate." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. • http://bhoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/hst263/08.ashikaga.html • http://go.galegroup.com/ps/retrieve.do?sgHitCountType=None&sort=RELEVANCE&inPS=true&prodId=GPS&userGroupName=libe91209&tabID=T001&searchId=R2&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&contentSegment=&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentPosition=3&contentSet=GALE%7CCX2458801902&&docId=GALE|CX2458801902&docType=GALE&role= • http://f99.middlebury.edu/JA216A/kamakura.html • http://www89.homepage.villanova.edu/scott.black/F01-Asian/JapanHist.htm • http://f99.middlebury.edu/JA216A/kamakura.html • http://www.koreanhistoryproject.org/Ket/C06/E0603.htm • http://histories.cambridge.org/extract?id=chol9780521223546_CHOL9780521223546A006 • http://books.google.com/books?id=OzFQRfux7b0C&pg=PA97&lpg=PA97&dq=political+unrest+in+Ashikaga+shogunate+-.com&source=bl&ots=7P-WbVwRSa&sig=YcOMLmi-ZkgslVhdjTYGT2ejtPQ&hl=en&ei=LbfbTprID4TC2wXl3ZV2&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=political%20unrest%20in%20Ashikaga%20shogunate%20-.com&f=false • http://www.ancientsites.com/aw/Article/582492 • http://edtech2.boisestate.edu/lockwoodm/Feudalism/japanese_feudalism.htm • http://bhoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/hst263/Map.Kamakura.png • http://www2.hawaii.edu/~thomask/eall271/kamakura_period/images/Heike-yoritomo_samurai.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/MokoShurai.jpg/250px-MokoShurai.jpg • http://feudal_japan.tripod.com/art.html • http://www1.american.edu/ted/ice/images4/800px-Hokusai-fujibig.png • http://www.talariaenterprises.com/images2/5345b.jpg • http://www.google.com/imgres?q=mongols+in+japan&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=849&tbm=isch&tbnid=-dyJteNz7VF_SM:&imgrefurl=http://asianwoodcuts.providence.wikispaces.net/Block%2BPrinting%2Bin%2BJapan&docid=APnm_8s6q3KHTM&imgurl=http://www.wsu.edu:8000/wciv/a/ab/abf/abf77.jpg&w=640&h=390&ei=68XbTsSWOMTd0QG2860Z&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=607&vpy=163&dur=4594&hovh=175&hovw=288&tx=115&ty=111&sig=114263246013292425204&page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=209&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0

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