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Welcome to…. Year 2 SATs meeting. By the end of this meeting we aim…. That you will understand what SATs are For you to understand how SATs are organised in school For you to know how the school prepare for SATs and how you can support your child at home
By the end of this meeting we aim… • That you will understand what SATs are • For you to understand how SATs are organised in school • For you to know how the school prepare for SATs and how you can support your child at home • That you will understand the National Curriculum levels
What are SATs? • SATs = Statutory Assessment Tests • End of Key Stage 1 national government tests • They test the children’s knowledge and understanding of the Key Stage 1 curriculum • Provides a level that relates to attainment in English and Maths at the end of the Key Stage
How have SATs changed? • Children’s results are based on teachers assessment collated throughout the year. • Teachers decide on appropriate papers for individuals.
When do they take place? • Weeks commencing 6th May and 13th May during usual lessons.
How will the assessment be organised? • Reading: Fiction and non-fiction comprehension paper • Writing: Two pieces of writingand a spelling test
Numeracy: Mental maths test and a question paper. • Science and Speaking & Listening: Teacher assessment
How we prepare for SATs • Familiarising children with the style of questioning • Strategies for answering questions • Not mentioning SATs to the children and making it as fun and normal as we can!
How you can support your child for SATs • Completion of homework • Has had a good night sleep • Avoid mentioning SATs as tests. Our intention is for the children to remain blissfully unaware.
National curriculum levels • In English and Maths most children are working at level 1, 2 or 3. • Level 2 is the expected level for the end of Key Stage 1. (2b national average) • Science – Level 1,2,3
How will you find out the results? • Individual end of year reports will include your child’s level.
Thank you for coming and for your continued support. • Any questions? • Please feel free to look at the previous SATs papers on the tables.