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The Stuarts

The Stuarts. Use your lineage chart. Divine right Used to doing things w/o a parliament Budget King James Bible (1611). James I (VI). Privy purse (salary) Great wardrobe Master of Robes Treasurer of the chamber Running the court Band of pensioners Foreign ambassadors and agents

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The Stuarts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Stuarts Use your lineage chart

  2. Divine right Used to doing things w/o a parliament Budget King James Bible (1611) James I (VI)

  3. Privy purse (salary) Great wardrobe Master of Robes Treasurer of the chamber Running the court Band of pensioners Foreign ambassadors and agents Office of the works Fee, pension and gifts The prince’s household Army and Navy Grand Total: 5,000 20,016 4,000 26,000 54,081 6,000 12,000 10,000 96,434 53,177 50,000 336,708 ($547,766.98 in 2010) The King’s Budget

  4. Parliament saw a chance to reclaim power Charles I stood firm 1629-1640 (11 yrs) then dismissed Parliament 1641: needed money so recalled Parliament Demanded changes CI arrested Parliament members Charles I

  5. An then there was… Henrietta Marie French Catholic Unpopular Too much control over CI

  6. Petition of Right • King Could Not: • Imprison w/o cause • Force loans or levy taxes w/o Parliament • House soldier in private homes w/o owners consent • Impose martial law in peacetime

  7. Cavaliers: loyal to CI Roundheads: superior of Parl. Oliver Cromwell CI beheaded Cromwell=military dictatorship Cromwell dies 1658 1659 Parl. Recalled: goal—bring back the monarchy English Civil War 1642-1648

  8. Charles II No divine rt. 1679 Habeas Corpus: must be brought before a judge CII needed $ so… Made secret deal w/ Louis XIV CII would become Catholic in exchange for $ People were fearful Put up w/ it for peace The Restoration

  9. Reinstates divine rt. Dissolved Parl. Gave jobs to RC & Prot. Enforced martial law Then… he had a son by wife #2 who was RC James II

  10. Maria of Modena=James=RCC Wife #2 Anne Hyde=Mary=Protestant Wife #1

  11. Mary married William of Orange (Netherlands) Protestant She and Wm. Came & asked Dad to step down to avoid bloodshed James II stepped down Glorious Revolution

  12. William and Mary • Agreed to limits on their power • English Bill of Rights • No suspending of parl. Laws • No levying of taxes w/o specific grant fr. Parl. • No interfering w/ a member’s freedom of speech in Parl. • No penalty for a citizen who petitions the king about grievance • No standing army to be kept in time of peace • No posting of excessive bail in royal cts.

  13. “Good Queen Anne” Last member of the Stuart Dynasty

  14. George I From Germany Spoke little to no English New Dynasty… Hanover

  15. George III Making the Connection What major world event occurred during his rule? Fast forward to 1776…

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