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Why Use ICTs In HPE?. Three reasons: Enhance the students learning Improves teaching Engages, motivates and can be fun for students. Students will research sports, techniques, highlights, nutrition, exercise programs etc.
Three reasons: • Enhance the students learning • Improves teaching • Engages, motivates and can be fun for students
Students will research sports, techniques, highlights, nutrition, exercise programs etc. ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies) can help people research all of these topics. The use of ICTs in HPE will allow the students to use computers to research important topics and information. “Health and Physical Education (F–10) enhances ICT learning by helping students to effectively and safely access online health and physical activity information and services to manage their own health and wellbeing.” (ACARA, 2014). Using ICTs to enhance students' learning in HPE
Students will be given assignments and homework on topics such as physical health, mental health, nutrition, sport (Basketball, Football), techniques on various actions such as throwing a shot put or how to shoot a basketball etc. • The internet which can be used on computers and mobile devices, has information and provides different perspectives on the information. This will allow the students to improve on their knowledge. Using ICTs to enhance students' learning in HPE
ICTs can help HPE students to improve technique by visualisation. Students will be able to observe professional athletes and the techniques that the pro athletes use. The internet provides clips/videos of pro athletes in their sport using their technique. Students will also be able to use ICTs such as a video camera to capture and reflect on the techniques that they or a pro athlete has used and improve on those techniques. Using ICTs to enhance students' learning in HPE
ICTs in my HPE class enhances your child's learning. I provide the students with time on computers to research the subject that we are studying as a class. My students and your children have access to a wide variety of information on the internet which can gain and improve on their knowledge. Using ICTs to enhance students' learning in HPE
ICTs does not only benefit your children but it also improves my teaching and my knowledge. There are many ways and different techniques in sport that the students can find on the internet which we might not cover. I as a teacher will try my best to teach every known aspect to the students about HPE but there is so much. Everything that may have not been mentioned in a lesson or missed can be looked up on the internet. Students are able to search for an answer to their question. • Your children will learn from technology. They could learn how to shoot a basketball or how to correctly bowl a ball in cricket by watching a video off YouTube or the internet. ICTs Improve teaching
ICTs will make your child a smarter person. The limitless supply of information that the internet has for child can teach them everything there is about nutrition (e.g. dieting), technique in a specific sport (e.g. throwing a javelin in the field event), health problems (e.g. diabetes and anorexia) etc. ICTs Improve teaching
In my HPE class, my students find using ICTs such as computers to be fun and engaging. • Students who are not great athletes or do not excel in physical activity can be strong using technology. The students are not just marked on physical activity as HPE is not only about physical activity. Students also have to know the side of health that is not only physical activity. Research assignments are given out so that students can prove that they can learn and receive the information. Students who know how to use a computer and know where to look for information are great in these assignments and earn a good mark. Engaging, motivating and can fun for students
Students who love using the computers or even have a strong interest in the topic that is being taught get excited to use the computers to gain more information on the topic (e.g. a student who loves and is doing a research assignment on football may want to use a computer to get the information and gain knowledge). • This motivates the student as they get to use a computer to research a topic that interest them. Engaging, motivating and can fun for students
“Students use ICT as key tools for communicating, collaborating, creating content, seeking help, accessing information and analysing performance in the Health and Physical Education field.” (ACARA, 2014). • ICTs can be used to reflect and improve your child’s technique in a specific sport and result in them improving their ability. • The use of ICTs in my HPE lessons benefit your child by presenting new information or information that can build on to their current knowledge. • Without the use of ICTs in my teaching it would be very difficult to teach the students very important information about HPE. Conclusion
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Health and Physical Education. Retrieved from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/healthandphysicaleducation/general-capabilities Freedman, Terry. (2010). Does ICT improve learning?. Retrieved from http://www.ictineducation.org/home-page/2010/7/8/does-ict-improve-learning.html Freedman, Terry. (2011). 13 Reasons to use educational technology.Retrieved from http://www.ictineducation.org/home-page/2011/3/3/13-reasons-to-use-educational-technology-in-lessons.html Slide 1 image. (2013). Retrieved from  Slide 2 image. Retrieved from  Slide 4 image. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.nba.com/thunder/sites/thunder/files/imagecache/image_gallery_default/knicks_durant_2_120114.jpg Slide 8 image. (2014). Retrieved from https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3bkyFsdO98_Q8uA2uTrQ7PFngbZh8KjtcwE2jfukMUjwp80C4Wg References