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Quality in mobility : a key success factor in getting the best of mobility Patricia De Smet

Quality in mobility : a key success factor in getting the best of mobility Patricia De Smet Principal Administrator Higher Education and Erasmus , European Commission Erasmus Placement: put it into practice Rome 20th November 2009. Agenda. The increasing role of learning mobility

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Quality in mobility : a key success factor in getting the best of mobility Patricia De Smet

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  1. Quality in mobility : a key success factor in getting the best of mobility Patricia De Smet Principal Administrator Higher Education and Erasmus , European Commission Erasmus Placement: put it into practice Rome 20th November 2009

  2. Agenda The increasing role of learning mobility New Youth & mobility initiative Green paper Erasmus – quality framework NAs 2008 YR – specific obstacles to placements What next?

  3. The increasing role of learning mobility • What do we mean and why is it important? « Transnational mobility for the purpose of acquiring new skills » • Strengthens employability and personal development • Can prepare for mobility in working life • Makes E&T systems more open, more European and more international • Enhances Europe's competitiveness • Helps combat xenophobia and fostering European citizenship.

  4. New Youth and Mobility initiative • LM has been given a huge boost recently. • President Barroso announced in political guidelines for the next Commission a new initiative “Youth on the Move”. • By 2020 “all young people in Europe must have the possibility to spend part of their educational pathway in other MS”

  5. The Green Paper • Why a Green Paper and what kind of mobility? • The three phases of a mobility period: preparation, stay abroad, return – obstacles and good practice. • New partnership for mobility. • Conclusions and how to take part in the consultation.

  6. Preparation phase Information & guidance Promotion and motivation Languages and culture Legal issues Portability of grants and loans Mobility to & from Europe (eg visa issue, ) Preparation of the period & quality assurance issues Reaching out Disadvantaged Groups

  7. The stay abroad & follow-up Mentoring and integration Recognition and validation

  8. Examples of questions raised • How can the availability of info and guidance be improved? • How can young people be better informed about the benefits of LM? • How can linguistic obstacles best be addressed? • What are the main legal obstacles to LM? • What are the main obstacles to the portability of grants and loans?

  9. Quality : a key success factor in getting the best of mobility Quality : one of the main barriers to mobility Quality: one of the success factors to increase the benefit of mobility Benefits of mobilty tends to increase with the duration and the quality

  10. Erasmus – quality framework for placements EUC (extended) Inter-institutional agreement revised to cover placements Training agreement revised to include the partnership with a HEI abroad Mobility quality commitment

  11. Erasmus placementsquality framework VS specific obstacles (NAs 2008YR) Training agreement Mobility commitment Learning outcomes participants Suitable host organisation, duration, content/tasks/responsabilities Cultural, linguistictic, practical preparation Logistical support Monitoring & mentoring Validation -recognition Evaluation Insufficient information Finding suitable internships with qualified supervision Problems linked to insurance Linguistic preparation, lack of opportunities to follow language courses Accomodation at a reasonable price Social networks more difficult to build

  12. Good practices NA thematic meetings & QIMV Green paper : Euronaver, fast visa track for AIESEC trainess, Good practice:Ap n’go,.. Forum University-Business: Shell Step,.. ERA centralised projects: EUE-Net ( European University –Enterprise Network) ..

  13. What next (1) ? Reflect on the improvement of the framework , new models Better use of the revised inter-institutional agreement Identify & disseminate good practices related to the different phases and steps of the mobility Are some of the good practices transferable?

  14. What next (2)? Tools to monitor the quality Methodology/tools to assess the benefits New cooperations to find suitable internships in respect of the ERA framework Centralised projects: Enterprise-University cooperation, structural networks, accompanying measures Priorities for the 2011 calls Content monitoring

  15. Thank you for your attention

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