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The Cold War, 1945-1990ish. The U.S. and the Soviet Union emerged from WWII as the world’s two superpowers. Explain why and how they fought. Essential Question. Why Cold?. U.S. and Soviet Union competed for world influence without actual armed conflict.
The Cold War, 1945-1990ish The U.S. and the Soviet Union emerged from WWII as the world’s two superpowers. Explain why and how they fought. Essential Question
Why Cold? • U.S. and Soviet Union competed for world influence without actual armed conflict. • The possibility of nuclear war made “hot” war too dangerous.
The Iron Curtain • The U.S. promoted capitalist democracies in Western Europe. • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) • The Soviet Union imposed military rule on Eastern Europe. • Warsaw Pact
Cold War Weapons • Economics • Diplomacy • Espionage Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
Arms Race • Believed huge arsenals would prevent war. (Mutually Assured Destruction) • Intercontinental ballistic missiles on both sides by the 1950s.
The Marshall Plan • Sent $13 billion in aid to rebuild war-torn Western Europe and increase U.S. influence in the region. • Reasoning: Communism thrives on economic problems. • By 1950s, Western European economies were prospering.
Western Europe • Welfare State: government provides programs for the well-being of its citizens. • Social Security, free education, national health care. • A middle-way between communism and pure capitalism?
The Communist Bloc • Economic focus on heavy industry and the military led to consumer goods shortages. • Soviets invaded eastern European countries that sought independence. • Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989 • Soviets vs. the Taliban
The Domino Theory • U.S. belief that if one country went communist, surrounding countries would follow.
Containment • U.S. policy of holding back the spread of communism through military engagement around the globe.
Truman Doctrine: sending American military aid to any nation “threatened” by communism.
The Korean War 1950-53 • U.S.-supported South versus Communist China-supported North. • Ended in stalemate leaving Korea divided.
Effects of Korean War • Increased military spending. • Half the federal budget by 1960. • U.S. troops stationed around the world. • Huge death toll led Eisenhower to focus on small scale CIA operations.
Africa • Weak, post-WWII Europe couldn’t support empire, leading to rapid decolonization. • Cold Warriors competed to influence newly-independent nations.
2 ?s and a Summary • Essential Question: The U.S. and the Soviet Union emerged from WWII as the world’s two superpowers. Explain why and how they fought.
Vietnam War 1964-75 • Vietnamese communists, under popular leader Ho Chi Minh, ousted French colonial rule after WWII. • Soviet Union & Communist China supported Minh. • U.S. supported the French.
Two sides agreed to a Communist North Vietnam and a pro-Western South Vietnam.
Buddhist Monk protesting repressive, non-democratic (U.S. supported) South Vietnamese leadership.
U.S. supported unpopular leaders in the South. • South Vietnamese guerillas, the Viet Cong, fought with north Vietnamese communists to unite all of Vietnam under Minh. • President Johnson greatly increased U.S. involvement in 1964. • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
How do you think televised coverage of the Vietnam war affected support at home?
Four anti-war protestors are killed at Kent State in Ohio, 1970.
Opposition at home led the U.S. to withdraw and Vietnam was united under the communists in 1975.
Effects of the Vietnam War • 2 million dead (58,000 Americans) • American image damaged around the world. • Domino theory was disproven as divisions developed between the Soviet Union and Communist China.
Works Cited Adams, Eddie. Saigon Execution. Associated Press. Web. 10 May 2010. <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/10/movies/10weap.html>. Arms Race. 1961. Private collection. Web. 2 May 2010. <http://www.johndclare.net/cold_war9.htm>. Bonniespots. Dominoes. Private collection. Web. 8 May 2010. <http://cheezburger.com/View/3206492416>. Captured Viet Cong. 1966. National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 8 May 2010. <http://history1900s.about.com/library/photos/blyviet85.htm>. Cat with Machine Gun. Private collection. Web. 2 May 2010. <http://media.photobucket.com/image/cat%20with%20machine%20gun/hero_FTW/machine-gun-cat-animation.gif?o=15>. Cold War Divisions. Private collection. Web. 2 May 2010. <http://astro.temple.edu/~barbday/Europe66/resources/coldwardivisionmap1.htm>. Cold War Flags. 2009. Private collection. Web. 2 May 2010. <http://dangeroustravel.blogspot.com/2009_05_01_archive.html>. Decolonization of Africa. Private collection. Web. 2 May 2010. <http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Decolonization_of_Africa>.
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