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A. P. Statistics Warm-up Daily while you complete the warm-up, I will be going around checking the homework. 1. Find the following things of the random sample of the 30 workers commuting distances: a.Mean __________ b. Mode__________ c. Median__________d . Range__________
A. P. Statistics Warm-upDaily while you complete the warm-up, I will be going around checking the homework. • 1. Find the following things of the random sample of the 30 workers commuting distances: • a.Mean __________ b. Mode__________ • c. Median__________d. Range__________ • e. Minimum__________ f. Maximum__________ • g. 1st quartile__________ h.3rdquartile__________
A.P. Stats Course Description Welcome. I’m Mrs. Stern, your A. P. Statistics teacher for the remaining of the 2011-2012 school year. We will be covering a wide range of topics in probability, statistics, and data analysis. These concepts are useful to everyone. How will you be graded? Participation 10% Homework 10% Quizzes 15% Tests 40% Mid-term/Final 25% Participation(Classwork): This grade will be for any assignments that are given and collected during class time. It may be a group work assignment that may be a product or activity to be completed during class. Homework: Homework will be given every time the class meets.Normally homework will be checked for completion during the beginning of class. Assignments without work shown will be given a zero forcompletion.Each day will be worth 20 points. After the fifth homework check the grade will be entered. On occasion, the homework will be collected and graded for accuracy and not for completion. The homework collected are usually a worksheet or reviewsheet. Homework collected will be graded out of 100. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given a couple of times during a chapter. Opportunities will be given to do a make-up quiz the same day they are returned. The make-up quiz grade will replace the previous quiz’s grade, even if the make-up quiz grade is lower. Notebook checks at the end of the chapter are considered quiz grades. Notebooks are to be organized as described at the end of this course description. Notes will also be checked for the chapter. Notes must be complete and include warm-ups and practice. Students are responsible for notes even if they are absent the day they are given. Tests/Projects: Tests are given at the end of a chapter. Notebook checks are at the end of the chapter as well and will be considered a test grade.
Course Description Continued Daily Routine 1. Warm-up Once the bell has rung students are to be working on the Warm-up. During this time students must have completed homework on their desks for the homework check. Permission to leave class will not be given the first 10 minutes of class. 2. Review of Homework Answers will be posted for the homework. Students are to check their homework with red or blue pen. Students will be given the opportunity once they are finished checking their answers to discuss problems at their tables. After 5 minutes, students will be given the opportunity to ask the teacher questions about the homework to be reviewed as a class. 3. Notes/New material A new section will be introduced. Students are to take notes. Permission to leave the classroom will not be given. 4. Practice Practice to the new material will be given. Practice will be part of the notes or may be it may be an assignment collected before the end of the period for a participation grade. Questions are encouraged during this time. 5. Homework At the end of the class, the homework will be assigned. Additional information may be given to help students complete the assignments. Classroom Rules Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings, ready for class to begin. Come prepared to class: math binder, textbook, calculator and correction pens Follow directions the first time given. Use appropriate language and voice. Follow school policy.
Last Page of Course Description What to do if you were absent the previous class? At the beginning of class, keep any forms to be signed on your desk. During the homework check I should see it and sign it. When absent check assignment sheet for missing assignments get missed notes from a reliable classmate. You will be able to make up ALL missed work upon return within a reasonable time frame. If you missed only the day of the announced test or quiz or the review day, be prepared to take the test the day you return. Math Binder Organization 1. This Course Description Where are you Sheet 2. Vocabulary/Formulas- Keep these in order from oldest to newest 3. Notes/Investigations – Notes that include the warm-up and possible practice will be kept neatly in this section from oldest to newest 4. Homework Assignments- In order from oldest to newest. 5. Graded Assignments- Any graded work handed back that includes quizzes, tests, and participation. New email: maria.stern@ocsarts.net
Answers to Ch. 2 Tests Scores Worksheet 1. 2. Median is the value that divides the data in ½. The median for this data is 40. 3. The mode is the value that occurs the most. The mode for this data 41. 4. Variance 5. Standard Deviation 6. Min.: 24 LQ: 36 Median: 40 UQ: 42 Max.:49
Answers to Ch. 2 Test Score Worksheet continued… 7. After the 55th person took the test and scored a five, the mean would go down to a 37.76. The median and mode stayed the same. 8. If the two 49’s were changed to 55’s the median would remain the same. *9. Mode is the highest in this set of data, but Median could be better since it is less affected by outliers. *10. The scores are skewed to the left. Looking at the boxplot the median is closer to the maximum. * Did anyone have different answers for these they’d like to share?
Review of 2.3 Measure of Center and Spread The following numbers are the highway gas mileages for 13 minicompact cars: 19, 29, 27, 28, 23, 26, 23, 23, 32, 31, 29, 26, and 22
Find the 5 Number Summary and Create the box and whisker plot Without the calculator how would you find the 5 number summary and create the box plot? How would you do the same steps with the calculator?
Most Common mistakes from test. 4e and 6d • In her promotional practices, a queen ant has been accused of discriminating against ants with short antennae. During the preceding year, six workers were up for promotion. Four of them, with antenna lengths (in mm) of 65, 71, 72, and 73, were promoted. Two workers, with antenna lengths of 63 and 68, were bypassed for promotion. e. Is the evidence of antenna length discrimination relatively strong or relatively weak? Justify your conclusion.
The other most common mistake from the test: 6d 6. Refer to the situation described in Question 4: In the preceding year, six workers were up for promotion. Four of them, with antenna lengths (in mm) of 65, 71, 72, and 73, were promoted. Two workers, with antenna lengths of 63 and 68, were bypassed for promotion. a. List all possible pairs of antenna lengths for workers who might have been bypassed for promotion. …d. Is the evidence of antenna length discrimination relatively strong or relatively weak? Justify your conclusion. On pg 16 under Discussion of Logic of Inference: 0.05 is considered unlikely and in a typical court case, there would have to be a probability of 0.25 or less for it to be considered a discrimination.
Two H.W. Assignments Due Next class • Introduction sheet: 4 sections (20 pts each). Another 20 pts if it is colorful. This will be collected and graded as a homework assignment. • 2.3 E#44 and 45