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Division of University Relations

Division of University Relations. Formed August 2009 Public Affairs Media Services Publications Government Relations Board of Trustee Operations FOIA Requests Intake. President Peters’ Charge.

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Division of University Relations

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  1. Division of University Relations • Formed August 2009 • Public Affairs • Media Services • Publications • Government Relations • Board of Trustee Operations • FOIA Requests Intake

  2. President Peters’ Charge • Develop a brand identity and a corresponding marketing strategy for NIU, to allow us to compete and flourish despite the increasing cacophony of higher education options for potential students -- community colleges, quality private colleges and universities in the region, as well as public universities including UIUC, UIC and ISU.

  3. Discovered • NIU has extraordinarily talented in-house videographers, graphic artists, writers, editors and web content specialists. • No staff devoted to social media…..Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Channel, Flicker Pages • Best organizational structure for NIU is one that encourages cross-disciplinary teamwork.

  4. Reorganizing Communications Resources • Organize Division of University Relations to be more efficient and utilize complementary communications tools we have within the university. • Two year reorganization to enhance communication and coordination of NIU messaging on day to day and overall strategic and branding/ marketing basis.

  5. Interim Steps • Media Relations & Internal Communications Team/New leadership; experience in media relations, production and videography

  6. Interim Steps • Web Communications Team • Enhance communications and working relationships between web communications and production including photography, graphic design and videography. • Team consists of 5 people, all internally reassigned – NIU webmaster, graphic designers, videographers, editorial support and one full time person devoted to social media.

  7. Branding Initiative Staff • Full time administrative staff dedicated to branding initiative. • Develop measurement program to evaluate success in marketing and branding initiatives. • Interim branding needed by November, 2010. • Implement marketing initiatives based on branding beginning in January 2011.

  8. Major Premise • Enrollment Issues Drive Branding • The answer is basis for NIU's branding and marketing efforts in 2010.

  9. Excavating our Brand • NIU needs to develop and "own" our own brand identity • Must be authentic and represent the real experiences NIU offers • Best brands are also aspirational – illustrate what NIU can be

  10. The Branding Process • Branding & Marketing Committee established with representation from every college and major department (Foundation, Alumni Association, Athletics included) • Advertising Committee established (Foundation, Alumni Association, central administration creative staff, communications staff in COB and COL) • Branding exercise developed for use with every group – objective is to surface words and phrases that resonate with all stakeholders

  11. The Branding Process, cont. • NIU’s branding initiative strongly grounded in research • Extensive review of all previous branding/ marketing/ planning documents, including student surveys, strategic plan, college & department branding materials, mission statement, Baccalaureate Review documents, graduate satisfaction studies, etc. • Extensive research into the attitudes and opinions of all our stakeholders: students (current and prospective), parents, alumni, faculty, staff, coaches, high school counselors, etc.

  12. The Branding Process, cont. • NIU Public Opinion Lab conducting focus groups and online surveys: - Student focus groups convened Fall 2009 - Four alumni focus groups interviewed March 2010 - Online surveys underway April – June 2010: Current students Parents of current students Prospective students Parents of prospective students High school guidance counselors Faculty & Staff

  13. Branding Process, cont. • Two-hour session with NIU coaching staff in April • May survey of Foundation & Alumni Boards, Senior Cabinet & Deans; branding exercises with each group • May/June discussion and survey of BRTF members; branding exercise if possible • Faculty and staff surveys currently under development Must make sure that branding language resonates with all stakeholders!

  14. Branding Goals • Define NIU brand attributes • Develop a positioning statement (clear, concise dominant “selling” idea – NIU’s “specialty”) • Write the NIU brand story (combines attributes, values and positioning) • Develop elevator speech (a few sentences) • Develop value proposition for use by development, etc. • Determine brand architecture (how all units relate to core brand) • Develop message architecture (themes) • Develop university tagline

  15. In the Meantime… • Branding process lengthy; important to build consensus • Strong need to step up marketing efforts even before branding process is complete • Reorganized teams hard at work on new and improved communication vehicles

  16. Updated NIU Website Coming June 2010

  17. New Northern Today • All Campus and Community Communications/Calendar/News • Updated daily as appropriate…. • Goal is to make this the number one university communication mechanism Examples: • www.today.ucf.edu • www.bu.edu/today/ • www.bu.edu/calendar/

  18. Ad Concept: The Power of Education • Primary purpose: recruitment • Targeted audience: college-seeking individuals, undergrad level (ad concept also carries strong appeal to parents) • Concept uses the stories of alumni/students to share the fulfillment of their dreams, with their degree info displayed for subliminal effect. • Could be a series with 2-3 versions to represent all the colleges. • Translates across: • TV (uses voice over and text for the degree info and the university sign off) • Billboard • Web • Radio • Each media component is tied to specific open house or specific on-site recruitment activities • Each media component ties to a specific companion micro site that encourages users to take an action (i.e., apply to the university or register for open house events)

  19. TV SPOT: The Power of Education “The power of education helped Joe Peterson turn his childhood love of dinosaurs . . .

  20. TV SPOT: The Power of Education . . . into an exciting profession as a ground-breaking paleontologist.

  21. TV SPOT: The Power of Education • It helped Nichole Luchs turn her fascination for a heavenly sound . . .

  22. TV SPOT: The Power of Education • . . . into a career as a concert harpist who performs with symphony orchestras.

  23. TV SPOT: The Power of Education • The power of education helped Patrick Yarbrough turn his love of debate. . .

  24. TV SPOT: The Power of Education • . . . into a love for practicing law as a respected attorney and later as a judge.

  25. TV SPOT: The Power of Education Discover the power in your dreams through the power of education at NIU.

  26. Microsite Northern Illinois UniversityThe Power of Educationpower.niu.edu

  27. TV SPOT: The Power of Education • Engineering grad playing with Tinker Toys or Legos as a child. • Nursing grad playing doctor with her teddy bears as a child. • Business grad operating a lemonade stand as a child. • Education grad teaching their younger siblings as a child. Other subject possibilities

  28. TV SPOT: The Power of Education

  29. Questions & Comments

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