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Jeff Kirk Svane, MA, Technical Officer International HPH Secretariat HPH, WHO CC (jeff@whocc.dk)

Jeff Kirk Svane, MA, Technical Officer International HPH Secretariat HPH, WHO CC (jeff@whocc.dk). WHO Terms of reference. Run the Intl HPH Secretariat Support countries to: Implement WHO principles for HP and use HP strategies and standards Create further evidence

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Jeff Kirk Svane, MA, Technical Officer International HPH Secretariat HPH, WHO CC (jeff@whocc.dk)

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  1. Jeff Kirk Svane, MA, Technical Officer International HPH Secretariat HPH, WHO CC (jeff@whocc.dk)

  2. WHO Terms of reference • Run the Intl HPH Secretariat • Support countries to: • Implement WHO principles for HP and use • HP strategies and standards • Create further evidence • Teach and train staff in EB HP • Implement best EB practice for HP

  3. HPH: Development, Structure, Organization and Constitution

  4. HPH Development 1988 – 97 From Project to European Network 2004 Int. HPH Network and Secretariat 2005 Gen Assembly & Governance Board 2008 HPH Constitution 2009 HPH Strategy 2010 MoU & New website 2011 Scientific journal of Clinical HP research and best practice – aimed at patients, staff and community

  5. Purpose and Objectives, rules for decisions and relationships w. members and partners HPH Constitution • Mission • ”HPH shall work towards incorporating the WHO concepts, values, strategies and standards or indicators of HP into the organizational structure of the H/HS” • Vision • ”Increase the contribution of H/HS to better health gain through HP” Background for HPH Constitution: Ottawa Charter, Budapest Declaration, Vienna Recommendations, Bangkok Charter and WHO Standards for Health Promotion in Hospitals

  6. HPH World Map 855 members in total (August 2011)

  7. HPH Membership • N/R Network Member (Corporate Member) • Minimum 3 hospitals / health services • N/R Coordinator and coordinating institution • HPH Network Agreement with the HPH Secretariat • Individual Member Hospital / HS • Signing the HPH Letter of Intent

  8. HPH Structure General Assembly Governance Board WHO CC Copenhagen WHO CC Vienna HPH Secretariat National/Regional Networks Individual hospitals/health services Task Forces Working Groups

  9. Organizational bodies General Assembly National / Regional HPH Coordinators WHO CC representatives WHO representative (observer) Task Force Leaders Observers from upcoming networks Governance Board 7 elected members (CA, TW, USA, FIN, IT, GER, AUS) 2 WHO CC representatives (Vienna, Copenhagen) 1 WHO representative

  10. HPH Task Forces • Migrant-Friendly & Culturally Competent Health (IT) • HP for Children & Adolescents in & by Hosp (IT/PT) • Psychiatric Services (D) • Tobacco-free United (D) • (incl. ENSH participation) • EB Alc. intervention in H&HS (N) • HPH and the Environment (TW, POC) • (incl. HCWH and WHO participation)

  11. HPH Working Groups • Working Groups (established and ongoing) • HP for Staff and a Healthy Workplace • Patient Safety • Health Enhancing Physical Activity • HP in Non-Hospital Organizations • HP & Surgery • Scientific Journal of Clinical HP

  12. Examples: HPH Research

  13. Alcohol cessation int. Colorectal Resection Smoking cessation int. Hip/Knee Replacement Physical exercise int. Spine Surgery Postop recovery (BMC Health Serv Res 2008) Postop complications (BMJ 1999) Postop complications (Lancet 2002) Adding HP to surgery

  14. Examples: HPH Teaching and Training

  15. Clinical expertise The influence of specially trained nurses • 100 + 100 Emergency patients (smokers and alcohol abusers) • 47 of 100 accepted when offered brief intervention by the staff nurses • 97 of 100 accepted when offered BI by an experienced nurse from another department Nelbom et al 2004, Backer et al 2007, Clin Resp Jour

  16. Teaching & Training • WHO HPH Schools • PhD Courses • Physicians • Diploma Nurses • Pre-graduate Courses • Master of Clin HP (2012) • Evaluation Project

  17. WHO-HPH Schools WHO-HPH Summer School in Crete May 2009 WHO-HPH Winter School in Taiwan December 2009 WHO-HPH Summer School in Manchester April 2010 WHO-HPH School in the Republic of Korea October 2010 WHO-HPH Summer School in Finland June 2011 • WHO-HPH Autumn School in CZ Sep. 2011 WHO-HPH Autumn School in Taiwan October 2011 WHO-HPH Winter School in Thailand December 2011 WHO-HPH Summer School in Taiwan April 2012

  18. Examples of HPH Tools

  19. Exchange of knowledge and experience • International HPH Conference • National and regional conferences, workshops and meetings • GA Meeting • Staff exchange program • WHO Schools (Summer, Autumn, Winter) • HPH Newsletter • Scientific Journal

  20. Website: Exchange of knowledge & experience • www.hphnet.org • HPH Library • Toolbox • Reporting HP Standards • Best practice database (new function) • Discussion Forum and Project Zones • News • Progress reports from Networks & TF (online now – collated and stand-alone)

  21. Well-established intl network of HPH colleagues with easy and effective ID of collaborators Build on existing knowledge and experience in HPH Even further inspiration (cases, best practices) Education, teaching, staff exchange and training Invite internationally to participate in research (TFs & WGs) HPH Membership – broad HP framework, technical support, tools etc. Opportunity to help the overall improvement of health in H&HS not just in the Czech republic but in the world ….. Synergy (when 2 + 2 > 4) Conclusion

  22. www.whocc.org www.hphnet.org International HPH Secretariat, WHO CC Bispebjerg University Hospital, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 20C 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark Mail: jeff@whocc.dk Phone: +45 35316797

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