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Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme. Mr. Daniel Hájek Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme.
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme Mr. Daniel Hájek Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 17 July 2000 on a revised Community eco-label award scheme
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - EUEB • COMMISSION DECISION 730/2000 of 10 November 2000 establishing the European Union Eco-labelling Board and its rules of procedure • Contains basic roles for EUEB
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • ROLE OF THE EUEB • request the Commission to initiate the procedure for setting the ecological criteria as well as the related assessment and compliance verification requirements for product groups • contribute to the setting and review of Eco-label criteria as well as the related assessment and compliance verification requirements for product groups • be consulted by the Commission on the Community Eco-label working plan • the members of the EUEB shall cooperate with the Member States and the Commission in promoting the use of the Community Eco-label.
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • COMPOSITION • The EUEB shall consist of the competent bodies • Amongst others, the following organisations, representing the interested parties, shall be members of the EUEB: • Coface (consumers, representing also BEUC, Eurocoop and AEC), • EEB (environmental) • ETUC (trade unions) • UNICE (industry) • UEAPME (SMEs, crafts) • Eurocommerce (commerce) • Each member of the EUEB shall designate a contact person
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • CHAIR, VICE-CHAIRS AND SECRETARIAT • The chair and the two vice-chairs of the EUEB shall be held in turn by the EU Eco-label competent bodies • The chair shall firstly be held in turn by a competent body from each Member State of the European Union, during the period of their presidency • The two vice-chairs shall be held by the competent body that is next in line to hold the chair and the competent body that previously held the chair • The competent body holding the chair or the vice-chairs may, exceptionally, be replaced by one of the vice-chairs or by another member of the EUEB
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • MEETINGS • Meetings of the EUEB shall be convened by the chair, who shall, with the assistance of the vice-chairs and of the secretariat, be responsible for preparing and circulating the invitations, agendas and supporting papers, as well as drafting and circulating the corresponding minutes • The Commission shall on request make a meeting room available should the meeting be scheduled to take place in Brussels • In general no more than three representatives of a member of the EUEB should participate in a given meeting • Representatives of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area may participate in the EUEB meetings. Representatives of the Commission shall participate in the EUEB meetings. The Chairperson or the Commission may, where appropriate, invite other interested parties to participate
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • OTHER ACTIONS BY THE MEMBERS OF THE EUEB • The members of the EUEB shall act in the general interest of the Community Eco-label Scheme, and may take any initiatives they consider pertinent and useful to this end. They may similarly act at the request of the Commission. Such initiatives may include, amongst others: • promotional activities • the formation of ad hoc working groups, • actions to promote the harmonised application of Eco- label criteria and related assessment and compliance verification requirements, including the regular adaptation and improvement of the related user manuals, • drafting guidelines, for example to facilitate the development of ecological criteria, • adopting internal procedures as appropriate
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme –Regulatory Committee • Representatives of Member states only • Regulatory committee takes a vote on final draft criteria • Political decision
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme -CB in MS • Each Member State (MS) shall ensure that the body or bodies, responsible for carrying out the tasks provided for in Regulation “1980“, is/are designated and operational. Where more than one competent body is designated, the MS shall determine those bodies' respective powers and the coordination requirements applicable to them • Member States shall ensure that: • the composition of the competent bodies is such as to guarantee their independence and neutrality • the rules of procedure of the competent bodies ensure, at national level, the active involvement of all interested parties and an appropriate level of transparency • the competent bodies shall apply correctly the provisions of Regulation “1980“.
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme -CBs in the Czech Rep. • Ministry of the Environment – 2-3 employees • Czech Eco-labelling Agency – 2-3 employees: (expert unit of CENIA - Czech Environmental Information Agency , established by the Ministry of the Environment and is receiving contributions from the state budget )
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - Ministry of the Environment • Guarantee the right to use the logo to specific products • Expresses their opinion to all issues of development of the Programme - Regulation Committee member expresses its comments and suggestions to the Program - cooperation with CB • Organizing awarding ceremony • Responsible for legislative support
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme -Ministry of the Environment (award ceremony)
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - CENIA • to provide the applicants with applications together with the full wording of the relevant guideline • to register and handle applications for granting the right to use the logo, and to draw up summary report on the products to which the right to use the logo should be granted • to conclude license agreements with the applicants • to collect registration and annual fees • to recommend, to an applicant, the corresponding accredited laboratory, testing institution or other special institution • site-visits at the manufacturer, checking of compliance with the conditions for granting the right to use the logo, according to requirements stated in the guidelines
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme – web site (www.ekoznacka.cz)
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - European commission • Guarantee of the Program • Expresses its opinions to all issues of development of the Programme and criteria in all stages • Provides a web site • Common expenses necessary for the meetings, developing and reviewing ecological criteria and other activities shall be met by the Commission
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme – The Flower web site
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - The Eco-label Helpdesk • The European Commission has awarded a contract to Bio Intelligence Service to assist the ongoing marketing and promotion efforts of the Commission and the various EUEB stakeholders (in particular the marketing management group). • The basic objectives of the EU Eco-label helpdesk are: • To provide interested parties (business, retailers, consumers etc, in particular potential new Eco-label holders) with timely and accurate information concerning the EU Eco-label • To host, maintain and further develop the newly installed Eco-label platform (www.eco-label.com) • To assist and implement activities of the marketing management group of the EUEB • To develop and carry out promotion activities for the EU Eco-label
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • Co-operation and Co-ordination Group • Objective: Progressively co-ordinate product group development in the different labelling schemes in the EU. • co-ordinate product group development (including reviewing existing product groups and agreeing a far as possible on a common approach) • examine possibilities of mutual recognition, and mutual fee reductions • develop harmonised DID list • develop joint marketing activities and information to consumers (on common and complementary aims of the different labels, joint lists of all eco-label award holders and where their products can be found)
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme • Marketing Management Group • The group develops and implements joint marketing initiatives: • Marketing Management Group meetings are organised with EUEB meetings • CB sit together with all the interested EUEB stakeholders to discuss marketing initiatives • the most important marketing activities are prepared for the Flower Campaign • the Chair is an Italian Competent Body • also Eco-label helpdesk assists the group
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme – Standard contract • COMMISSION DECISION 729/2000 of 10 November 2000 on a standard contract covering the terms of use of the Community Eco-label
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme – Standard contract • It specifies: • rights and obligations of a holder, • conditions of advertising and the compliance monitoring, • conditions on the confidentiality of information gained by the Competent Body, • conditions on suspension and withdrawal of the authorisation of the Flower logo, and on limitation aspects of liability and indemnity, • fees, complaints, contract duration and applicable law.
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme – FEES • COMMISSION DECISION (EC) 728/2000 of 10 November 2000 establishing the application and annual fees of the Community Eco-label
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme - GPP • The EU Eco-label criteria take into account the main environmental impacts of a product and the technically possible improvements • Purchasers can easily check if companies are able to meet technical requirements • Purchasers are sure of using a scheme that is fully compatible with the Internal Market principles
Administrative structure of the EU Eco-label Award Scheme Thank you for your attention Daniel Hájek Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic Department of Environmental Policy e-mail: Daniel_Hajek@env.cz tel.: +420 267 122 489