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Welcome to Year 2. Meet the Teacher Presentation by the ‘Year 2 Team’ – Mr Bendel, Mr Kirner and Miss Thomas Any Questions? If you would like to talk about your child specifically, please feel free to make an appointment. Expectations.
Welcome to Year 2 Meet the Teacher • Presentation by the ‘Year 2 Team’ – Mr Bendel, Mr Kirner and Miss Thomas • Any Questions? If you would like to talk about your child specifically, please feel free to make an appointment.
Expectations • Children at Fairlawn are expected to be independent learners. • This includes assessing their learning and peer assessment. • They are also expected to access resources independently. • Children will be encouraged to problem solve and think creatively.
Presentation • We have high expectations around presentation. • Children will be supported in the development of fully cursive handwriting, leading to the eventual reward of a pen licence in KS2. • Children will also begin to use rulers to underline headings and dates.
Home Learning • Maths Paper Home Learning will be sent home in a green folder every Friday, returned the following Wednesday. • Sumdog and TTRockstarscan also be used alongside the children’s paper based learning. • Maths Passports – Mental Maths targets for children to continually work on throughout the year. In addition, children will begin to learn times tables (Year 2 - x2, x5 and x10). • Spelling Home Learning will be sent home every Friday and tested within class. • Daily reading is encouraged at home to support your child’s development in reading and book bags are required in school on a daily basis. • Half-termly learning letters will go home at the start of every term instead of learning letters.
Oracy Home Learning • Paddington’s Adventures! • Each week, someone will get to take Paddington home. He will be returned the following Friday. • On that Friday, your child will talk to the class about what they’ve been up to with Paddington! • Please practise with them and help them to formulate sentences. Please also encourage them to be ambitious with their vocabulary – there is a sheet included to help you. • Please use the scrapbook to add photos/draw pictures etc. There is no expectation to do this, but it may help to prompt your child’s memory!
Reading • Reading Days – each child has an allocated reading day. On this day children will change their books. • New approach to reading in Year 2 – Whole Class Reading • We will no longer be using reading records.
Clothing • Please ensure that children are always dressed appropriately for school - e.g. raincoats on wet days, sunhats in the summer etc. • Children need to be able to dress and undress, quickly and independently. Please do not send children in shoes with laces unless they can tie them up independently. • Children may wear stud earrings and watches. These should be covered/removed for PE. No other jewellery is allowed. • Footwear- No flip flops or sliders. • Outdoor P.E. kits should consist of black/navy blue tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt, a black/navy blue fleece and trainers. PE days are: 2T: Thursday & Friday, 2B: Thursday & Friday, 2K: Wednesday & Friday • Indoor P.E. kits should consist of black/navy blue shorts and a white t-shirt. • Please ensure all clothes are labelled.
Healthy Eating • We are a healthy eating school. • Please ensure your child’s lunch has no sweets or fizzy drinks. • Due to allergies you also need to ensure that there are no nut products in your child’s lunch. • If children bring in sweets as a birthday treat, they will be given out at the end of the day to be taken home.
Medical Needs • If your child has been prescribed medication, it needs to be given to the office, a form must be completed and can only be administered by a school first aider. • Asthma pumps and Epipens– it is your responsibility to ensure asthma pumps and epipens are all in date and in school.
Good to be Green • We have high expectations of behaviour here at Fairlawn. • Each class follows Good to be Green which includes a warning system. • Each child starts on green. • When necessary, children may be given a verbal warning. Repetition of this will be followed by an amber warning and then reflection slip. • Children who receive a reflection slip will have time to reflect on their actions in reflection zone.
PPA Cover • All teachers are entitled to time out of class to plan, prepare and assess. • These sessions are covered by Mrs Smith (outdoor PE), Ms Milner (Performing arts) and Mrs Griffiths (Art). • Mrs Smith will also cover ICT and indoor PE for 2T.
Attendance and Punctuality • KS1 begin school at 9am. • Please ensure that, as far as possible, your child attends school every day as this is extremely important for their learning. • Please ensure that your child attends school on time as this not only impacts on their learning but also the learning of others. If they are late, they will be sent directly to class with a late card.
End of Day Arrangements • KS1 ends at 3.30pm • If you are unable to collect your child or have made arrangements for someone else to do so eg. a birthday party or a play date, please let the class teacher know in the morning at drop off or email Fran by lunchtime. • If we have not received a message, we will be unable to dismiss your child.
Topic Based Learning • Here at Fairlawn we use topic based learning across most of the subjects. • This includes: -Our London Museum Event (this year’s museum night will be on Thursday 17th October- please come along! 4-6:30pm) -Tomorrow's World Showcase -International Evening
Continuation of… Mindfulness This year we hope to provide regular opportunities for mindfulness. Our main purpose for this is to help our children understand what mindful, calm thoughts are and how to access them. We hope this will help to reduce anxiety, promote self reflection and develop self awareness. There is very sound academic research to support this decision.
Forest School • 1P, 2B and 2T will start in Autumn 1. 1W and 2K will start next half term and we will rotate across the year. • It will take place every Wednesday with at least an hour in the Golden Garden. • It is run by Ms Gifford and the class teachers will also go with the children, so the learning can be embedded across the curriculum. • The benefits of Forest School: • Through a series of small achievable tasks children develop a sense of confidence and growth in self esteem. • Developing a love of the natural world and a respect for it. • Opportunity for imaginative play with friends. • Opportunity for physical challenge. • Opportunity for story telling, craft activities and den making.
Forest School • What clothing do children need? There is no such thing as the wrong weather to go outside only the wrong clothing. We will go out in all weather except in strong winds or a storm. Children will need warm clothing, wellies with thick socks, hats, gloves and waterproofs depending on the weather. • We need your help! • If you are interested please sign up on the sheet at the end of this session or with the letter we send home.
Before school and playtimes • Children should be accompanied by an adult when waiting in the playground for their class teacher. • The Reception area is out of bounds. • All classrooms are out of bounds before 9am (safeguarding). • Afternoon playtimes – there is no designated time for playtime in the afternoon.
End of Key Stage 1 Assessments • Formally known as SATs. • End of KS1 assessments consist of two Reading and Maths papers. • Reading, writing and maths is assessed throughout the year by the class teacher. • These will happen at the end of May. • Phonics screening retest (June)
Communication • Please update the office with your email addresses as most letters will be sent electronically. • Emails to teachers should be sent during working hours (8am – 6pm). wkirner@fairlawnschool.net sbendel@fairlawnschool.net rthomas@fairlawnschool.net
Any Questions? We will head back to our individual classes for any questions Our Class Twitters @MissThomas2T @BendelMr @MrKirner2K