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welcome to. ‘CANDO’ Meeting C ome an d fin d o ut Summer 2012, Year 5 (Poplar and Willow Classes). a fun and friendly place to learn & grow. Staff members in the team. What children will be learning….
welcome to ‘CANDO’ MeetingCome and find outSummer 2012, Year 5(Poplar and Willow Classes) a fun and friendly place to learn & grow...
What children will be learning… • Our first half term topic is Host and Home (there and then, here and now) where we will be looking at South Africa and the United Kingdom • Our second half term topic is the Olympics
Main focus in English and maths • Summer 2nd half • English • Looking at classic narrative- The Highwayman • themed work based on the Olympics • Maths • Securing number facts and understanding shape. • Data handling and measures. • Partitioning, adding and subtracting 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers • Calculating, measuring and understanding shape. • Summer 1st half • English • Older literature- Shakespeare • Stories from other cultures- Journey to Jo-Burg, which is a South African story. • Persuasive texts- arguments and Adverts • Maths • Securing number facts and understanding shape. • Data handling and measures. • Partitioning, adding and subtracting 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers • Calculating, measuring and understanding shape.
Science • Summer 1st half • Life cycles • Investigating how sunlight affects plants through growing plants • Walk in local environment to observe plant life. • Studying pollination, fertilisation, and wind dispersal of seeds. • Comparing animal life cycles • Trip to the Natural History Museum wildlife garden • Summer 2nd half • Keeping fit and healthy • Links to Olympic unit of work
ICT • Summer 1st half • Using Databases • Using the 2 Investigate program • Creating and maintaining databases of different plants • Summer 2nd half • Creating multi media presentations • Using PowerPoint to create Olympic presentations • Using data loggers to log heart rate during exercises
Main focus in PE- Year 5 1st half Tennis and Rounders (outside kit will be needed on both days) 2nd half term- Olympics PE Kit This term children will need their house coloured t shirt, black bottoms and trainers/ plimsolls with them for ALL sessions! House t shirts available at 3:30 in hall every Thursday from Amelia House t shirts available at 3:30 in hall every Thursday from Amelia
Music • Know that the study of music is concerned with musical expression and communication • Be able to make judgments about pieces of music, showing understanding, appreciation, respect and enjoyment • Understand that musicians use music to express emotions and experiences • Instrumentation of orchestra • Simple rhythmic notation • Using specific notation
Art • Using clay to create souvenirs from a South African tourist attraction • Creating sculptured hats for fashion parade
Design & Technology • Creating a souvenir to represent the United kingdom • Looking at and designing logos and packaging
Religious Education • Words of Wisdom • Being a reflective learner • Keeping our mind still and contemplation • Sikh beliefs on wealth and happiness • Muslim views on creation and natural beauty in the world • Words of wisdom from the Muslim, Sikh and Christian faiths
Main focus in othersubjects/areas • As our topic for the first half term is Host and Home (looking at the UK and South Africa) and the Olympics for the second half term, children will be learning: • About the wider world they live in • How people in other countries live and go about their daily life. • How sports and the Olympics brings together countries from around the world • To respect views, beliefs and ideas of people who are from different places or different backgrounds • Building better relationships through SEAL
Priority 1 Children should now be using the mathematical skills and reasoning to solve problems. Children must know their times tables up to 12 and be able to answer within 5 seconds. Know the inverse using the above facts eg: 3x7=21 therefore 21÷7 =3 or 21÷3=7
Priority 2 Children must be able to use the appropriate punctuation when carrying out any activity across the curriculum which involves writing. Some examples are: . , ! ? “” … :
How you can help your child… • Read on a daily basis with your child. Question him/her on the book, keep a record using the reading record book. • Ensure that homework is done and handed in on time. • Test your child on his /her times tables and the inverse (division) up to 12. • Make sure your child is in school everyday and is in on time • Talk to your child about their day
We need your help with… PE kit: Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in order to take part in PE lessons. Year 5 have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays every week. Book bags: Please ensure that your child comes to school with their book bags everyday and that they are reading books regularly. Punctuality- Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time. If your child is absent, please notify the school and a letter to explain the reason for absence. Encourage your child to wait patiently in the line during the morning bell without talking.
Finally If you have any concerns or would like to speak to us about any issues, please arrange a time with the class teacher. Key Dates: 10th July 2012 ( Parent conferences) 11th July 2012 ( Parent conferences) 3rd May (closed, to be used as a polling station) 1st June (closed for staff INSET)