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An outline of the role of ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP at QE and the contribution that Governors can make. ‘We should not, must not, dare not, be complacent about the health and future of British democracy. Unless we become a nation of engaged citizens our democracy is not secure’ Lord Chancellor
An outline of the role of ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP at QE and the contribution that Governors can make.
‘We should not, must not, dare not, be complacent about the health and future of British democracy. Unless we become a nation of engaged citizens our democracy is not secure’ Lord Chancellor We aim at no less than a change in the political culture of this country both nationally and locally: for people to think of themselves as active citizens, willing, able and equipped to have an influence in public life; to build on and to extend radically to young people the best in existing traditions of community involvement and public service, and to make them individually confident in finding new forms of involvement and action among themselves. Crick Report on Citizenship Education. The philosophers (historians, geographers, sociologists, economists etc) have only interpreted the world in various ways: the point is to change it. Karl Marx
QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future Active Citizenship is about - The application of the Skills For Success Involvement of students in the community, locally, nationally, globally Involvement of the community in the life of the school It is not another subject, nor the responsibility of one learning area, It is something we are already good at, but we could be outstanding!
QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future For example At KS3 : Events such as the Environment day (Y7), Refugee day (Y8) & Lions Challenge (Y9) make connections across the curriculum and with the wider community. At KS4 : All students follow a World Issues course, but this stops short of actually involving them in projects that aim to do something about these issues. At KS5 : Virtually all sixth formers now participate in some for of CAS@QE activity. But most struggle to find the time to continue given the competing demands of formal qualifications in Y13. New Qualifications can now make a difference at KS5
We have already an established programme of enrichment activities, CAS@QE This involves many community based activities. We offer CRITICAL THINKING at AS and hope to offer AS in CITIZENSHIP STUDIES which includes exam questions on students participation in Active Citizenship projects. We have been part of the national pilot of the Extended Project Qualification which is now becoming available for most of our Y13 students. This can be independent learning arising from CAS@QE activities or work experience.
We would like to update the CAS@QE booklet to make it a directory of opportunities for involvement, including local contacts who would be prepared to help. A simple list of governors interests would be a starting point. Such as – invite to council meetings, local charities, political parties, national organisations, work experience opportunities An e-mail contact would be ideal together with a list of organisations and offers of help. Please give your details to --
At KS4 the Humanities team are discussing how to develop the World Issues course to include more opportunities for ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP. One option is to include the new GCSE in Citizenship which includes an Active Citizenship project where students aim to influence others and bring about some positive change in their local communities. Another option is the Foundation or Higher Project Qualifications, which like the Extended Project can be focused on some aspect of community involvement.
Governors could help here to. It would be really helpful to have a list of governors who would be prepared to come into class to talk about what they do or ideas of community projects that groups of students could have some form of involvement with. This is about strengthening the link between Community and College, an area where governors can make a difference. Thank you.